Three women linking arms. Cat ref: Coal 80/673/013 Accessions to repositories
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Bishopsgate Institute: 2022 Accessions

Go to contact details in the ARCHON DirectoryBishopsgate Institute

  • Backstreet, gay leather club, London: artefacts, papers, posters 1985-2021 (BACKSTREET)
  • Brian Barnes (1944-2021), artist and muralist: artwork, papers, posters 1960s-2000s (BARNES)
  • John S. Barrington (1920-1991), physique photographer and publisher: photographs, negatives, papers, publications 1930s-2000s (BARRINGTON)
  • Jonathan Blake (b1949), gay rights activist: papers, photographs, artefacts, clothing 1950s-2020s (YOUNG/BLAKE ARCHIVE)
  • Bristol Crisis Service for Women and Self Injury Support Archive: papers and oral histories 1986-2022 (BCSW)
  • Centurian, US fetish company: papers, publications, photographs, artwork 1969-2021 (CENTURIAN)
  • East London Strippers Collective: papers, photos, artefacts 2008-2022 (ELSC)
  • Lesbians and Gays Support the Miners: papers, photographs, artefacts, clothing 1984-2021 (LGSM)
  • Oliver Frey (1948-2022), artist: artwork and papers 1975-2000 (FREY)
  • Gender Information, Research and Education Society (GIRES): papers 1995-2022 (GIRES)
  • Robert Howes (b1947), researcher, LGBTQ+ author and photographer: digital and physical photographs of pride events around the UK 1978-2022 (HOWES)
  • Inquest, campaign group on state related deaths: papers, minutes, reports, audio-visual material 1983-2022 (INQUEST)
  • Positive Lives, project documenting impact of HIV: photographs and papers 1993-2009 (PLA)
  • Paul Ryan (b1968) artist: artworks, writings, papers 1993-2022 (RYAN)
  • Nasreen Saddique (b1967) activist and teacher: diary, press cuttings, corresp with MPs, Hansard documents, photographs and police reports regarding the racist abuse her family were subjected to when they moved to East London 1982-1988 (SADDIQUE)
  • Tower Blocks UK, housing safety group: papers 1983-2020 (TBUK)
  • Wages For Housework Campaign: papers and campaign materials 1971-2022 (WFH)
  • Nigel Young (1946-2021), gay rights activist: papers, photographs, artefacts, clothing 1950s-2020s (YOUNG/BLAKE ARCHIVE)
  • Franko B (b1960), artist: artefacts, artworks, papers, digital materials 1990-2022 (FRANKO)
  • Karen Fisch (fl1983-2023), LGBTQ+ performer and activist: papers, photos and personal papers 1960-2021 (FISCH)
  • Barry Scanes (fl1983-2011), LGBTQ+ activist: photographic archive of Pride festivals 1983-2011 (SCANES)
  • Kevin Saunders (fl1982-2004), LGBTQ+ rights activist: papers, publications regarding bisexuality and bisexual organisations 1982-2004 (SAUNDERS)
  • Alex Harding (1949-2022), artist and musician: diaries, papers, and audio-visual material 1960-2006 (HARDING)
  • Diane Langford (b1941), activist and campaigner: papers 1953-2022 (LANGFORD)
  • Stuart Feather (b 1941), gay rights activist: papers, photographs, writings 1968-2018 (FEATHER)
  • Chanie Rosenberg (1922-2021), socialist and artist: papers 1960s-1990s (ROSENBERG)
  • Gill Kent (fl1979-1985), activist and reproductive rights campaigner: papers and writings 1974-1985 (KENT)