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Detailed report on a software product

This report displays a detailed report for a software product. The report is split into six sections: Summary, Documentation, Rights, Formats, Images, and Components.


This section includes general information about a software product. The "Developed By", "Supported By" and "Source" fields are links to detailed vendor reports on those people or organisations. The "Related software" section includes links to the detailed reports for software products related to the current software product. The "Default file format" field is a link to a detailed file format report.

Example of summary section



This section lists the documents related to a software product. The "Author" and "Publisher" fields are links to detailed vendor reports and the "Identifier(s)" field may include a link to an external website. Any IPR for the document is listed under its type and date.
Each document is listed under its bibliographical text.


This section gives details on the intellectual property rights (IPR) for the software product. The "Owner(s)" field contains one or more links to detailed vendor reports and the "Identifier(s)" field may include a link to an external website.
Each IPR entry is listed under its type and date.


This section lists the file formats a software product can process (i.e. create, render, identify, validate and/or extract metadata from), grouped by each process type. Each item in the list is an entry for a file format, whose name is a link to the detailed file format report on that format. Each file format may have one or more file extensions associated with it; these are listed, in brackets, after the file format name. For those file formats that the software product can render (i.e. read), the invariance of the process (that is, whether rendering the file format changes it in any way) is given in square brackets at the end of the file format entry. For those file formats that the software product can extract metadata from, the metadata that it can extract is listed in square brackets at the end of the file format entry.


This section displays any images associated with the software product.


This section gives details on any components that are included within the software product.

Clicking on a section name on the "Go to" bar, navigates to the selected section. To return to the "Go to" menu, click on "Top of page iconTop of page", which is located at the bottom of each section.

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