Three women linking arms. Cat ref: Coal 80/673/013 Accessions to repositories
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Hackney Archives Department: 2014 Accessions

Go to contact details in the ARCHON DirectoryHackney Archives Department

  • RA Gibson Photographers, Hackney: photographic negatives produced by Ronald Gibson, covering a range of family events and ceremonies, demonstrating diversity in Hackney c1952-1978 (2014/14)
  • Samuel Tyzack & Co Ltd, iron, steel and concrete manufacturers and retailers, Sunderland: account ledger, address books and catalogues rel to Shoreditch area 1955-2002 (2014/11)
  • Discover Hackney Partnership, community project: digital archive of the 'My Haggerston' project, with records rel to project management and the project's outputs 2012-2013 (2014/19)
  • Eagle Mansions Residents' Association, Hackney: papers 1993-1996 (2014/26)
  • Hackney Society, heritage and conservation group: accounts, minutes, newsletters, campaign corresp, surveys and other papers c1970-2000 (2014/30)
  • Hackney Anglo-Israeli Friendship Society: papers and administrative documents c1968-2014 (2014/29)
  • London Fields School, Hackney: pupils' certificates, mostly for scripture knowledge exams 1903-1917 (2014/13)
  • Manuscript diary of a Sunday School teacher in the Hackney area, later used as the diary of a local craftsman 19th-20th cent (2014/24)
  • Photographs and scrapbooks rel to the Hackney area, collated by a local resident c1828-2014 (2014/05)
  • Photographs and negatives of Abney Park Cemetery, Stoke Newington, with index cards locating specific monuments 20th-21st cent (2014/27)
