How to look for records of... Royal Naval Reserve officers’ service records 1862-1964

How can I view the records covered in this guide?

How many are online?

  • All

What are these records?

These records in ADM 240 contain the service records for Royal Naval Reserves officers between 1862 and 1964. These records of service include engineers and paymasters.

What information do the records contain?

They show details of merchant as well as naval service.

The information in these records can include:

  • name
  • date of birth
  • place of birth
  • rank
  • date of seniority and promotions attained
  • training undertaken
  • names of ships served on, with dates of joining and discharge from each ship
  • period of time served
  • home address

Sample service record from ADM 240

What do the records look like?

Details of the earlier officers’ service are recorded in books and registers.

For officers who served in the First World War, records may exist in both forms:

  • book/register
  • card/file

How do I search the records?

You can search the records using the fields below.

You don’t need to complete the date field to find a record but it may help you by narrowing your search.

Alternatively, go to Discovery, our catalogue, to search by catalogue reference.

Details of individual:

Why can’t I find what I’m looking for?

It is unlikely that any records in ADM 240 will relate to officers born too late for active service in the First World War.

If you can’t find what you’re looking for in ADM 240, try searching by name in ADM 340.

You can also consult The Navy Lists, which are available to view at The National Archives. The Navy List gives name, rank, date of commission and seniority. It should also indicate names of ships served on.