- Fox family of Falmouth: medical papers of prominent family members c1650-1950 (PP/FOX)
- Audrey Amiss (1933-2013), artist: sketch books, framed pictures and other loose art work by Audrey Amiss, with papers, letters and ephemera rel to Amiss c1930-2009 (PP/AMI)
- George Csonka (1916-2000), venereologist: corresp and papers c1950-2009 (PP/CSO)
- Robert Rowe Freeman (1951-1999), microbiologist: material rel to research work on malaria vaccines in the 1980s, incl corresp, off-prints, methods book and method notes, lecture slides and autoradiographs 1977-1987 (PP/RRF)
- Margaret Lewis (fl 1940-2004), nurse: memorabilia, corresp and photographs chiefly rel to Lewis' Second World War service with Queen Alexandra's Imperial Military Nursing Service 1940-2004 (MS 9157)
- Timothy Lobstein (fl 1980-2015), Director of Policy, World Obesity Federation: papers accumulated by Lobstein in connection with his role in the London Food Commission and its successor body, the Food Commission 1983-2010 (PP/TLO)
- Alison Macfarlane (fl 1964-2015), professor of perinatal health and statistician: additional records rel to Macfarlane's work with the MRC Air Pollution Unit, incl data, research notes and papers, microfilms showing methodology, corresp, offprints, unpublished papers and reports 1940-2002 (PP/AMF)
- David Arthur John Tyrrell (1925-2005), virologist: additional records: corresp between scientists at the MRC Common Cold Unit and third parties, mainly pharmaceutical companies, with papers and corresp rel to clinical trials 1961-1991 (PP/TYR)
- Michael Simon Youle (b 1960), clinical researcher: records rel to research into the treatment of HIV/AIDS c1965-2011 (AAU/MYL)
- Association of Chartered Physiotherapists in Womens Health: papers recording the history and activities of the Association 1949-2008 (SA/CSP/R)
- British Dietetic Association: organisational archive of the Association, incl papers of AGMs, governing body and committees, with material rel to education, training, registration, branches, special interest groups, government policy, campaigning and conference papers 1929-2009 (SA/BDA)
- Health Education Council: records of the Council and the Health Education Authority, with some papers rel to the Health Development Agency c1970-1999 (SA/HEC)
- International Federation of Anti-Leprosy Associations: organisational archive of the Federation c1956-2013 (SA/ILP)
- Mind, mental health charity: material rel to Mind Millennium Awards, the Yellow Card campaign, Mind's Policy Unit and also records created by Mental Health Media, with material from Chief Executive's Office and from Director of External Relations c1990-2009 (SA/MIN)
- National Childbirth Trust: records of the Trust incl constitutional and administrative records, council and Executive Committee papers, papers rel to conferences, events and courses, with branch papers, records of specialist committees and working groups, campaign and research records, records of members and publications 1956-2013 (SA/NCT)
- Noise Abatement Society: archives of the Society incl minutes, subject files, campaigns, reports, corresp and publications, with some material rel to precursor body Anti-Noise League c1930-2009 (SA/NAS)
- Society for General Microbiology: records 1936-2013 (SA/SGM)
- Tavistock Institute of Human Relations: records of the formation, establishment and development of the Institute incl key figures, signature projects and field work interviews c1940-2009 (SA/TIH)
- Recipe books incl recipes for food and home remedies, with guidelines for presenting dead bodies and treatments for farmyard animals (2) 1800-1899 (MS 9168, MS 9170)