application/epub+zip Library of Congress Format Description Identifier:
fdd000310 PUID:
Text (Structured)
The EPUB family of standards defines a distribution and interchange format for digital publications and documents. The EPUB format, short for "electronic publications", provides a means of representing, packaging, and encoding structured and semantically enhanced Web content — including HTML, CSS, SVG and other resources — for distribution in a single‐file container. The container file is based on the ZIP format and defined in the Open Container Format (OCF).
EPUB is an openly documented standard. It has been developed and maintained under the auspices of a sequence of entities.
The version of EPUB is identified in the version attribute of the root <package> element in the .opf file, which can be found when the contents of the .epub file is "unzipped", i.e., extracted from the ZIP archive into its component files. The official way to find the .opf file is through the mandatory META-INF/container.xml file. If the EPUB container has a single EPUB Package, this will often be, by convention rather than requirement, in a directory named "EPUB" or "OEBPS."
The version attribute for packages complying with all EPUB 3.x specifications is "3.0" and for EPUB 2.x specifications is "2.0".
This format can be identified via a container signature in DROID version 6 or later. The PRONOM database cannot currently represent container signatures; v.120- New description, fdd library of congress identifier and notes added as part of PRONOM Research Week 2024. Submitted by Library of Congress.
Last updated
03 Jan 2025
https://www.loc.gov/preservation/digital/formats/fdd/fdd000310.shtml; The official ePub spec for version 3 is maintained by https://www.w3.org/publishing/groups/epub-wg/; earlier versions (version 2) through https://idpf.org/epub/201.