Three women linking arms. Cat ref: Coal 80/673/013 Accessions to repositories
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National Library of Scotland, Manuscript Collections: 2022 Accessions

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  • Journal of a tour of the Scottish coast and lighthouses, including some sketches of lighthouse keepers and their wives 1821 (Acc.14361)
  • Ebenezer Black (fl1806-1815), surgeon: journal 1806-1815 (Acc.14342)
  • Reverend Robert Blair (fl1719): poems and religious writings 1719 (Acc.14372)
  • Alan Norman Bold (1943-1998), poet, biographer, journalist, musician: further literary papers incl pencil sketches and other artwork c1940-1969 (Acc.14452)
  • Robert Burns (1759-1796), poet: first Commonplace Book nd (Acc.14409)
  • Herrick Bunney (1915-1997), organist of St. Giles' Cathedral, Edinburgh: papers 1898-2006 (Acc.14453)
  • Alexander Low Bruce (1839-1893), colonial estate owner, Nysasaland, and son-in-law of David Livingstone, missionary and explorer: corresp mostly rel to his business interests in the African Lakes Corporation, and related companies, but incl some copy letters, 1859, of David Livingstone 1859-1892 (Acc.14404)
  • John Borland (1796-1885), merchant and emigrant: typescript copy of journals kept by John Borland, emigrant to the USA 1843-1882 (Acc.14314)
  • Sir Christian John Store Bonington (b 1934), Knight, mountaineer, writer and photographer and Peter Gillman (b 1942), journalist and mountaineer: papers relating to the climb featured in and the publication of 'Eiger Direct', by Dougal Haston, Peter Gillman and Chris Bonington 1966-2018 (Acc.14376)
  • Robert Cochrane (1804-1891): travel journal, with accounts of travels in Europe and a round the world tour 1865-1871 (Acc.14386)
  • Forbes, family, of Culloden: family papers, incl letters to Duncan Forbes of Culloden 1694-1744 (Acc.14316)
  • Gall & Inglis, printers and publishers, Edinburgh: business records 1840-1974 (Acc.14407)
  • Admiralty ledger preserved by Henry Dundas 1804-1805 (Acc.14367)
  • Lanarkshire Tandem Club: minutes 1902-1903 (Acc.14334)
  • Napier family of Merchiston: letters and legal documents incl material in Scots, and rel to Scottish domestic affairs in the seventeenth cent 1465-1689 (Acc.14371)
  • Scottish Parent Teacher Council: records 1948-2018 (Acc.14406)
  • South Edinburgh Liberal Association: records rel to the Scottish Liberal Party and Liberal Democrats and the Edinburgh Liberal Party 1968-1999 (Acc.14384)
  • Workers' Educational Association, Scotland: records c1920-2000 (Acc.14420)
  • Letters of various Scottish women, possibly collected by Major Duncan Grant Warrand (1877-1946), Seaforth Highlanders 1686-1837 (Acc.14321)
  • David Stephen (1869-1946), composer and organist: journals and papers 1902-1946 (Acc.14377)
  • Rose B Willison (fl 1915-1923), nurse in the First World War: autograph album while a nurse at Stobhill Hospital 1915-1923 (Acc.14319)
  • Nigel Smith (1941-2020), industrialist and referendums expert: papers 1993-2020 (Acc.14391)
  • Lilian Adam Smith, née Buchanan (1866-1949), wife of Sir George Adam Smith: diary of Lilian Buchanan with related notes and corresp 1889-1931 (Acc.14375)
  • Eleanor Roosevelt (1884-1962), wife of Franklin D Roosevelt, President: letters of, and about, Eleanor Roosevelt to Arthur C Murray, 3rd Viscount Elibank 1946-1957 (Acc.14392)
  • Vincent Cartledge Reddish (1926-2015), Astronomer Royal for Scotland: papers incl corresp, papers concerning professional appointments, photographs and publications c1930-1999 (Acc.14415)
  • Patrick Murray (fl1751), of Edinburgh: compendium of texts or lecture notes on philosophical subjects, probably written in France 17th cent (Acc.14312)
  • John Arnaud Robin Grey Murray (1909-1993), publisher: papers together with material rel to authors associated with him c1931-1993 (Acc.14349)
  • Hew Morrison (1850-1935), Librarian, Edinburgh Public Library, Gaelic scholar: corresp and papers, incl extracts from the diary of Rev. Murdo MacDonald, minister of Durness 1877-2003 (Acc.14317)
  • Alexander McLeish (fl1920-1959), Church of Scotland minister and missionary in India: diaries rel to his activities as a Church of Scotland minister and missionary in India c1920-1959 (Acc.14331)
  • John Peter McGrath (1935-2002), playwright, director: scripts, screenplays, corresp and papers, incl some corresp and papers of Elizabeth MacLennan, and audio and video recordings of productions of 7:84 Theatre Company 1948-2013 (Acc.14408)
  • Sir Edward Montague Anthony Compton Mackenzie (1883-1972), Knight, author: typescript of 'Greek memories', First World War memoirs 1932 (Acc.14449)
  • Henry Lambert (1833-1902), General Manager of the Great Western Railway: From King's Cross to Euston via the Caledonian Canal, Tour journal of Henry Lambert. 1892 (Acc.14414)
  • Thomas Carlyle (1795-1881), essayist and historian: notebooks 1813-1873 (Acc.14412)
  • John Campbell, 4th Earl of Loudoun (1705-1782), general: letters received, on mostly military matters 1753-1771 (Acc.14341)
  • James Byres of Tonley (1734-1817), antiquary and architect: papers of and concerning Byres 1774-1817 (Acc.14324)
  • Robert Burns (1759-1796), poet; Walter Scott, 1st Baronet of Abbotsford, (1771-1832), writer; George Gordon Byron, 6th Baron Byron, afterwards Noel (1788-1824), poet: manuscripts from the Library of Honresfield House 18th-19th cent (Acc.14410)