Three women linking arms. Cat ref: Coal 80/673/013 Accessions to repositories
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Edinburgh City Archives: 2022 Accessions

Go to contact details in the ARCHON DirectoryEdinburgh City Archives

  • Brown Brothers & Co Ltd, ironfounders, hydraulic and general engineers, Edinburgh: records of Andrew Betts Brown of Brown Brothers nd (1275)
  • Bruce Peebles & Co Ltd, engineers and electrical machinery manufacturers, Edinburgh: selection of photographs of machinery, products, and staff in the workplace c1900-2010 (1298)
  • City of Edinburgh Council: Voices: The Community Story: oral history interviews focusing on the theme of migration into Edinburgh 2022 (1300)
  • Edinburgh City Mission: records 1834-1950 (1301)
  • Welsh and McNay families: birth certificates, rent reciepts, corresp, birthday cards 1800s-1900s (1277)
  • Merchant Maiden Hospital, Edinburgh: vols (7) of accounts (non-consecutive) 1782-1907 (1278)