
Short-form video and Gen X

Short-form videos are those that are less than three minutes in length. TikTok is designed for short-form video content, however whether this is the right platform for reaching Gen X is a complex picture. A growing percentage of Gen X have turned to TikTok and this may continue to grow but you may wish to target other social media platforms where Gen X are currently active such as Facebook and X (formerly Twitter). For Gen X, you could also consider how you use video content as part of a digital exhibition.

You should look at:

X (formerly Twitter)
Digital Exhibitions

Long-form video and Gen X

Long-form videos are those that are more than three minutes in length. This format will always sit best on YouTube but with Gen X it will be important to consider how you direct this audience to your content. They are less likely to be active searchers for content on YouTube but will happily be directed there via social media posts.

You could also consider how you use video content as part of a digital exhibition. Depending on the type of video content you have, or wish to create, it could form part of a livestreaming project.

You should look at:

X (formerly Twitter)
Digital Exhibitions
Digital events and livestreaming