Three women linking arms. Cat ref: Coal 80/673/013 Accessions to repositories
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British Library, Manuscript Collections: 2022 Accessions

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  • Martin Reagan (1924-2016), footballer and manager: archive 1979-2002 (Add MS 89484)
  • Charlotte Brontë (1816-1855), author: miniature book, 'Characters of the Celebrated Men of the Present Time by Captain Tree', written in ink on hand cut paper 1829 (Add MS 89486)
  • Emily Jane Brontë (1818-1848), author: notebook of poems 1844-1846 (Add MS 89488)
  • Dame Carmen Thérèse Callil (1938-2022), Australian publisher, writer and critic: Angela Carter archive 1973-2007 (Add MS 89490)
  • Meera Syal (b1961), comedian, writer, playwright, singer, journalist and actress: archive 2016 (Add MS 89492)
  • Brendan Rendall Bracken, 1st Viscount Bracken (1901-1958), politician and publisher: letters to William Maxwell Aitken, Baron Beaverbrook (1879-1964), newspaper proprietor and politician 1925-1958 (Add MS 89495)
  • Human-Computer Learning Foundation, charitable trust; Donald Michie (1923-2007), geneticist and computer scientist; Jean Hayes Michie (1928-2002), psychologist; Rupert Sebastian Macnee (b1947), television producer and artist: the Human-Computer Learning Foundation archive 1993-2010 (Add MS 89496)
  • Fanny Lloyd (fl1898-1900), English missionary in China: letters to her nephew, Henry, written from the inland mission at Chung King, providing a first-hand account of the atmosphere and events of the early years of the Boxer Rebellion 1898-1900 (Add MS 89497)
  • Major-General Charles George Gordon (1833-1885); Mary Augusta Gordon (fl1833-1890), sister of Sir Henry William Gordon (1818-1887), commissary-general: family papers, mostly rel to the death of Charles Gordon in Sudan 1884-1906 (Add MS 89471)
  • Edward Lear (1812-1888), artist and author: letters to William Holman Hunt (1827-1910), painter 1853-1885 (Add MS 89472)
  • Edward Lear (1812-1888), artist and author: annotated draft of 'The Story of the Pobble, who has no toes, and the Princess Bink' 1873 (Add MS 89473)
  • Edward Lear (1812-1888), artist and author: transcriptions of early poems and letters, and draft manuscript unpublished poem 'Once I had a Mucous Membrane' 1830 (Add MS 89474)
  • Beryl Agatha Gilroy (1924-2001), Guyanese educator, novelist, ethno-psychotherapist, and poet: archive 20th cent (Add MS 89476)
  • Angelica Vanessa Garnett (1918-2012), painter and writer: papers c1920-2012 (Add MS 89477)
  • Copies of charters at Longleat House, transcribed by George Harbin (2 vols) 1717 (Add MS 89478)
  • Alice Marion Hart (1848-1931), philanthropist, artist and businesswoman: correspondence 1872-1923 (Add MS 89479)
  • Mary, Queen of Scots (1542-1587): letter to Jacques Bochetel de la Forest (d1595), French ambassador to Queen Elizabeth I 1568 (Add MS 89480)
  • Margaret Cairns Joyce (1911-1972), and William Joyce (1906-1946), fascists and propaganda broadcasters, pseudonym Lord and Lady Haw-Haw: papers, papers, incl letters sent by William to Margaret from prison while awaiting trial and execution c1911-2000 (Add MS 89481)
  • Cyril Vernon Connolly (1903-1974), author and critic: letters to Evelyn Waugh (1903–1966) writer, journalist and reviewer c1948 (Add MS 89504)
  • Constance B J. Marsden (fl 1908-1940), photographer and campaigner for women's suffrage: autograph album 1908-1913 (Add MS 89506)
  • Marion Wallace-Dunlop (1864-1942), artist, author and suffragette: letters 1909 (Add MS 89507)
  • Frances Crofts Cornford (1886-1960), poet: letters to Daniel George (1890-1967), reader for publisher Jonathan Cape, regarding her translations of the poems of Louis Aragon (1897-1982), together with the translations 1945-1947 (Add MS 89523)
  • Samuel Palmer (1805-1881), painter, etcher, print maker: letters to John Linnell Jnr (1821-1906), artist, and to William Linnell (1826-1906), artist 1860-1864 (Add MS 89524)
  • Henry Tracey Coxwell (1819-1900), aeronaut and writer: letters to Count Schaffgotsch (d1864), chemist and balloon enthusiast 1863-1864 (Add MS 89527)
  • Lieutenant Thomas Farmer (fl1809-1812), army officer: correspondence regarding the Peninsular War 1809-1816 (Add MS 89529)
  • Emma Tatham (1829-1855), poet: poems 1841-1845 (Add MS 89532)
  • Lieutenant Colonel Hardin Burnley-Campbell (1843-1920), 6th Dragoon Guards; Major General Sir George Pomeroy Colley (1835-1881), army officer and colonial governor: letters, incl rel to service in India during the second Afghan Campaign, 1878-1881 1881 (Add MS 89536)
  • Peter Bayne (1830-1896) journalist and author; John Ruskin author (1819-1900), artist and social reformer: papers late 19th cent (Add MS 89537)
  • John Gordon-Christian (1942-2016), art historian: correspondence and ephemera 1961-1963 (Add MS 89469)
  • Brigadier-General Wilfrith Gerald Key Green (1872-1937), British Indian Army: account of the activities of the 10th Cavalry Brigade in Palestine in September and October 1918 1918 (Add MS 89541)
  • ASLIB Microfilm Service: archive 20th cent (Add MS 89543)
  • Major-General Sir John Clayton Cowell (1832-1894), Master of the Royal Household: letters describing a tour of the Holy Land 1859 (Add MS 89544)
  • Rosalind Mary Turvey (1901-1976), illustrator: original poems and essays 1915-1919 (Add MS 89546)
  • John Higden-Thornell (fl1870-1916), poet: Fugitive Verse, poetry book 1870-1916 (Add MS 89547)
  • Household rolls of Mary, Queen of Scots (1542-1587) 1584-1585 (Add Roll 77740/1-2)
  • Letters from Lady Elizabeth Palgrave (1799-1852), artist, and album of watercolours and sketches by Robert Harry Inglis Palgrave (1827-1919), economist 1850-1874 (Add MS 89657)
  • Ledger of sugar estates owned by George Cunningham in Jamaica, dated 1843-1856 1843-1956 (Add MS 89654)
  • Benjamin Obadiah Iqbal Zephaniah (b1958), writer and poet: 'What Stephen Lawrence Has Taught Us' 2016 (Add MS 89636)
  • Alexander Monro (fl 1829), student of anatomy: notes on a course of anatomy lectures given by Edward Stanley (1793-1862), surgeon and founding fellow of the Royal College of Surgeons 1829 (Add MS 89651)
  • Volume of material rel to Essex compiled by Stephen Martin Leake (1702-1773), herald and numismatist 1668-1825 (Add MS 89650)
  • Peter Benenson (1921-2005), barrister, human rights activist and founder of Amnesty International: archive 20th cent (Add MS 89648)
  • Lieutenant William Henry Watson (1834-1899), Royal Artillery: letters to his mother from Crimea, together with documents rel to his subsequent military career 1852-1869 (Add MS 89549)
  • Benjamin Williams Leader (1831-1923), artist: autograph letters (7) 1892-1920 (Add MS 89550)
  • Architectural receipt book for Wentworth House 1750-1751 (Add MS 89555)
  • Stephen Henry Critten (1887-1964), author: original manuscript of 'Death Rocks the Cradle' 1932 (Add MS 89552)
  • Letters from British Social Reformers, incl John Bright (1811-1889), politician; Richard Cobden (d1865), statesman, and Joseph Hume (1777-1855), radical and politician 1825-1881 (Add MS 89554)
  • Account of a Tour through Europe in 1922 1922 (Add MS 89556)
  • Sophia Mary Jane Bonnell (fl1781-1835), poet, philanthropist and wife of James Beal Bonnell (1748-1841): book of poems 1781-1835 (Add MS 89560)
  • W R Bevan (fl 1900), mining engineer: diary recording a journey to Namibia 1900 (Add MS 89564)
  • Edward Barnard (fl 1846-1851), and Vernon Barnard ( fl 1846-1851), travellers: journals of excursions 1846-1851 (Add MS 89565)
  • Helen Balfour Bruce (fl 1840), traveller: journal recording a tour of continental spas with her sister 1840 (Add MS 89566)
  • Ian Duncan Struthers (1915-1994), war correspondent and cameraman: personal and professional papers 1942-1974 (Add MS 89568)
  • Order for a survey of the wardrobe of King Charles II 1661 (Add MS 89569)
  • Privy Council Order on Scottish and Catholic Oaths of Allegiance to the Crown 1704-1705 (Add MS 89570)
  • Claude Goodman Johnson (1864-1926), motor vehicle manufacturer; Joseph Rudyard Kipling (1865-1936), author; W W Parsons (fl 1925-1929), mechanic: correspondence 1925-1929 (Add MS 89579)
  • Edward John Moreton Drax Plunkett (1878-1957), 18th Baron Dunsany, writer: handwritten poem entitled 'Prisoners and Captives' 20th cent (Add MS 89580)
  • Brownlow Bertie (1729-1809), 5th Duke of Ancaster and Kesteven, politician: rental ledger for Theddlethorpe estates 1744-1824 (Add MS 89583)
  • John Galsworthy (1867-1933), author and dramatist: manuscript of 'One More River' c1933 (Add MS 89586)
  • Wilfrid Wilson Gibson (1878-1962), poet: manuscript of 'Hoops' 1914 (Add MS 89588)
  • Fergus Hamilton Allen (1921-2017), civil servant and author: archive 20th cent (Add MS 89589)
  • Sir Cedric Webster Hardwicke (1893-1964), Knight. actor: verse and notes 1938-1939 (Add MS 89591)
  • Thomas Patterson (fl 1873), mining engineer: diary 1873-1874 (Add MS 89593)
  • Francis North (1637-1685),1st Baron Guilford, Lord Keeper of the Great Seal, and Attorney-General: notebook c1680 (Add MS 89594)
  • John Lewis Roget (1828-1908), art critic and writer: diary 1848 (Add MS 89595)
  • Augustus Frederick (1773-1843), Duke of Sussex, 6th son of George III: letters to George Glover (1779-1823), Archdeacon of Sudbury 1820-1857 (Add MS 89596)
  • William Sykes (1829-1893), army chaplain: letters to his brother Thomas Sykes (fl 1855-1856), during the Crimean War 1855-1856 (Add MS 89598)
  • Matthew Porter-Price (fl 1834-1876), teacher: diaries, and correspondence with his nephew James Brent-Price (fl 1826-1877), draper, in Australia 1834-1877 (Add MS 89599)
  • George James Tatem (fl 1812-1835), Mayor of High Wycombe and reformer: letters 1832-1835 (Add MS 89600)
  • Henry Maurice Surtees Tuckwell (1872-1952), mechanical engineer: journals of visit to United States of America and Canada 1917 (Add MS 89602)
  • Sir Henry Edwards (1812-1886), 1st Baronet, of Pye Nest, politician: journal of travels in South America c1827-1830 (Add MS 89605)
  • James Thomson (1700-1748), poet: 'Autumn' from 'The Seasons' late 18th cent (Add MS 89606)
  • Manuscript journal describing a visit to Lisbon shortly after the Peninsular War c1814 (Add MS 89620)
  • Naval log-books and journals 1780-1895 (Add MS 89622)
  • Hannah Craven (fl 1762): recipe book 1721-1785 (Add MS 89624)
  • Helen Esther Florence Robinson (1817-1900), wife of Baron K P Bondé: letters sent from Paris during the French Revolution of 1848 1855 (Add MS 89629)
  • Letters to art collectors Laurence Hodson (1864-1933) of Bradbourne Hall, county Derbyshire, and Constance Bellis (fl 1903), regarding their collection 1887-1912 (Add MS 89630)
  • Lieutenant General John Christopher Guise (1826-1895), army officer, recipient of the Victoria Cross: military diaries 1856-1858 (Add MS 89638)
  • Henry Unwin Addington (1790-1870), civil servant: journal of a diplomatic tour of Europe 1812-1814 (Add MS 89639)
  • Robert Browning Settlement, evangelical charity rel to poets Robert Browning (1812-89) and Elizabeth Barrett Browning (1806-61), Camberwell: visitors book 1895-1994 (Add MS 89644)
  • Eliza Cook (1812-1889), poet and journalist: autograph letters and poems 1854-1934 (Add MS 89645)
  • Anonymous travel journal, 'Visit to Switzerland' 1876 (Add MS 89647)
  • Alice Maud Naylor (1863-1912), keeper of a travel journal: journal of a tour from Britain to Japan and back 1889-1890 (Add MS 89646)
  • Henry Tertius James Norton (1886-1937), mathematician: letters to James Strachey (1887-1967), psychoanalyst, regarding Rupert Brooke (1887–1915), poet 1905-1914 (Add MS 89601)
  • Dame Christabel Harriette Pankhurst (1880-1958), suffragette; Elsie Edith Bowerman (1889-1973), suffragette and lawyer: letters from The Women's Social and Political Union, incl to Sir William James Bull, 1st Baronet (1863-1931), solicitor and politician, and Dame Ethel Mary Smyth (1858-1944), composer, writer and suffragist 1908-1915 (Add MS 89505)