Scotland and Isle Of Man

The Argyll Papers at Inveraray Castle

A map of an island beneath circular images of children doing activities

Image credit: The Argyll Papers at Inveraray Castle

The ‘Tìr Ìseal nan Òran’ (Tiree, low land of song) project celebrated Tiree’s stories, heritage, culture and Gaelic language. Funded by Year of Scotland’s Stories 2022 with support from the National Lottery Heritage Fund, the project featured stories from the island’s history and traditions to inspire new creative work. Local artists, young people, the community and international audiences explored and re-told these stories through drama, music, film and photography, writing and textile creation.

Heritage Collections, University of Edinburgh

A woman at a desk with headphones on sat at a desk with a computer and book

Image credit: Sam Shin

The School of Scottish Studies Archives (SSSA) holds over 100,000 archival sound recordings, from the mid-20th century onwards, which capture Scottish cultural heritage. The team created a new streaming service for their recordings during lockdown, which researchers can now access remotely or in the search room.

Scottish Council on Archives

Two women sat a table with a microphone in front of a wall of books

Image credit: Scottish Council on Archives

Scottish Council on Archives created a national oral history project, Voices: The Community Story. Bringing together archivists and volunteers from diverse backgrounds, the project gave all stakeholders a chance to learn new skills and understand the importance of archives and best practice.

Manx National Heritage

A group of four people standing around a set of microphones

A Year in Archives – Manx National Heritage

Manx National Heritage collaborated with a theatre group to produce three short radio plays inspired by blog posts written about the Atholl Papers. These papers cover themes such as Irish marriage abduction and the smuggling trade. These plays are now available to download on Manx Radio’s website.In their first month, these plays have been downloaded 2000 times.

National Records of Scotland

A sepia photograph of four men and a woman, whose face is scratched out, on some outside steps

Image credit: National Records of Scotland, GD433/2/101

National Records of Scotland (NRS) has purchased the family archive of former British Prime Minister, Arthur Balfour. The collection offers an insight into the family at home, at work and at play. The family had an influence that stretched around the world and NRS’ purchase of this archive will preserve these records together in Scotland forever.