Three women linking arms. Cat ref: Coal 80/673/013 Accessions to repositories
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Historic England Archive: 2022 Accessions

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  • Photograph album showing Keele Hall, Staffordshire c1900 (KHA01)
  • Mervyn Benford (fl1985-2005), headteacher and school inspector: photographic slides of milestones and telephone boxes c1985-2005 (MBE01)
  • University of Warwick: photographs of 20th century buildings c1970-1990 (UWP01)
  • Bedford Lemere & Co, architectural photographers, London: photograph of men discussing building works in Lewisham c1890 (BL/P741)
  • John Lurcook (1926-2020), photographer: photographs of Whitechapel Bell Foundry, London 1974 (JXL01)
  • Philip Henry Delamotte (1821-1889), photographer: photograph of the interior of The Crystal Palace c1858 (DLM04)
  • Bob Meeson (1943-2022), architectural historian: drawings and reports c1980-2000 (MEE01)
  • Norman Kingsley Harrison (1891-1971), photographer: photographs showing medical scenes, leisure activities, streets and war-time activities c1920-1970 (NKH01)
  • Clifford Morris (1942-2021), photographer: photographs c1970-2000 (CXM01)