Major accessions to repositories in 2013 relating to Pharmacy and ChemistryLocal
- TW Fields, chemists, Beverley: records (closed for conservation reasons) c1950-1979 (6351)
- Smith & Bowman, dispensing chemists, Edinburgh: sales ledger 1896-1906 (Accession 931)
- Thomas Morson & Son Ltd, manufacturing chemists, Enfield: photographs, catalogues and advertising material 1900-1960
- John William Baugh, chemist, Chipping Ongar: prescription book 1908-1912 (Acc. A13554)
- Clariant Life Science Molecules (UK) Ltd, chemical manufacturers, Sandycroft: photographs, annual reports, company profile 1999-2003 (AN4791)
- Bream pharmacy: prescription books and accounts 1926-1980 (D13333)
- VCW Garraway, pharmacist, Cainscross: prescription books, registers and cash books 1934-1975 (D13317)
- HK Ross, chemist, Aldershot: records incl prescription registers 1927-1969 (135A13)
- Sheffield Pharmacies, Hertford: records, incl detailed prescription books 1913-1987 (Acc 5485)
- Macfarlane & Son, chemists, Fort William: additional prescription books 1926-1948 (L/D114)
- Philip Henry Millidge. chemist, Newport: prescription books 1907-1926 (2013/076)
- Libbis Napier Burch, pharmacist, Chard: morphine, diamorphine, cocaine, eggonine and medicinal opium registers (transferred from Chard Museum) 1921-1932 (A\BEN)
- Imperial Chemical Industries (General Chemicals) Ltd: papers rel to research and development, chemical products, mergers and acquisitions, photo album rel to royal visit to Wilton site c1950-1989 (Acc 7223, Acc 7228)
- Bernard Keegan, chemist: corresp regarding patent application, incl letter from the War Office regarding dyeing khaki 1914 (WYB597)
- Alexander Boyd, chemist, Lisburn: prescription books 1935-1966 (D2937/1/Add)
- Phytochemical Society of Europe: additional corresp, minutes, proceedings, abstracts from symposia and meetings, photographs, membership details, awards and grants information, publication information, conference organisation notes c1970-2010 (PrP 13-0033)
- Morrison's Pharmacy, Inverurie: pharmacy ledgers c1950-1979 (Acc no 18)
- WH Foxhall, chemists, Tunstall: recipe and formulae book 1890s (MS.8896)
- Manuscript Pharmacopeia: mid 17th century manuscript in Latin containing numerous receipts and family accounts c1650-1750 (MS.8873)
- Pharmaceutical recipe book 19th cent (MS.8876)
- Book of medical recipes indexed and kept in several similar hands with many of the recipes bearing attributions, some to well-known physicians 18th cent (MS.8910)
- Dame Louise Napier Johnson, biochemist and crystallographer: papers incl laboratory notebooks, corresp, lab progress reports and audio-visual materials 20th-21st cent (Acc 7132, 9421)
- George Mackie Ltd, dispensing chemists, Glasgow: prescription registers 1874-1958 (Acc 1419)