Three women linking arms. Cat ref: Coal 80/673/013 Accessions to repositories
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Nucleus: The Nuclear and Caithness Archives (Caithness Archives): 2022 Accessions

Go to contact details in the ARCHON DirectoryNucleus: The Nuclear and Caithness Archives (Caithness Archives)

  • Peter Lees: papers rel to his work at Dounreay and Thurso Technical College incl various nuclear plans, hand-written notes, academic literature, photographs c1950-1980 (GB1741/P1000)
  • Sinclair family, Earls of Caithness: resignation in Favour of William, Earl of Caithness and Lord de St Clare, Lands of Noss, per Oliver Sinclair one of the sons of the said Earl 1476 (GB1741/P957)
  • Wick Golf Club: records incl administration, finance, membership, corresp 1870-2015 (GB1741/P983)
  • Wick Players: administration records, performance programmes and memorabilia, with production recordings 1937-2022 (GB1741/P921)