Three women linking arms. Cat ref: Coal 80/673/013 Accessions to repositories
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LiveArgyll Archives: 2015 Accessions

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  • Robert Armour & Sons, plumbers, copper and tin smiths, Campbeltown: ledgers, legal papers and corresp rel to family history 1781-20th cent (DR/1/342)
  • Easdale Primary School: log book, files on evacuation 1909-1957 (CA/5/137)
  • Inveraray Burgh: plans rel to the restoration of Inveraray 1958-1971 (A/c 2015/16)
  • Strachur Primary School: log books, admission register, diary 1973-2006 (CA/5/121)
  • Strathclyde Building Preservation Trust: reports, corresp and photographs rel to attempts to save historic buildings in Argyll and Bute 1994-2010 (DR/1/343)