Three women linking arms. Cat ref: Coal 80/673/013 Accessions to repositories
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University of Liverpool: Special Collections and Archives: 2022 Accessions

Go to contact details in the ARCHON DirectoryUniversity of Liverpool: Special Collections and Archives

  • MacLua Archive: collection of Irish Studies sources rel primarily to the Troubles, the collection (named after Brendan Mac Lua, founder of The Irish Post) incl a complete hardbound run of the newspaper and rel material from 1963 onward c1864-2015 (2022.007)
  • Lord David Anthony Llewellyn Owen, (b 1938), politician and physician: political and working papers 20th-21st cent (2022.025)
  • Rushworth Family: business papers incl ledgers of the family's Liverpool music business 19th-20th cent (2022.015)