How to look for records of... Merchant Navy seamen registers 1918-1941
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You can search and download merchant seamen records 1918-1941.
These are digitised records from a variety of record series held at The National Archives:
- the Registry of Shipping and Seamen: Register of Seamen, Central Index, Numerical Series (CR 2) in BT 348
- the Registry of Shipping and Seamen: Register of Seamen, Special Index, Alphabetical Series (CR 10) in BT 349
- the Registry of Shipping and Seamen: Register of Seamen, Special Index, Alphabetical Series (CR 10) in BT 350
For more information on what these records contain see
For more information on merchant seamen’s records from this period, see our guide to records of Merchant Navy seamen in service since 1918.