Three women linking arms. Cat ref: Coal 80/673/013 Accessions to repositories
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Institution of Engineering and Technology (IET) Archives: 2022 Accessions

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  • Women's Engineering Society (WES): records rel to WES Oral History Interviews, incl IET Archives Deposit agreement forms, general information on participants, and WES Centenary Trail Project Recording Agreement forms for interviewees 2019-2021 (UK0108 NAEST 092/20)
  • Dr Bernard Crowther (fl1935-1945), engineer: papers rel to the development of cathode ray technology, incl papers relating his thesis, Kennelly charts connected with the impedence and receiving transmissions, development of the cathode ray technology at EMI in Hayes 1935-1945
  • Alexander William Sharman 9fl1931-1948), engineer: correspondence to his wife, Florence, incl telegrams from West Park Mental Hospital regarding his health 1931-1948