Three women linking arms. Cat ref: Coal 80/673/013 Accessions to repositories
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Cumbria Archive Centre, Carlisle: 2022 Accessions

Go to contact details in the ARCHON DirectoryCumbria Archive Centre, Carlisle

  • Archives+ at Manchester Central Library: hard drive containing audio collections digitised as part of the North West Unlocking Our Sound Heritage project 2022 (CB)
  • Brampton Refugee Hostel: black and white photograph of a group of Basque refugee boys (and some adults) outside the Brampton hostel. On the reverse side are the names of 4 boys 1937 (DX 2571)
  • Dr Henry Lonsdale, (1816-1876), physician: pocket diary 1870 (DX 2570)
  • Sarah Scott of Carlisle: journal 19th cent (DX 2557)
  • Rimington Family of Tynebridge House, Penrith: family pedigree and research notes on various aspects of family experiences, photograph album of life in Kenya, diaries of George Rimington and papers rel to his publication 'Diaries of a Victorian Gentleman', exercise book of Reginald Rimington, Dykes family pedigree and land transactions and indentures of the Dykes family and Brisco family of Crofton Hall, Thursby c1796-1950 (DRIM)
  • Roberts Family of Boothby: papers incl drafts of June 1937 Spanish Children’s Appeal document and corresp rel to those offering to be signatories and papers rel to Brampton hostel 1937-1939 (DROB)
  • Simon Danby, (fl 2022): images collection rel to Alston Moor and area incl scans of original 19th-20th cent images. Contains several scans of images belonging to Alston Moor Historical Society 2022 (DSO 534)
  • Pen and ink mss copy of a plan of Park Gate Hall Farm, Wigton belonging to J Thomlinson, incl a ground floor and elevation of a property on Scotch Street, Carlisle, belonging to Joseph Rome, June 1885; colour plan of Botcherby Mill Estate building ground, incl Greystone Road, Marjery Street, Norman Street and Jackson Street, surveyed by William Wood, September 1896 1817-1896 (DX 2592)
  • Purchase from Ambra books of sales particulars of Cumberland and Westmorland properties incl houses, estates and mss map of three fields at Distington 1779-1888 (DX 2591)
  • Single mss sheet of corresp between Lord Carlisle and the Deputy Lieutenants concerning militia tax and payment of militia officers in Cumberland and Westmorland; Thomas Boustead Nelson accounts ledger and cash book of shares and investments incl railways shares and mortgages rel to various properties in Carlisle and deeds rel to Sibson family c1683-1939 (Q/MIL/5/1/1; DX 1388; DX 2376)