Preserving digital collections

Digital preservation is a vital issue for almost all archives and there is an increasing demand for storage of, and access to, digital information in a discoverable format. There is an expectation that the vastly increased public access achieved in recent years will continue to expand.

Developing a digital preservation strategy and policy

The aim of your digital preservation strategy should be to achieve consistency in the management of digital records.

How to get started

Plan your first steps in digital preservation and discover the golden rules.

Digital preservation workflows

As part of Plugged in Powered Up, we commissioned guidance on digital preservation workflows.

Novice to Know-How

We have commissioned the Digital Preservation Coalition (DPC) to create Novice to Know-How, an online training resource as part of our Plugged In, Powered Up strategy.

Digital preservation architecture

Active digital preservation can be defined in four stages: select and transfer, ingest, preserve and access.

Advocacy resources

We have created a series of Plugged In, Powered Up advocacy resources to help explain the importance of developing digital preservation, access and engagement skills across the sector.

Digital engagement toolkit

Develop how you use your collections to tell stories online and engage audiences in different ways.

Digital Asset Registers

As part of Our Digital Century, we commissioned the Digital Preservation Coalition (DPC) to develop a toolkit on creating and maintaining a digital asset register (DAR) for your archive.

Case studies

These case studies offer practical examples of how archive services have implemented digital preservation processes and systems in their organisations.

Digital preservation tools and systems

Your approach to digital preservation should be modular and flexible, to ensure it is sustainable.