Three women linking arms. Cat ref: Coal 80/673/013 Accessions to repositories
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Scottish Borders Archive and Local History Centre: 2022 Accessions

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  • Berwickshire Commissioners of Supply: Cess Roll, Berwickshire c1694 (SBA/1318)
  • John Porter Blair (1898-1963), wine merchant and radio operator, of Selkirk: amateur radio logbook 1936-2011 (SBA/1370)
  • Hawick Chamber of Trade: minutes and papers 1982-2003 (SBA/1336)
  • Hobkirk Primary School: log books, 1909-2007; admission register, 1968-2003 1909-2007 (SBA/1358)
  • Ker family of Hutton, Berwickshire: writs of Broadmeadows, Hutton, Berwickshire 1578-1801 (SBA/1338)
  • William Henry 'W H' Ogilvie (1869-1963), poet, author, journalist: poems, articles and sheet music 1918-2022 (SBA/907)
  • Robertson family of Ladykirk, Berwickshire: accounts, estate and household 1774-1775 (SBA/1362)
  • River Tweed Commission: minutes of the Police Committee 1851-1857 (SBA/1351)