Three women linking arms. Cat ref: Coal 80/673/013 Accessions to repositories
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Explore York Libraries & Archives: 2022 Accessions

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  • Sue Lister MBE (b 1945), equality and diversity champion: papers rel to activism in York through groups such as the York LGBTQ Forum, the York Older Persons Assembly (YOPA), Real People Theatre and Older Lesbian and Gay Association (OLGA). Also incl diaries kept from 9 August 1958 (when she was 13 years old) to the present 1957-2020 (Acc 2022/006)
  • York Coroner's Office: coroner's inquest case files, treasure files and non-inquest papers 2016-2019 (Acc 2022/022)
  • Loadman family of York, dealers in antiques: a volume of illustrations and sketches of items purchased by the family over a period of 60 years. At least two generations of the family ran a shop initially at 5 College Street, then at 37 Stonegate and at Minster Gates, York, as dealers in antiques, old china, furniture, and curios 19th-20th cent (Acc 2022/001)