Three women linking arms. Cat ref: Coal 80/673/013 Accessions to repositories
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British Library: Asian and African Studies: 2022 Accessions

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  • Charles Herbert Hutton (1860-1950), engineer, Public Works Department, and his wife Mabel Hutton (nee Garman) (1874-1970): letters and notebooks rel to their life in India 1903-1918 (Mss Eur F757)
  • Woodburn Family: copy letter-books and original letters rel to various family members, but principally to David Woodburn (1805-1888), Bengal Medical Service, and his brother John Woodburn (1803-1841), army officer in India 1745-1884 (Mss Eur F758)
  • Macnaghten Family: journal, letters, and degree certificates rel to William Hay Macnaghten and other members of the family 1809-1842 (Mss Eur F760)