- Georgina Mary Butler (1917-2009), children's nurse: diary, notes and photographs c1936-1944 (C773)
- Brenda Carling (1897-1990), nurse: papers incl corresp, nursing certificates, photographs, with papers rel to MBE 1923-1990 (C776)
- Joan Clark (b 1914), nurse: personal papers and photographs 1974 (C782)
- Margaret Amy Cooke (b 1929), nurse: papers incl corresp, nursing certificates, drug books and midwifery registers 1946-1993 (C769)
- Katherine Frances Cronin (fl 1940-1980), nurse: personal papers and nursing journals c1940-1980
- Anne Gemmell (fl 1920-1950), nurse: personal papers, photographs and certificates c1920-1950
- Mary Rose Hayward (fl 1960-2010), nurse: personal papers, certificates, corresp, examination papers and case books from nursing and midwifery training 1962-1991 (C762)
- Muriel Hibbert (1923-2013), nurse: personal papers incl photographs, diaries, certificates and corresp c1940-2000 (C780)
- Francesca May King (1879-1946), nurse: papers and photographs c1909-1948 (C781)
- Margaret Leith Milne (fl 1930-1939), nurse: papers incl notebooks, photographs and nursing certificates c1935-1938
- Isabella Main O'Brien (1937-2011), nurse: personal papers and photographs 1953-2010 (C492)
- Joan Paeke (fl 1924-1991), nurse: papers incl corresp, nursing journals, memoirs, papers rel to nursing work with the Royal Air Force, and oral history interview for the Nurses Voices Project by St George's Hospital Medical School, Kingston University 1924-1991 (C786)
- Christine Rose Playfair (fl 1949-1986), nurse: training papers and case notes c1953-1956 (C757)
- Marjorie Wharton (1901-1995), nurse: personal papers incl notebooks and photographs c1920 (C766)
- Royal College of Nursing, Education Department: records incl minutes and reports 1928-2010 (RCN7)
- Royal College of Nursing, Department of Nursing Policy and Practice: records incl papers of the Work Injured Nurses Group (WING) incl committee papers and photographs 1970-2013 (RCN15)
- Royal College of Nursing, Royal College of Nursing Council: minutes, reports, corresp and attendance records 1916-2014 (RCN2)
- Westminster Hospital Nurses' League: papers incl pensions notebook, nurses' memoirs and photographs c1922-2013