Select your performance indicators
The set of performance indicators (PIs) is how you measure the contribution of archives to local outcomes. You should identify a small number of PIs for each level of outcome (service, intermediate and overarching strategic outcome levels), as well as service output indicators.
Draw on available data from existing sources within your council, organisation and elsewhere wherever possible.
Decide how to capture your thinking and decisions
Find a way to capture your thinking and decisions from each step. Use the downloadable PIs template if it helps.
Performance indicators template (insert word document template)
List the service, intermediate and overarching strategic outcomes
Take the service, intermediate and overarching strategic outcomes from your logic model. Also look at the benefits you have identified as arising from the achievement of the service outcomes.
Select a basket of performance indicators
Identify a small number of PIs that you think will help measure the contribution of archives for each level of outcome (service, intermediate and overarching strategic outcome levels), as well as service output indicators.
The PIs for the overarching strategic outcomes should be high-level non-archives indicators that you want to demonstrate, and can evidence, archives contribute towards.
The PIs for the intermediate outcomes should include measures that reflect the specific contribution of archives to those outcomes. However, they may also include some non-archives measures that are short to medium-term proxy measures for the overarching strategic outcomes.
The PIs for the service outcomes and outputs will be measures that are specific to archives. Look at the output and outcome indicators your organisation and partners are currently using and the examples provided on this website to help you.
Your PIs should provide a mix of outcome-focused quantitative and qualitative data and, alongside existing management information that will also enable you to demonstrate efficiency and productivity.
Challenge the effectiveness of each performance indicator
Challenge the effectiveness of the indicators. Do the performance indicators you have selected show that you are delivering your service outcomes? Will they help you demonstrate the benefits of archives shown in your logic model? Do they make a meaningful contribution to demonstrating the contribution of archives to the intermediate and overarching strategic outcomes?
Remove any PIs you don’t think are effective.
Consider the data source
The PIs need to be populated with data. Consider whether there is an existing local or national data source you can use, or if a new approach is necessary. Is it relatively easy and cost effective to collect the data year-on-year? Are there simple changes that could be made to existing data collection methodologies to improve the data you have, for example, by adding questions to an existing survey? Do you want to and have the resources to commission new data collection methodologies?
Have a look at our ‘data tools and sources’ page for suggestions of available data sources
Remove any PIs where you think the data will be too expensive or difficult to collect.
Finalise your performance indicators
Produce your final list of PIs and data sources.
You may need to break down the PIs and data further to reflect local priorities, for example, by geographic area or target wards or by specific groups, such as different age groups or disadvantaged or vulnerable groups.