Greater London

Brunel University London Archives

'The Slave Book' with lists of dates, names and locations handwritten in

Image credit: Brunel University London Archives

Brunel University London Archives launched ‘Unlocking the secrets of slavery and abolition’. The exhibition, with ‘The Slave Book’ as its centrepiece, illustrated the education of enslaved children in the British Caribbean.

Museum of Croydon

The Queer+ Croydon logo

Image credit: Museum of Croydon

Museum of Croydon developed the ‘Queer+ Croydon’ project as part of a year-long programme to showcase the area’s diverse communities. An online exhibition included artworks created by local artist Mark Goldby in response to items from the museum’s collections.

Royal Thames Yacht Club

Archive boxes neatly arranged on shelving

Image credit: Royal Thames Yacht Club Archives

The Royal Thames Yacht Club appointed their first ever archivists to work on their collection relating the history of British yachting. The collection has now been sorted and cleaned, with cataloguing and packaging now in progress.

Sainsbury Archive

The final tweet by Sainsbury Archive revealing the winner of the yoghurt world cup

Image credit: Sainsbury Archive, Museum of London

The Sainsbury Archive held a World Cup of Yoghurt Flavours on Twitter, utilising digitised images of 24 yoghurt flavours from their historic product range. Almost 1,200 people voted in the final to crown Strawberry and Vanilla the winner!

Southwark Archives

A dyeing recipe book from the 1720s with handwriting and small fragments of textile

Image credit: Dominique Cardon

Southwark Archives successfully submitted the Crutchley Archive, the records of an 18th century dyeing firm, to the UNESCO UK Memory of the World Register. They worked in collaboration with an international group of textile historians to achieve this and received funding from the Worshipful Company of Dyers and the National Manuscripts Conservation Trust.

Wiener Holocaust Library

The identification card of Alice Stern with a photo on the left page and details on the right

Image credit: The Wiener Holocaust Library Collections (ref: Alice Stern Identification Card, 1387)

The Wiener Holocaust Library relaunched ‘The Holocaust Explained‘, a digital education resource that aims to teach schoolchildren about the Holocaust. Hundreds of unique archival resources are integrated into the website to help students visualise the period and explain key concepts.

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