
British Library, Manuscript Collections: 2018 Accessions
British Library, Manuscript Collections
- Hawksworth family of Farnley, Yorkshire: ms transcripts of family papers compiled by Walter Fawkes 1663-1668 (Add MS 89332)
- Powell family of Berkshire, Hampshire and Gloucestershire: family papers 1792-1990 (Add MS 89307)
- Charles Bacon (1784-1818), architect: architectural notebooks 1810-1817 (Add MS 89351)
- E T Bagley (fl 1875-1900): journal of a tour to Germany, incl pen and ink sketches 1888 (Add MS 89361)
- J H Barland (fl 1873), army officer: travel journal and commonplace book c1873 (Add MS 89359)
- James Berry (1924-2017), poet: papers c1901-2000 (Add MS 89353)
- Sarah Bunney (fl 1969-2015), scientist: working papers 1969-2015 (Add MS 89312)
- Henry Bynner (1773-1867), British Vice-Consul: account and letter books for the consulate of Trieste 1818-1833 (Add MS 89331)
- Lant Carpenter (1780-1840), Unitarian minister: 'Essay on the Association of Ideas, Glasgow College' 1801 (Add MS 89322)
- Gilbert Keith Chesterton (1874-1936), poet, novelist and critic: poems, drawings and letters to Enid Mary Simon (1907-1991) 1917-1929 (Add MS 89336)
- Richard James Church (b1862), railway engineer, British East Africa and West Africa: diary extracts and letters, incl corresp with his wife, Christine 'Cissie' Master (b1877) and their children, and misc family papers c1896-1928 (Add MS 89338)
- John Theobald Clarke (1926-2013), director, producer, screenwriter and actor: collection of Graham Greene material c1953-1990 (Add MS 89295)
- William Hart Coleridge (1789-1849), Bishop of Barbados: papers incl corresp rel to the bishopric in Barbados 1820-1840 (Add MS 89334)
- William Wilkie Collins (1824-1889), novelist and playwright: 'Portrait of a Young Person' ms extract from 'The Dead Secret', 1858 (Add MS 89341)
- Angela Georgina Burdett-Coutts (1814-1906), Baroness Burdett Coutts, philanthropist: letters (64), incl corresp with her husband, William Lehman Ashmead Burdett-Coutts, (1851-1921), politician 1846-1907 (Add MS 89321)
- Mary Ann Cross (1819-1880), novelist and poet: draft ms essay 'Notes on the Spanish Gypsy and Tragedy in General' c1868 (Add MS 89340)
- Sir Arthur Conan Doyle (1859-1930), Knight, author, physician and criminologist: autograph mss of Brigadier Gerard stories 1894-1895 (Add MS 89337)
- F Edwards (fl 1940), of north London: Second World War diary 1940 (Add MS 89362)
- Hannah Fenwick (1782-1801), poet: 'Miscellanies in Verse' 1796-1799 (Add MS 89324)
- Beryl Foster (fl 1968-1979), publisher and activist: archive, incl material rel to Notting Hill Press Ltd. 1968-2017 (Add MS 89305)
- Henry Reginald Holland Hall (1873-1930), Egyptologist: letters (29) to his friend Frank G Gordon (b1875) 1897-1930 (Add MS 89342)
- W Hearn (fl 1879-1880), diarist: diary of a tour to Italy 1879-1880 (Add MS 89360)
- Ruth Prawer Jhabvala (1927-2013), novelist: papers c1927-2000 (Add MS 89348)
- Charles Ritchie Kinnear (fl 1837-1855), naval surgeon: log book while on board HMS Rodney during the Crimean War 1853-1855 (Add MS 89303)
- Rudyard Kipling (1865-1936), author: ms draft of chapters 6-7 of 'Kim' c1900 (Add MS 89339)
- William Richard Lethaby (1857-1931), architect and historian: corresp rel to research into the history and construction of the Hagia Sophia, and Egyptian antiquities 1894-1907 (Add MS 89346)
- Ishbel MacDonald (1903-1982), member of London County Council, and official hostess to Ramsey MacDonald: papers c1900-1982 (Add MS 89304)
- Charlotte Malkin (fl 1794-1840), diarist and wife of Benjamin Heath Malkin, schoolmaster and antiquary: diary of a tour in Holland 1816 (Add MS 89328)
- Alfred Ogle Maskell (1845-1912), art historian and photographer: diary incl brief extracts from the diary of his father, William Maskell (1814-1890) 1861-1911 (Add MS 89315)
- Anthony John Charles Meyer (1920-2004), 3rd Baronet, MP: papers incl corresp rel to challenging Margaret Thatcher (1925-2013) for the leadership of the Conservative Party 1983-2005 (Add MS 89310)
- Herbert Reginald Norbury (1876-1967), officer Royal Navy: naval log-book 1892-1895 (Add MS 89299)
- Frederick North (1766-1827), 5th Earl of Guilford: news of Europe, collection of political reports 1740 (Add MS 89320)
- Alan Penn (b1926), author: unpublished typescripts 2009 (Add MS 89355)
- David Plenderleath (fl 1750-1770), merchant: journals 1751-1771 (Add MS 89325)
- Samuel Prout (1783-1852), water colour painter: mss of 'Hints on Light and Shadow, Composition etc' c1801-1825 (Add MS 89358)
- John Purdy (1773-1843), hydrographer: corresp, with lieut John Evans (fl 1828-1835), Royal Navy, and lieut Bisschop Greevelink (fl 1837-1838), Dutch Royal Navy, rel to observations, charts and views for publication or incorporation in future editions of his charts and sailing instructions 1828-1838 (Add MS 89301)
- John Alan Redwood (b 1951), Conservative Party politician, MP for Wokingham: diaries 2006-2017 (Add MS 89308)
- Norman Sherry (b1935), author, professor of literature, biographer of Graham Greene: papers rel to The Life of Graham Greene Volume One: 1904-1939 1988-1989 (Add MS 89297)
- Peter Sterry (1613-1672), independent theologian and chaplain to Oliver Cromwell: ‘Severall discours’s of Mr Peter Sterry’ c1650-1672 (Add MS 89319)
- Herbert Watney (1843-1932), physician: diary of a journey in China 1913-1914 (Add MS 89300)
- Joyce Watney (fl 1875-1900), diarist and daughter of Norman Watney, director of brewery firm Watney & Co Ltd: ms diary c1875-1900 (Add MS 89361)
- Luttrell Wynne (1739-1814), rector of St Erne: journals recording a tour across northern England and Scotland, incl sketches 1772 (Add MS 89333)
- Maggs Bros Ltd, antiquarian booksellers, London: archive 1881-1979 (Add MS 89311)
- US-UK Fulbright Commission: records 1945-2014 (Add MS 89316)
- Museum of Garden History: archive c1901-2000 (Add MS 89296)
- Oral History Society (OHS): records 1961-2009 (Add MS 89318)
- Women's Football Association: archive 1969-1993 (Add MS 89306)
- MS 'The daily and Monthly Pay of the Officers of ye Army, and of the Traine of Artillery under the Comand of his Excellency the Earle of Essex’ 1643 (Add MS 89326)
- Book of Hours, Use of Paris ('The Southwark Hours'), with illumination attributed to the 'Ravenelle Master' c1390-1410 (Add MS 89309)
- Diary of an English governess in Russia 1850-1855 (Add MS 89329)
- MS of customs and proceedings of the Minstrels' court at Tutbury Castle, Staffordshire, with three addresses on music 1776 (Add MS 89350)
- Pre-Raphaelite autograph letters, incl corresp from Ford Maddox Brown (1821-1893), William Henry Hunt (1790-1864), William Holman Hunt (1827-1910), Arthur Hughes (1831-1915) and Dante Gabriel Rossetti (1828-1882) 1865-1900 (Add MS 89327)
- Unnamed diarist: journal of a continental tour 1815-1816 (Add MS 89302)