Record-copying fees

Here are the fees for our record-copying service, which provides digital or paper copies of documents from our collection:


Includes the time taken on the research and sending out the results.

Cost for each 15 minutes: £29.22 (including VAT), £24.35 (excluding VAT)

Naturalisation Certificates

To make a copy of a Naturalisation Certificate and provide the necessary authentication for that Certificate.

Cost for each certificate: £27.15
Cost for provision of Letter of No Evidence of Naturalisation: £27.15

Authentication of Copies and Records

Authentication by certificate

Certifying the authenticity of a record (or part of) or certifying the authenticity of a copy of a record, excludes the cost of creating any copies required.

Cost for each record or copy: £19.80

Authenticating in person

To attend a place (other than The National Archives) to produce and verify the authenticity of a record (or part of), in addition to travel, accommodation and subsistence incurred.

Cost for each 15 minutes: £29.05

Preparation of records for external exhibition


An estimate of the cost and work required, based on time taken to prepare an item for exhibition.

Cost for each 15 minutes: £21.50

Preparation of records

To prepare a record for external exhibition, in addition to the cost of materials required, transport of records or expenses for travel, accommodation and subsistence.

Cost for each 15 minutes: £21.50

Copies of Records – less than 100 different pages of records

Page Check

For the production of an estimated cost for making a copy, includes page counting.

Cost for each record: £8.40

Monochrome (black and white) paper copy

Up to and including size A3, research quality.

Cost for each record: £1.35

Colour paper copy

Up to and including size A3, research quality.

Cost for each copy: £4.95

Size greater than A3, research quality.

Cost for each copy: £9.60

Digital copy

Up to and including size A3, research quality.

Cost for each copy: £1.20

Size greater than A3, research quality.

Cost for each copy: £8.45