Three women linking arms. Cat ref: Coal 80/673/013 Accessions to repositories
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National Museum of the Royal Navy: 2022 Accessions

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  • Lt Col Brian Edwards (fl1940-1979), Royal Marines: collection of papers and photographs rel to his career; covers subjects such as the Aden Emergency, Indonesia-Malaysia Confrontation, and various Commando units; incl maps, notes, letters, orders, signals and newsletters 1940-1979 (NMRN 2022/39)
  • Collection of material rel to the Royal Marines School of Music, incl Lt Col F V Dunn, Principal Director of Music; various scores and sheet music by different Directors 1950-1969 (NMRN 2022/63/1)
  • Royal Navy: guide informing on dress policy for serving Sikhs, published by the Royal Navy and the Defence Sikh Network, containing information on cap badge modifications, beard guidance, Panj Kakar, turban procurement, protocol during physical training and helmet guidance. Also shows examples for No.1, No.2, No.3 and No.4 uniform dress 2022 (NMRN 2022/120/1)
  • Bible from HMS Warspite with damage caused by a piece of a German shell which entered the Chaplain's cabin during the Battle of Jutland, 31st May 1916. The book was presented by HMS Warspite's Chaplain, Walter J Carey, to the Marine Society and the Training Ship Warspite. Warspite was used as a training ship from 1862 to 1918. On 20th January 1918 a fire destroyed the Warspite but the Bible was saved by the ship's Chaplain, Reverend N A Lash. Three of the boys who had been on board the training ship later admitted to starting the fire nd (NMRN 2022/88/1)
  • HMS E9 (1912), submarine: collection of photographs and a photograph album rel to HMS E9, exploring the lives of the boat's crew in Russia during the First World War 1914-1918 (NMRN 2022/200/1)
  • RN Experimental Station, Dover: collection of photographs and photographs albums rel to the station, incl material covering the Zeebruggee Raid and other events of the First World War 1914-1918 (NMRN 2022/201)
  • Kochan Collection of key material rel to the early history of the Royal Marines 1740-1830 (NMRN 2022/113)
  • Lt-Commander Arthur George Jameson (1883–1914), RN: collection of photographs and documents rel to his career 1909-1960 (NMRN 2022/214/1)
  • Major Alastair Cook (fl1950-1979), Royal Marines: collection rel to his service, incl scrapbooks, photograph albums, course notes, letters, reports and other papers. Subjects incl 45 Commando, Royal Marines Reserve in Scotland, Marine Cadets, Aden, Malta and other foreign exercises 1950-1979 (NMRN 2022/222/1)
  • Captain William Affleck (d1794), of HMS Alligator: victualling order written 20 September 1793, describing how the ship's company has consumed its supply of oil and the Captain requests half a pound of cocoa, one pound of sugar, one pound of butter and two pounds of cheeses. The order is signed by both the Captain and the ships Purser Henry Harther 1793 (NMRN 2022/232/1)
  • The London Magazine: document showing the ships and regiments involved in the British Siege of Havana, 1762, during the Seven Years War, noting the ships names, such as HMS Reppon, HMS Dragon and HMS Temeraire, but also the regiments in boats such as the Royals and the 35th Regiment nd (NMRN 2022/232/2)
  • HMS Lizard (1697): victualling document signed by Captain William Johnson showing the type of supply, amount and value. The list includes brisket, fish, butter and pork nd (NMRN 2022/232/3)
  • Receipt of the transfer of an empty butt or barrel with four iron hoops from HMS Sea Horse to HMS Lizard, 4 February 1698, signed by the Captain of HMS Lizard, William Johnson, and the Captain of HMS Seahorse, G Walton. The receipt is also signed by another hand on 5 May 1698 1698 (NMRN 2022/232/4)
  • Receipt of the transfer of four barrels with a total of thirty two iron hoops from HMS Lizard to HMS Mainstone, January 1697, signed by the Captain of HMS Lizard, William Johnson, and the Captain of HMS Mainstone. The receipt is also signed by another hand on 5 May 1699 1697 (NMRN 2022/232/5)
  • Victualling notes of supplies taken on board HMS Lizard showing the amount of supplies brought on board nd (NMRN 2022/232/6)
  • List of passengers on board HMS Lizard during its voyage to Holland with King William III, 23 April to 27 April 1697, incl how long they stayed on board. The voyage was ordered by the Earl of Dorset. A short description has been written and signed by the Captain of HMS Lizard, William Johnson 1697 (NMRN 2022/232/7)
  • Victualling document of HMS Goliath at the Portsmouth Victualling Office, 29 September 1788, noting the supplies provided to HMS Goliath such as 4,648 pounds of bread and 62 pounds of butter, signed by Captain T L Yates 1788 (NMRN 2022/232/9)
  • Cynthia Abbott (fl1983), author: book, entitled 'Wartime Sketches', published at her own expense, containing sketches and notes around her experiences serving in the WRNS during the Second World War, incl sketches of the WRNS learning to drive vans and becoming ambulance drivers 1983 (NMRN 2022/253/1)
  • Collections of letters written by former crew of HMS Glamorgan to Ian Inskip for his book 'Ordeal by Exocet', discussing their experiences during the Falklands War 1982 (NMRN 2022/239)
  • Collection of material compiled by Artisam John W Timpson during his service during the Second World War, incl photograph album, journal, scrapbook, poem and other certificates 1939-1945 (NMRN 2022/219)
  • Archibald William Patterson (fl1913-1923), CPO Engine Room Artificer: collection of letters and photographs to his wife, incl discussion of the transport of the Unknown Warrior from France to Britain as well as service on HMS Royal Sovereign during the Gallipoli campaign and HMS Itchen 1913-1923 (NMRN 2022/248)
  • Victualling document showing the supplies taken on the Royal yacht (HMY) Fubbs in London from May 1697 to January 1698 by the Captain Ralph Sanderson, incl a handwritten note by the Victualling Office at Tower Hill, 22 May 1699, discussing the supplies taken from the stores but also some items returned to stores from the yacht 1697-1699 (NMRN 2022/232/8)