Three women linking arms. Cat ref: Coal 80/673/013 Accessions to repositories
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Cambridge University: King's College Archive Centre: 2022 Accessions

Go to contact details in the ARCHON DirectoryCambridge University: King's College Archive Centre

  • Sir George Reginald Barnes (1904-1960), Knight, radio and television director and Principal of University College of North Staffordshire : letters and postcards to Frank Gordon Nobbs 1935-1950 (GBR/0272/GRB/1/1/4/1)
  • Edward Morgan Forster, (1879-1970), novelist and critic: letters and postcards to George Weys 1942-1950 (GBR/0272/EMF/18/580X)
  • Norman Routledge, (1928-2013), mathematician and schoolteacher: ms memoir of EM Forster 1946-2013 (EMF/30/91)
  • Karl Sabbagh, (b1942), writer, journalist and television producer: material collected for various 'spotlight' articles in the 'Book of King's' c1925-2008
  • Frank Plumpton Ramsey (1903–1930), mathematician and philosopher: personal and family papers, incl corresp with his wife Lettice Cautley née Baker (1898-1985) psychologist and photographer and her memoir of him, letters to his parents, his diaries, his parents' scrapbook about him and photographs 1903-2020 (FPR)
  • Penny Cleobury, (fl1982-1997), author: photographs and contact proofs for the book on the King's College choir 1982-1997 (KCPH/2/79)
  • Edward Joseph Dent (1876-1957), musicologist: letters/postcards (24) to Winton Dean (1916-2013) 1937-54 (EJD/4/111/6A)