Martha Hogg (1872-1934), midwife, councillor and magistrate: records rel to family and career c1870-1934 (Acc. 2014/71)
Richard Humphries (fl c1980-1999), police officer and amateur photographer: photographic negatives (400) of locations in Wigan, incl Galleries Shopping Centre and Wigan Pier c1980-1999 (Acc. 2014/49)
Colin Mather (fl 1970-2005), photographer: photographic collection documenting change in the built and natural environment across Wigan Borough 1970-2005 (Acc. 2014/2)
Blackley Hurst Colliery Co Ltd: wages book 1954-1956 (Acc. 2014/35)
Gerrard & Green, drapers, Hindley: additional order book 1909-1916 (Acc. 2014/70)
Austin Lyons, photographer, Hindley: personal papers and photographs (Acc. 2014/16)
Wigan Coal & Iron Co Ltd, iron and steel manufacturers and coal proprietors: glass plate slides of sites in Wigan and parts of Kirkless works 20th cent (Acc. 2014/6)
Linen and Woollen Stock Charity, Ashton: additional records incl legal records, minutes and corresp (Acc. 2014/34)
Makerfield Water Board: additional records incl material rel to Wigan Water Works 1897-1972 (Acc. 2014/61)
Wigan Council: Public Relations and Marketing collection of press and publicity images 2000-2013 (Acc. 2014/79)
Wigan Mechanics Institute: records incl rules, annual reports, prospectus and library catalogues 1838-1880 (Acc. 2014/77)
Wigan British Legion Comrades Club Ltd: records c1920-1989 (Acc. 2014/26)
Wigan Pier Experience: records, photographs and audio-visual material rel to the visitor attraction and to The Way We Were Museum c1980-2006 (Acc. 2014/1)
Wigan Baptist Church: records incl material rel to predecessor and nearby churches c1810-1970 (Acc. 2014/13)
Records rel to the archaeological archive of the West-East Link Main Pipeline passing through Wigan Borough 2010-2013 (Acc. 2014/4)
Aerial photographs of derelict land sites in Wigan borough [transferred from Greater Manchester Council] 1981 (Acc. 2014/4a)
Plan of air raid shelters at Ince Moss Colliery c1942 (Acc 2014/36)
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