Three women linking arms. Cat ref: Coal 80/673/013 Accessions to repositories
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Dundee University Archive, Records Management and Museum Services: 2022 Accessions

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  • Alan Fairlamb (b1947) Professor of Biochemistry: material rel to research, prizes, time at the University and an oral history, incl rel to his own research, Life Sciences, establishing the Drug Discovery Unit and the Wellcome building 1980-2022 (ACC 2022/1219)
  • Alan Sharp (1934-2013), screenwriter: letters [65] from Alan to Susan Tarr, mostly personal but also addressing his travels and thoughts about major events, American and Middle Eastern politics, history and religion c1984-2022 (MS 454/6/2)
  • Dr James F Riley (1912-1985) surgeon: research notebooks 1943-1969 (UR-SF 48)
  • Dundee Royal Infirmary: Eye Ward operation books,lists patients details, operation, treatment and outcomes 1913-1951 (ACC 2022/1220)
  • Dundee Rep Theatre: models and photos of sets of various Rep productions incl The Elves and the Shoemakers, Osage County 2017 , Measure For Measure, Wings Around Dundee, The Bookies, Don Quixote. Also production documentation for productions incl Death of a Salesman, Monsterous Bodies, The Resistible Rise of Arturo Ui, Deathtrap, Passing Places,The 39 Steps, All My Sons , A-Z of Dundee Tour, Rep Stripped 2010-2022 (ACC 2022/1236)
  • Alan Sharp (1934-2013), screenwriter: personal and semi-professional letters (9) to Ann Andrews with ms copy of Dean Spanley script and script of 'Piano Movements', which Sharp sent to Ann with the idea of her producing one of them for New Zealand television c1989-1999 (MS 454/6/3)
  • Peter Haining (fl 1990-2023), mixed media artist also known as Aitch: wooden cabinet containing diaries, photographs, videos and audio cds which together chart the artist's life during 2021. Considered by the artist to be part of the Attic Archive 2021 (ACC 2022/1228)