Stage five

Finalise and use your framework


After completing stages one to four, revisit each part of your outcomes framework.

Check for consistency and make sure the four parts of the framework link together.

Challenge whether you have robust evidence to support all the service, intermediate and overarching strategic outcomes and the benefits you identified in your logic model.

Look at the examples on this website to identify any gaps in your approach or your framework.

Bring together your final archives outcomes framework consisting of one or more outcomes triangle, logic model, evidence list and set of performance indicators.

Develop and implement a plan for communicating your framework

Think back to why you wanted to create your framework. Decide who you want to share it with internally within your own department, among officers and councillors or board members, and externally. For more information on developing communications to promote your service see Effective Communications: Raising the profile of your archive service.

Think about what you need to share with them. Is it the whole framework or just parts of it? For example, councillors might find the overview given by the outcomes triangle helpful, whereas service commissioners might value the logic model showing the links between what you do, the benefits and the intermediate or overarching strategic outcomes.

Encourage others to develop an outcomes framework

Talk to your key partners and explore whether they might find it helpful to adopt the same or a similar outcomes framework.

Plan a review of your framework

Review your framework at least once a year to ensure it is still relevant and focused on the right priorities.

Have a look at these examples outcomes