How to look for records of... Royal Navy commissioned and warrant officers’ pensions: claims by next of kin for unpaid monies 1830-1860

How can I view the records covered in this guide?

How many are online?

  • All

What are these records?

These are applications for the unpaid wages or pensions of deceased officers or their widows. Frequently the applications are from next of kin.

These records, in series ADM 45, cover officers of the Royal Navy and Royal Marines, and civilian employees of the Royal Navy and Naval Dockyards.

What information do they contain?

The records frequently include:

  • officers’ date of death
  • rank
  • name and address of the claimant
  • date the claim was admitted and examined
  • total value of the effects claimed

Sometimes supporting documents were supplied. Therefore you may find:

  • birth and/or marriage certificates
  • wills

How do I search the records?

You can search and download the records in Discovery (charges apply) by using the search box below.

Search by name of officer/employee or claimant.

Narrow your search by using double quotation marks to find a person’s full name, such as “James Williams”.

What do the records look like?

Below is an example of a record from ADM 45.

Record of Edward Fullerton (ADM 45/1/1)

Record of Edward Fullerton (ADM 45/1/1) page 2


Why can’t I find what I’m looking for?

If you are looking for a rating, look in series ADM 44. These ratings’ records are not available to view online.