Three women linking arms. Cat ref: Coal 80/673/013 Accessions to repositories
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Lothian Health Services Archive: 2022 Accessions

Go to contact details in the ARCHON DirectoryLothian Health Services Archive

  • Ally van Tillo: oral history on LGBT activism and the UK Names Project for AIDS memorial c1970-2022 (Acc22/005)
  • Clifford Leen, consultant in infectious disease: papers collected during his career, specialising in HIV and AIDS 1989-2006 (Acc22/008)
  • Eothen Stearn, artist: oral histories, moving image footage, and digital artwork created by Eothen Stearn towards an art installation around Edinburgh's experience of the HIV epidemic (Meet me at the threshold, Talbot Rice Gallery, 2022) c1970-2022 (Acc22/015)
  • Roy Robertson, professor of addiction medicine: papers fl1989-2010 (Acc22/010)
  • Iain Dewar Haig (fl1955-1986), architect: papers and photographic material from his career as South Eastern Hospital Board architect 1955-1986 (Acc22/014)