Three women linking arms. Cat ref: Coal 80/673/013 Accessions to repositories
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Trinity College Dublin: 2022 Accessions

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  • MS map ‘The Parish of Kilfenaughta and Kilfenienan …' [Clare, Ireland] c1650 (IE TCD MS 11681)
  • Samuel Beckett (1906-1989), author, Nobel Laureat: letters from Lütfi Özkök (c. 1923-2017), poet and photographer c1960 (IE TCD MS 11657)
  • Gregory the Great (590-604), pope: fragment of Homilia in Evangelia 09th cent (IE TCD MS 11659)
  • Col David Charles La Touche (1800-1872) mayor of Dublin: letterbooks 1858-1862 (IE TCD MS 11674)
  • Christopher Nolan (1965-2009), Irish poet and author: literary archives c1980-2009 (IE TCD MS 11678)