Major Accessions to Repositories 1994 relating to WomenNational, Special and University
- Dame Katharine Furse and Dame Rachel Crowdy: papers (DM
- A. E. "Hugh" Popham, print curator: letters to Doris Popham
and Brynhild Olivier 1909-12 (MISC)
- Bellshill Maternity Hospital: register of patients 1924-62,
case books 1930-54 (LK30)
- Calderbank House Maternity Hospital: register of patients
1948-54, case books 1938-54 (LK31)
- Dr Alice Marshall, pathologist: additional lecture notes
and papers 1910s-70s (HB69)
- Medical Womens Federation, Scottish Western Association:
minutes, financial Records, correspondence and miscellanea
1930-81 (HB87)
- Royal Samaritan Hospital for Women, Glasgow: Annual Medical
Reports 1928-31 and 1935-43; financial Records 1936-91;
miscellanea 1920s-90s; Staff Association minutes 1932-70
- Ruchill Hospital: file on Sister MacTavish enquiry 1974-75
- Rosemary Parry (n�e Hewett): correspondence with Catherine
Hewett (nee Larkin) and Philip Larkin 1940s-80s
- Jill Franklin (d1988) architectural historian: research
papers rel to Victorian and Edwardian country houses
- Margaret Gardiner, political campaigner: political and
literary papers 20th cent (Deposit 9381)
- The Crompton Letters: letters of Mrs. Elizabeth Gaskell,
George Eliot, Charles and Mary Booth, Sir Samuel Romilly,
Herbert Spencer etc (Deposit 9388)
- Elizabeth Spencer: papers rel to the Rumanian revolution
1989 (Add MS 1530)
- Mary Ward: letters to Richard Acland Armstrong rel to the
settlement movement 1888 (Deposit 9431)
- Sao Sein Nyun, daughter of Sawbwa (Chief) of South Hsenwi,
Burma: memoir describing early life and the people of
Hsenwi c1919-48 (IOR: Mss Eur C 0709)
- Elizabeth Cornish Collection of tape recordings: Children
of the Raj: childhood reminiscences of British India
c1920s-30s (IOR: Mss Eur 9495/40)
- Leeds Munitions Factories: ms notes on visits to munitions
works in Leeds, apparently part of an investigation of
women warworkers 1915 (COLL MISC 0854)
- Beatrice Heron-Maxwell, author: correspondence,
presscuttings and personal papers c1890-c1920 (3/1994
- Girls Detached Work Project: papers rel to social work
with teenage girls, incl administration, field work,
reports and publications, exhibition material, 1977-81
(4/1994 8/GDW: closed for 50 years except by consultation
with the donor)
- Movement for the Ordination of Women: minutes, policy
papers, corresp, administration, and misc papers, 1970s-94
(5/1994 6/MOW2: access restrictions to sensitive material
still to be agreed)
- Sir Henry and Lady Norman: papers 1914-18, incl Records of
establishment of the British Hospital, Wimereux
- Margaret Read, Head of Department of Education in Tropical
Areas 1940-1955: papers and photographs (1994/1)
- Womens Royal Army Corps: papers of Dame Helen Gwynne-
Vaughan, Colonel Julia Margaret Cowper, Brigadier Dame
Frances Coulshed and Brigadier Dame Mary Colvin, 1917-88
(9401-240, 243, 247, 253)
- Sally Jacobs: designs for various productions by Peter
Brook 1960s-70s (94/1863)
- Sona Rosa Burstein (1897-1971), anthropologist and employee
of Wellcome: papers relating to gerontology; unpublished
report of lectures by Jung, London 1935 (GC/159 & GC/173)
- Ann Dally (b1926), physician and author, and Peter John
Dally (b1923), physician: patient and other Records of
their joint private practice, corresp with GMC, and
writings on addiction and other subjects (PP/DAL)
- Horfield Health Centre, Bristol: midwifery register 1954,
visits diary 1963, 1979-83 (GP/20)
- Queens Nursing Institute: papers, incl registers, minutes
of committees and ledgers 19th cent (SA/QNI)
- Katharine Mary Briggs (1898-1980), folklorist: corresp and
- Katharine Bruce Glasier, socialist propagandist: letters (14) and articles sent to William and Margaret Harvey 1922-45
- Rathbone papers (addl): personal correspondence of William Rathbone VI, William (Gair) Rathbone VII and his wife, and their daughter, Elena E Rathbone, who later married Sir
Bruce Richmond, editor of the Times Literary Supplement also marriage settlement rel to Esther Emily Rathbone late 19th-20th cent
- Maria Ryes Emigration Home for Destitute Little Girls: annual reports and related papers 1887-94 (D 630)
- Dr Margaret T Gibson, historian: research papers 1964-94 (D 643)
- Eileen Molony, BBC TV producer: tape recording of interview
with Robin Tanner, HMI c1979
- Rachel Johnson: testimonials (7) rel to Miss Enid Randell,
school teacher, of Camborne, Cornwall 1932-33
- Trevelyan family, baronets: addl papers, incl diaries and
correspondence of Laura Woodhouse 19th cent
- Mary Howitt, writer and collaborator with her husband
William Howitt: private and family letters 1822-88 (Ht)
- Laurence Pollinger: business correspondence with Frieda
Lawrence 1940s (La)
- Dame Dorothy Hodgkin: scientific papers, 20th cent.
- Penelope Gilliatt, author: notebooks and scripts, 20th
- Ruth Pitter, poet: correspondence and papers (MS Eng
c2724, fol 63)
- Barbara Pym, author: correspondence and papers (MS Eng c
2724, fols 66-7)
- Winifred Harrison, housemaid at Mason Croft, Stratford-on-
Avon: papers rel to Marie Corelli and Mason Croft, incl
autograph album 1906-27
- Marie Corelli: misc papers, incl seven letters c1903-23
- Mary Ann Hancox: commonplace book, later used by her niece,
Mrs Elsie Howe 1867-1931
- Bnai Brith Selig Brodetsky (Ealing and District) Womens
Lodge: minute books, constitutions of the Lodge, notes on
ritual and lists of members, account books and other
financial papers, 1961-92 (MS 229)
- Jewish Lads and Girls Brigade: photographs, minute books,
annual reports and other papers 1895-1991 (MS 244)
- Lady Allen of Hurtwood: seven cuttings-albums rel to her
work in landscape gardening, nursery and adventure
playground provision 1931-39 (MSS 121)
- Professor Margaret Stacey: research papers rel to General
Medical Council 1976-92 (MSS 184)
- Tom Mann, Labour leader: corresp with his wife, Elsie 1906-
49 (MSS 334)
- Crawshay family: correspondence and papers, comprising
mainly letters to George Crawshay and his daughter Mrs
Florence Esdaile (NLW MSS 23283-87)
- Megan Lloyd George: correspondence 1940-57 from Philip Noel-
Baker, Labour politician, together with related papers,
incl letters from her father David Lloyd George c1910-18
(NLW MSS 23254-68)
- Elaine Morgan, television playwright and author: scripts
for radio and television plays, 1955-87 (1994/34)
- Florence Nightingale: five letters to William Rathbone MP
rel to the Bangor typhoid epidemic of 1882
- Priscilla Jean Fortescue Buchan, n�e Thomson, Baroness
Tweedsmuir of Belhelvie: additional correspondence and
papers 1945-64 restricted (Acc 10931)
- James B Caird, educationist and author, and Janet Caird,
author: correspondence and
literary papers 1928-90 (Accs 11108-09)
- Mollie Hunter, novelist: correspondence and literary papers
1960-93 (Acc 11073)
- Gertrude Susan Nicholson, Lady Nicholson: correspondence
and papers rel to POW welfare 1916-17 (Acc 11006)
- Janet Adam Smith, author and literary editor: research
papers for John Buchan: a Biography (1965) incl notes of interviews and
correspondence with eminent friends of Buchan (Acc 11164)
- Dame Muriel Spark, novelist: additional literary papers,
cl943-93 (Accs 10989, 11050)
- Girl Guides Association, Province of Ulster: additional
minute books 1920-87 (D3875 add)
- Personal papers, mainly relating to the theatre, History of
Dublin, and the Technical Students Debating Society, incl
letters of Sinead De Valera, Maud Gonne MacBride, Mrs Mary
Childers, etc 1936-93 (The later Seamus O Scolai)
- Crowley family of Kilbrittain, Co Cork: corresp, mainly rel
to the Third Cork Brigade of the IRA in the War of
Independence, incl letters from Dorothy Price (nee
Stopford) 1918-21 (Patrick D. Crowley)
- W.B. Yeats: letter to Molly Allgood c1909-10
- Daphne Du Maurier, novelist: research material for Hungry
- Jack B Yeats, artist: letters Mrs Eleanor Reid 1955-56
- Ladies Irish Association: minutes and accounts 1907-50 (MS
- Maria Edgeworth, novelist: letters 1832-40 to Marquess of
Lansdowne (MS 10732)
Local Repositories in England
- Richardson family of Yorkshire: household accounts of
Dorothy Richardson 1789-95, etc (Acc AR 121/94)
- Movement for the Ordination of Women, Ely Branch: minutes
and papers 1984-94 (R94/89)
- Edgcumbe family of Mount Edgcumbe: estate accounts,
marriage settlements, conveyances for sale of estates 18th-
20th cent (ME 3176-3660)
- Girl Guides Association: North Lonsdale/Cumbria South
divisional account books 1931-74 (BD/So 61 addl)
- Machell family of Pennybridge Hall, landowners and
ironmasters: business and domestic account books 1739-1820
- Cumbria South Girl Guides Association: additional log
books, reports, photographs, etc 1921-92 (WDSO/42)
- Electrical Association for Women, Derby, Matlock and
Chesterfield branches: minutes, reports and programmes 1973-
86 (D4105)
- Acland family of Killerton: ms copy of the journal of Lady
Harriet Acland 1776-78 (D 1148 add 24)
- Bidwell and Quicke families: will (photocopy) of Joane
Bydwell of Shobrooke 1536 (D 5166)
- Consett and District Business and Professional Womens
Club: Records, 1945-85 (D/X 1062)
- Federation of Essex Womens Institutes: minutes, accounts,
Record books 1917-84 (D/Z 2591)
- National Society for the Prevention of Cruelty to Children,
Maldon Branch Ladies Committee: minutes, accounts 1918-27
(D/Z 263)
- Cheltenham Marriage Guidance Council: minutes, etc 1945-88
- Gloucestershire Girl Guides Association: log books,
minutes, albums, programmes 1910-90 (D7107)
- Southampton Business and Professional Womens Club:
additional Records including reports, minutes and
correspondence 1946-81, also Records of Southampton Ladies
Cricket Club c1970-80 (D/BPW)
- Movement for the Ordination of Women, Hereford Branch:
minutes and correspondence 1986-94 (BJ 14)
- Victorine Jansen: diary 1860-62 incl references to
Brighton, London, NE Worcestershire esp. Redditch Area;
theatre interest (BA 11401)
- Grimsby and Scunthorpe Health Districts: Records of Nurse
Training Schools 1924-90 (380, 383)
- Dorothea Jordan: letters 1809-12 (U1500 add)
- Electrical Association for Women: Maidstone Branch: minutes
1979-86; Canterbury Branch minutes 1982-86; accounts 1972-
86 (Ch 93)
- Marriage settlement of Thomas Patten and Margaret Blackburn
1686 (DDSb)
- Eccleston Ladies Hockey Club: minutes and financial Records
1938-62 (DDX 2019)
- Preston Well Women Centre: report on historical project for
Preston Guild, 1993 (DDX 2020)
- Barton Womens Institute: minutes and scrapbook 1921-84
- Draft poems of Phoebe Hesketh 1952 (DDX 2025)
- Eccleston Womens Institute: minutes and Record books 1947-
85 (WIEc)
- Preston Women Citizens Association: minutes, accounts,
registers of members 1960-94 (DDX 1749)
- Electrical Association of Women, Loughborough Branch:
Records 1954-86 (DE 4656)
- Mrs Judith Foljambe (nee Wright): correspondence 1920s-40s
(23 ELWES)
- Diane Abbott, MP: constituency correspondence c1986-90
- Soroptimist International of Sutton and District Club:
Archives 1937-71 (Acc 174)
- Sutton Wel-Care (1921-92). minutes and other papers rel to
The Haven, mother and baby home (Acc 204)
- Phyllis Gerson: Records rel to Stepney Jewish Girls (Bnai
Brith) Club and Settlement, and the Alice Model Nursery
1937-70 (TH/8629)
- Mrs A M Bernhard Smiths XXI Gallery, Adelphi: catalogues
and letters, 1929-54 ( Acc 1812)
- Bolton and Rochdale District Methodist Womens Work
Committee: Records 1943-92 (NM BR)
- Miss E. Openshaw of Bury: misc family papers, mostly
Newland family c1820-40 (FMX/6016)
- Electrical Association for Women, Whitefield Branch: misc
correspondence, 1973-84 (GEW 018)
- Manchester City Council: municipal midwifes day books 1946-
- Bethesda School; Boys and Girls Welfare Society: admissions
register c1918-64
- Girls Friendly Society Manchester Diocesan Executive
Committee, Cheetwood, St Alban: minutes 1948-57
- Soroptimist International of Manchester: additional Records
- Dame Sarah Anne Lees: illuminated scrolls conferring Honour
of Lady of Grace of Order of St. John, 1916 and
reorganising valuable war Service, British Red Cross and
Order of St. John, c1919 (1994.011)
- Jo Richardson, MP: papers, incl minutes and correspondence
of the Labour Party Tribune Group and the Victory for
Socialism Campaign 1949-90
- Medical Records rel to Hilda Rose being treated for
diptheria 1935 (4999)
- Emma Hood, Matron, Kirkdale, Industrial Schools Infirmary:
testimonials (photocopies) 1868-70 (5001)
- Florence Nightingale: letters to William Rathbone VI 1868-
98 (5027)
- Women in the Community": Chief Rabbis report, Liverpool
project 1993 (5045)
- Liverpool Woolton Business and Professional Womens Club:
additional Records 1940-92 (5062)
- Merseyside Equal Opportunities Project: additional Records
1984-86 (351E0P)
- Birmingham Gay Centre: Records 1977-85, incl Womens
Liberation newsletters (MS 1836)
- Joan Thornton, Coventry: letters, incl first hand accounts
of the Blitz 1939-42 (1692)
- Coventry and District Branch of Standing Conferences of
Womens Organisations: papers 1970s-80s (1700)
- Joan Butler of West Bromwich, sinner: papers 1940s (M 51)
- Electrical Association for Women, Wolverhampton Branch:
Records 1969-86
- Sarah Martin of Great Yarmouth, prison visitor and
reformer: letters 1841-43 (MC 528)
- Miss Drake of Seething: diary of an agricultural workers
daughter 1897-99 (MC 559)
- Howick Womens Institute: Records 1918-86 (NRO 4429)
- Order of Service for ordination of female Priests at St
Nicholas Church May 1994 (NRO 4458)
- Elizabeth Goudge, author: correspondence with Madeau
Stewart 1970s-80s (P143, but partly closed)
- Madeau Stewart: correspondence with Marghanita Laski 20th
cent (P143, but partly closed)
- Madeau Stewart: correspondence with Stevie Smith with
original Stevie Smith MSS, 20th cent (Cat as P143)
- Annie Woodward, Tixall Hall near Stafford: personal
correspondence 1865-67 (D5326)
- Lichfield Afternoon Womens Institute: minutes and other
Records 1938-71 (D111)
- Womens Gas Federation, Bury St Edmunds: Records 1954-93
(GC 546)
- Miss W Hutchings, civil defence control Centre, Group 9,
Kingston: album 1939-74 (4272)
- M Louise Taylor: school Records, comprising examination
papers and exercise books, Whyteleafe County Grammar
School, Caterham and Royal Russell School, Croydon, 1964-67
- Throckley and District Business and Professional Womens
Club: minutes 1969-93 (2854)
- Anne (Dorothy) Duffield, romantic novelist: papers 20th
cent (2895)
- Kildwick parish: Records, incl Womens Help society
minutes 1936-56 (MIC 2895, 2897, 2907, 2938, 2941)
- Henrietta Matilda Crompton and sisters: papers c1818-85
(MIC 2728)
- Caroline Rachel OReilly: diary 1876 (MIC 2829)
- Elizabeth Jane Crompton: account book 1832-56 (MIC 2829)
Local Repositories in Wales
- Merched y Wawr, Arfon district: Records 1960s-90s [N.B.
Merched y Wawr is similar to the Womens Institute,
conducting its business through the medium of Welsh]
- Plas yn Rhiw Archive: papers of the Misses Keating c1940-80
- Jane Helen Rowlands, missionary: papers 1921-47 (WM 1645)
- Anglesey Federation of Womens Institutes: Records 1927-93
(WD 3)
- Electrical Association for Women: reports and papers rel to
Prestatyn and Wrexham branches 1973-84 (D/DM/991)
- Halkyn Womens Institute: minutes 1934-85, accounts 1950-71
- Ladies of Llangollen: letters to Rev Thomas Youde c1780
- Trefnant Womens Institute: minutes, accounts and papers
1921-92 (DD/DM/1108)
- Cardiff and East Glamorgan Girl Guide Association: minutes
and log books of guide camps and holidays, 1916-92
Local Repositories in Scotland
- Rousay Scottish Womens Rural Institute: minutes 1937-79(D71)
- Saltcoats Female Benevolent Society, Ayrshire: Records 1904-
92 (ATD117)
- The Glasgow Magdalene Institute: Records 1859-1935 (TD1300)
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