What can I do if know an archive collection is at risk?
Collate all the known information about archives that you believe to be at risk such as their location, whether they consist of paper or digital records, the quantity, the type of risk they face and the organisation that created them, for example whether it is it a business, charity, religious body or an individual. The following section lists organisations that may be able to respond to your enquiry, and decide which looks best placed to do so. If in doubt, contact Archives Sector Leadership: asl@nationalarchives.gov.uk.
What help is out there?
The following organisations may be able to offer advice and assistance:
- Archives and Records Council Wales is a representative body for institutions and organisations across Wales involved with caring for archives.
- Archives Sector Leadership at The National Archives has the advisory and leadership role for archives in England. Contact: asl@nationalarchives.gov.uk
- The Ballast Trust helps to preserve the records of Scotland’s industrial past.
- British Records Association is an advocacy organisation for archives.
- Business Archives Council promotes the preservation and study of business archives and co-ordinates responses to vulnerable business archives through the Crisis Management Team.
- Managing Business Archive is best practice guidance with guidance for dealing with records of insolvent organisations.
- Community Archives and Heritage Group promotes community archives across the United Kingdom and Ireland.
- Digital Preservation Coalition is a charity that works to support long-term preservation and access to digital content and services.
- Northern Ireland Museum Council is the lead body supporting local museums across Northern Ireland many of whom hold archive material.
- Public Records Office Northern Ireland (PRONI) is the official archive for Northern Ireland and holds many non-official archives.