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Context and scope

The Records at Risk Grant programme is delivered in collaboration with the British Records Association and the Business Archives Council, to provide support for urgent interventions to save significant physical and digital records facing immediate peril across the UK.

The programme seeks to safeguard at-risk collections for the nation. Its objective is to provide an additional mechanism to protect records of cultural and research value from premature destruction or prolonged neglect. Its focus is on records and services that are not protected by legislation, such as archives of businesses, charities and private individuals.

This funding is a response to the increased risks of vulnerable collections being lost or dispersed in the wake of the COVID-19 pandemic, and builds on The National Archives’ experience of delivering the COVID-19 Archives Fund in 2020.

Programme overview

The Records at Risk grant programme is open to applications on a rolling basis, with funds available for rapid distribution. Panel meetings are held on a monthly basis.

The programme provides grants of up to £5,000. 

The grant is designed to facilitate urgent intervention to save collections, and therefore we will consider applications with any project duration. However, it would be normal for any intervention to be completed within one year from the award of funding. 

Application Form