Three women linking arms. Cat ref: Coal 80/673/013 Accessions to repositories
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Hackney Archives: 2022 Accessions

Go to contact details in the ARCHON DirectoryHackney Archives

  • An Viet Foundation, hub to support Vietnamese settlement in London: a significant archival collection rel to the British-Vietnamese experience, incl documents, photographs, press cuttings, audio cassettes and VHS cassettes; also some physical objects such as ornaments, signs, musical instruments, awards and trophies 1979-2018 (2022/34)
  • Hackney Social Radio: created by Immediate Theatre in response to the isolation of older people during the Covid pandemic, the station was available to listen to digitally or via Resonance 104.4 FM. The collection of podcasts captures the challenges of lockdown as well as the local community projects that were set up to address these issues 2020 (2022/01)