The following examples suggest ideas to help you create an archives outcomes framework for health and wellbeing. You don’t need to be constrained by them; you can refer to the examples as much or as little as you want and adapt the framework.
Within your framework you may wish to illustrate how archives:
- Contribute to the requirements of the Public Health Outcomes Framework, which sets out the desired outcomes for public health. These outcomes reflect not only how long we live, our life expectancy, but on how well we live, with a focus on reducing differences between people and communities from different backgrounds.
- Support the joint strategic needs assessment. Upper tier and unitary authorities in England have a responsibility to improve the health of the population and are required to produce a joint strategic needs assessment (JSNA) of the health and wellbeing of their local community.
- In Scotland you might wish to align outcomes with the joint health improvement plans (JHIPs) for your local authority area.
- In Northern Ireland Local Commissioning Groups (LCGs) have responsibility for the health and social care, so refer to the findings of locally assessed needs.
- In Wales Local Health Boards carry out a well-being assessment and publish an annual local well-being plan.
Ideally your outcomes framework will consist of four elements:
- Outcomes triangle
- Logic model
- Evidence
- Performance indicators