Major accessions to repositories in 2015 relating to Architecture |
- William Ronald Trenbath & Valerie Antonia Trenbath, architects: collected personal and business papers incl plans for Warrington New Town, and photographs of housing developments c1950-1989 (D 8801)
- Day Cummins Ltd, architects, Cockermouth: contracts rel to developments at Hensingham and Whitehaven, photographs of Whitehaven Castle and other Whitehaven properties 1964-1999 (YDB 91)
- Haigh Architects, Kendal: project files 1950-2010 (WDB 161)
- Carden & Godfrey, architects, London: plans and papers 1954-1980 (A14218)
- Kenneth Austen, architect, Cirencester: drawings of St John the Baptist church, Cirencester and another, student drawings at Cheltenham College of Art 1955-1956 (D13834)
- Interior and estate plans rel to Blaisdon Hall 1875-1930 (D13778)
- RH & RW Clutton, chartered surveyors and land agents, East Grinstead: architects' files rel to Hampshire properties with a plan (1830) for the property of Hylton Joliffe in Petersfield 1930-1997 (56A15)
- Franklin & Deacon, architects and surveyors: architectural drawings for various Hertfordshire properties incl public houses and factories c1900-1978 (Acc 5779)
- Hemingford Grey parish: architectural drawings and plans 1959-2003 (5765)
- Leicestershire and Rutland Society of Architects: AGM minutes, council meeting minutes, yearbooks, president portraits, minutes and corresp 1872-2010 (DE8745)
- Sam Scorer (1923-2003), architect: architectural plans and papers c1952-2000 (SAM SCORER)
- Inveraray Burgh: plans rel to the restoration of Inveraray 1958-1971 (A/c 2015/16)
- Strathclyde Building Preservation Trust: reports, corresp and photographs rel to attempts to save historic buildings in Argyll and Bute 1994-2010 (DR/1/343)
- Liverpool Architectural and Archaeological Society: additional minutes and visitors' books 1848-1873 (720 LAS)
- Peter Codling Architects, Norwich: roll of assorted drawings, files rel to Keswick Mill conversion; plans rel to proposed houses on St Lawrence Lane and Pottergate, records rel to private commissions; photographs and negatives 20th cent (Acc 2015/2, 2015/57, 2015/164, 2015/179)
- Anthony Rossi, architect, Walsingham: architectural files rel to St John the Baptist Roman Catholic Cathedral, Norwich 1992-2002 (Acc 2015/187)
- Stanley Woodrow (fl 1945-1960), architect: papers and plans rel to architectural career 1945-1960 (N83)
- Newark and Sherwood Homes: architectural drawings rel to housing scheme c1930-2000 (8725)
- Playfair family of Islabank: family corresp and papers incl drawings and documents rel to the building of Islabank 18th-20th cent (15/29)
- Bell Ingram Ltd, land agents, Perth: architects' drawings, feuing and estate plans 19th-20th cent (15/24)
- Ironbridge and Coalbrookdale Buildings Preservation Trust: records incl minutes, corresp, share register 1975-1996 (8966)
- Vernacular architecture reports research papers, including plans, initial surveys and photographs 1970-2009 (A\EAQ)
- Strathclyde Building Preservation Trust: documents and photographs rel to historic buildings in South Lanarkshire 1990-2013 (F54)
- Sir Geoffrey Alan Jellicoe (1900-1996), architect and town planner: garden plans and models of Sutton Place, near Guildford, produced for Stanley J Seeger c1980-1985 (9517)
- Bradford Society of Architects and Surveyors: additional records 1972-2008 (125D77)
- Kirklees Historic Buildings Trust: council of management minutes, records of membership, reports and annual financial statements, with project files for Wellhouse Farm Barn, Mirfield and Newhouse Place, Huddersfield 1984-2015 (WYK1812)
- Norman & Dawbarn Ltd, architects and engineers, London: plans for Leeds Bradford Airport c1960-1969 (LC/PLANNING)
- Roger Leigh (1925-1997), architect and sculptor: photographs, sketches, diaries, photographs and plans 1941-1997 (4311)
- Pritchard & Godwin, architects, Kidderminster: letter books 1912-1930 (15832)
- Phillip Griffiths (b 1926), local government officer: postcard collection rel to nonconformist churches in England 1903-1973 (PGC01)
- Philippa Lewis (fl 1976-2015), writer, photographer, picture editor and researcher: slides and transparencies rel to architectural details, buildings and gardens throughout England c1980-2015 (EFC01)
- Central Electricity Generating Board: photographs rel to Fawley Power Station, Hampshire 1962-1993 (FPS01)
- Research papers of Jeremy Percival rel to Arthur Grayson, architect 'A Catalogue of his work on Jersey' 2015 (JA/2693)
- Charles Barry (1823-1900), architect: personal papers incl corresp with A W N Pugin, pamphlets rel to the Pugin-Barry controversy and papers rel to other projects incl the laying out of Trafalgar Square 1844-1940 (BAR/31)
- Edward Middleton Barry (1830-1880), architect: watercolour drawings rel to the construction of the Palace of Westminister c1865 (HAR/4)
- John Hardman & Co Ltd, artists in stained glass: working drawings by John Hardman Powell rel to the construction of the Palace of Westminster c1855 (HAR/4)
- Lord Chamberlain of the Household: plans of Cambridge Cottage, Royal Botanic Gardens, Kew c1905 (QX 15-0022)
- Paul S Jarvis (1926-2004), engineer: photographs, corresp, documents and architectural drawings relating to UK mills, mainly in Kent, incl 35mm slide collection, casework files for work for the SPAB Mills Section, material relating to the Kent Mills Group and publication drafts late 20th cent (JARV)
- Oldland Mill Trust, Keymer: historical material and records of predecessor organisations, architectural drawings 1927-2000 (OLDM)
- John Bancroft (1928-2011), architect: architectural drawings, photographs and papers c1960-1999
- Cyril Ernest Walter Boreham (1904-1959), architect: drawings c1925-1929
- John Brandon-Jones (1908-1999), architect: research and lecture notes, drawings c1950-1990
- Thomas Pitt (1737-1793), 1st Baron Camelford: drawings rel to Boconnoc House, Cornwall c1775
- Arne Emil Jacobsen (1902-1971), architect: drawings, job files, reports rel to St Catherine's College, Oxford c1960-1969
- Lt Joseph George Johnson (1912-1989), architect: testimonies drawn while a prisoner of war and models c1940-1945
- Henning Larson (1925-2013), architect: misc drawings (c400) c1960-1970
- Charles Cowles-Voysey (1889-1981), architect: drawings (74) c1910-1940
- Charles Francis Annesley Voysey (1857-1941), architect: drawings, photographs and other items c1890-1940
- Alfred Waterhouse (1830-1905), architect: sketchbooks 1853-1899
- Sam Webb (fl 1968), architect: papers rel to investigations of the collapse of Ronan Point, West Ham, London including photographs and models 1968
- Peter Gibson (fl 1945-2010), stained glass artist: collection of slides of stained glass (2015/8)
- John William Walker (1859-1953), antiquary: floor plans of Wakefield Cathedral and St Mary's church and brass rubbings of monuments in Yorkshire churches early 20th cent (MS1982 & MS1978)
- Hospital of God, Greatham: survey book belonging to James Averre, surveyor 1818 (ADD)
- Charles Lovett Gill (1880-1960), architect: sketch books and photo albums 1904-1941 (Coll-1603)
- Andrew Monro Lang (d 2000), architect: papers 1990-1998 (Coll-1697)
- Albert Booth (fl 1970-1990), architect and photographer: photographic prints and negatives of buildings and people, West Yorkshire c1970-1999 (BOT)
- Peter Stead (1922-1999), architect: administrative papers incl project documentation, lecture notes, corresp, diaries, notebooks, address books, press clippings and printed material 20th cent (PST)
- DEGW, architecture and design practice, London: architects' project reports 20th cent (MS 5558)
- Thomas Gordon Cullen (1914-1994), architect and urban designer: papers incl corresp, drawings, prints, sketches and photographic material 1914-1994 (UWA CUL)