Three women linking arms. Cat ref: Coal 80/673/013 Accessions to repositories
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Oxford University: Griffith Institute: 2022 Accessions

Go to contact details in the ARCHON DirectoryOxford University: Griffith Institute

  • Arthur Ferdinand Rowley Platt (1863–1946), physician and surgeon: correspondence written during two trips to Egypt, when accompanying the eighth Duke of Devonshire, Spencer Cavendish, as his personal physician 1896-1908 (Platt MSS)
  • Howard Carter (1874–1939), British Egyptologist: preparatory pencil sketch of some columns from the processional colonnade in the Luxor temple (used for a watercolour of the same in private possession) c1900 (Carter MSS vii.3)
  • Sir Alan Henderson Gardiner (1879–1963), British Egyptologist: postcard to Eugène Dévaud (1878-1929), Swiss Egyptologist 1912 (Gardiner MSS 42.72.71a)
  • Marianne Eaton-Krauss (b1944), American/German Egyptologist: correspondence with Egyptologists (deceased) and peer-reviews 1966-2022 (Eaton-Krauss MSS)
  • Geoffrey Thorndike Martin (1934–2022), British Egyptologist: complete working papers, including notebooks, notes, card indexes, drawings of scenes and inscriptions, plans, slides, photographs, and correspondence 1966-2022 (Martin MSS)
  • Tutankhamun Archive: collection of Tutankhamun memorabilia, incl postcards (2), a game, and a copy of a publication (Victoria Wolf, 1943, And Seven Shall Die) c1922-1943 (TAA ii.6.21a; TAA ii.6.71; TAA iii.38.2)
  • Eric Parrington Uphill (1929–2018), British Egyptologist: complete working papers, including notebooks, notes, card indexes, slides, photographs, correspondence and teaching notes c1954-2018 (Uphill MSS)
  • Tutankhamun Archive and Arthur Cruttenden Mace (1874–1928), archaeologist and Egyptologist: items formerly on long term loan to the Griffith Institute, created by Mace during the recording of Tutankhamun’s tomb, incl account of the opening of the Burial chamber dated March 3rd [1923]; excavation journal - 1st season, 27 December 1922 to 13 May 1923; ms account of the opening of the Burial chamber dated March 3rd 1923 1922-1923 (TAA iv.1-3)
  • Tutankhamun Archive and Alfred Lucas (1874–1928): correspondence and rel material on wood, incl letters (16) exchanged between Lucas and Laurence Chalk discussing wood specimens from the tomb of Tutankhamun c1932-1938 (TAA i.11)