Major accessions to repositories in 2017 relating to Science, Technology, Engineering, and Mathematics Research |
- Bristol Institution for the Advancement of Science, Literature and the Arts: records transferred from Bristol Reference Library c1780-1939 (32097)
- George Tucker Jones (1867-1931), mechanical engineer: engineering drawings and family photographs 19th-20th Cent (D1448)
- Dinorwic Slate Quarry: log books, pay lists and adverts 1893-1969 (XDQ)
- Isle of Man Department of Infrastructure, Meteorological Office: records incl daily weather observations, barogram charts, thermos/hydrograph charts, rainfall charts and anemograph rolls for Ronaldsway 1946-1994 (A84)
- Home Office, Forensic Science Laboratory, Birmingham: photographs taken by Les Ellison who worked on the 'body in the cylinder' case 1943-1943 (ACC 7007)
- Liverpool Astronomical Society: minute books and other records 20th cent (ACC 7039)
- Manchester Astronomical Society: records incl astronomical log, monthly meeting records, visitor log book incl weather observations and notes of solar activity 1958-2013 (2017/64)
- John Henry Willis (1874-1962), meteorologist, naturalist, writer and inventor: daily weather observation record books 1895-1960 (MC 3300)
- Cleveland Scientific Institution: records incl minutes, photographs, cuttings, corresp, 1919-1992 (7566)
- Wolverhampton Literary and Scientific Society: letter 1919 (D-SO-56)
- Warren de la Rue (1815-1889), chemist and astronomer: research papers, primarily copies, incl patents and corresp rel to de la Rue 1829-1999 (AQ 1533-34)
- Ray Brettle (b c1949), physician: research material mainly rel to his work on HIV c1970-2010 (Acc17/034, 036)
- Sir George Paget Thomson (1892-1975), physicist: personal and diplomatic papers c1895-2013 (Acc.13791)
- Association in Scotland to Research into Astronautics (ASTRA): records 1953-2011 (Acc.13777)
- Walter Idris Elwyn-Jones (1900-1971), Welsh chemist and international rugby union player: papers incl diaries, corresp and photographs 1924-1971 (ELWYNES)
- Henry Watkin Lewis (1839-1897), engineer: diaries and photographs
- Roy Leonard Dommett (1933-2015), engineer and rocket scientist: papers rel to nuclear weapons systems c1960-1980 (NMRN 2017/104)
- Fawcett Engineering Ltd, hydraulic, marine and mechanical engineers, Liverpool: engineers notebook 1850s-1950s (DX/2643)
- Geoffrey E Perry (1927-2000), school teacher and astronomer: documents, photographs and multimedia rel to the operation of the Kettering Grammar School Satellite Tracking Group (the Kettering Group) c 1960-1984 (KET)
- George William Edwards (1909-1998), electrical engineer: papers rel to the work of Edwards at General Electric Company 1931-1971 (SC MSS 283)
- Charles Henry Gimingham (1853-1890), engineer: Charles and Edward Gimingham's papers as senior managers with Edison and Swan United Electric Light Company, particularly between 1889 and 1892 1880-1953 (SC MSS 285)
- George Frederick Shotter (1886-1971), electrical engineer, specialist in electrical measurement instrumentation: personal papers incl technical reports and patent correspondence, whilst working for Northmet, and the British Electrical and Allied Industries Research Association 1911-1971 (SC MSS 287)
- John I Thornycroft & Co Ltd, shipbuilders, engineers and motor vehicle manufacturers, Southampton: L R Horsington's photographs from time as senior electrical engineer working for John I Thorneycroft and Vosper Thorneycroft (shipbuilders) 1952-1976 (SC MSS 295)
- London Association of Foremen Engineers: photograph albums and history booklet 1852-1952 (NAEST 284)
- Society of Engineers: records incl minutes, rules, and lists of members 1854-2004 (IIE/SoE)
- Janis Antonovics (b 1942), biologist: school notebooks, botanical and scientific drawings c1950-1960 (JAN)
- Barbara Rosemary Grant (b1936) and Peter Raymond Grant (b1936), evolutionary biologists: videos of research rel to Darwin's finches on the Galapagos Islands 2010s (AV/9/1)
- Robert McCredie May (b1936), Baron May of Oxford, scientist: additional papers rel to Oxford, political activities as scientific advisor to government and his time as President of the Royal Society 1940-2010s (RMM)
- Sir Robert Wilson (1927-2002), astronomer: notebooks on space research and satellites 1971-1978 (MS/921)
- Sir Donald James Dundas Maitland (1922-2010), diplomat: desk diaries and personal diaries, reports and drafts rel to Independent Commission for WorldWide Telecommunications Development c1950-1999 (MAITLAND)
- Robert Hill (1899-1991), biochemist: glass lantern slides showing Ely Cathedral and meteorological subjects 20th cent (MS Add. 10192)
- George Murray Humphry (1820-1896), Professor of Surgery, Cambridge University: medical casebooks 19th cent (MS. Add. 10169)
- William Ernest Burcham (1913-2008), physicist: diaries and additional materials 1900-2000 (BCHM)
- Sir John Douglas Cockcroft (1897-1967), physicist and engineer: further personal corresp, diaries, scrapbooks and photographic materials 1900-2000 (CKFT)
- Geoffrey Nathaniel Joseph Pyke (1893-1948), journalist, educationalist, inventor: papers rel to key moments in Pyke's life, including his work on 'pykrete' and the proposed construction of the ship 'Habakkuk' from it 1920s-1940s (PYKE)
- Mary Bownes (b 1948), molecular and developmental biologist: papers rel to scientific research 1975-1986 (Coll-1537)
- James Ritchie (1882-1958), naturalist and archaeologist: papers, incl material rel to Polish biologists at Ashworth 1910-1989 (SC-Acc-2017-0249)
- Edinburgh Geological Society: additional records 1834-1990 (Coll-43)
- Alan Mathison Turing (1912-1954), mathematician: corresp rel to Turing's research work, requests for copies of publications and requests to conduct examinations and review 1948-1954 (TUR/Add)
- Roger Hockney (d 1999), Professor of Computer Science at University of Reading: records incl research papers 1970s (MS 5606)