Three women linking arms. Cat ref: Coal 80/673/013 Accessions to repositories
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Major Accessions to Repositories 1994 relating to Women

National, Special and University

Bristol University Library

  • Dame Katharine Furse and Dame Rachel Crowdy: papers (DM 1584)

Kings College Library, Modern Archive Centre

  • A. E. "Hugh" Popham, print curator: letters to Doris Popham and Brynhild Olivier 1909-12 (MISC)

Greater Glasgow Health Board Archives

  • Bellshill Maternity Hospital: register of patients 1924-62, case books 1930-54 (LK30)
  • Calderbank House Maternity Hospital: register of patients 1948-54, case books 1938-54 (LK31)
  • Dr Alice Marshall, pathologist: additional lecture notes and papers 1910s-70s (HB69)
  • Medical Womens Federation, Scottish Western Association: minutes, financial Records, correspondence and miscellanea 1930-81 (HB87)
  • Royal Samaritan Hospital for Women, Glasgow: Annual Medical Reports 1928-31 and 1935-43; financial Records 1936-91; miscellanea 1920s-90s; Staff Association minutes 1932-70 (HB25)
  • Ruchill Hospital: file on Sister MacTavish enquiry 1974-75 (HB42)

Hull University, Brynmor Jones Library

  • Rosemary Parry (n�e Hewett): correspondence with Catherine Hewett (nee Larkin) and Philip Larkin 1940s-80s

British Architectural Library

  • Jill Franklin (d1988) architectural historian: research papers rel to Victorian and Edwardian country houses

British Library Department of Manuscripts

  • Margaret Gardiner, political campaigner: political and literary papers 20th cent (Deposit 9381)
  • The Crompton Letters: letters of Mrs. Elizabeth Gaskell, George Eliot, Charles and Mary Booth, Sir Samuel Romilly, Herbert Spencer etc (Deposit 9388)
  • Elizabeth Spencer: papers rel to the Rumanian revolution 1989 (Add MS 1530)
  • Mary Ward: letters to Richard Acland Armstrong rel to the settlement movement 1888 (Deposit 9431)

British Library, Oriental and India Office Collections

  • Sao Sein Nyun, daughter of Sawbwa (Chief) of South Hsenwi, Burma: memoir describing early life and the people of Hsenwi c1919-48 (IOR: Mss Eur C 0709)
  • Elizabeth Cornish Collection of tape recordings: Children of the Raj: childhood reminiscences of British India c1920s-30s (IOR: Mss Eur 9495/40)

British Library of Political and Economic Science

  • Leeds Munitions Factories: ms notes on visits to munitions works in Leeds, apparently part of an investigation of women warworkers 1915 (COLL MISC 0854)

London Guildhall University, Fawcett Library

  • Beatrice Heron-Maxwell, author: correspondence, presscuttings and personal papers c1890-c1920 (3/1994 7/BHM)
  • Girls Detached Work Project: papers rel to social work with teenage girls, incl administration, field work, reports and publications, exhibition material, 1977-81 (4/1994 8/GDW: closed for 50 years except by consultation with the donor)
  • Movement for the Ordination of Women: minutes, policy papers, corresp, administration, and misc papers, 1970s-94 (5/1994 6/MOW2: access restrictions to sensitive material still to be agreed)

Imperial War Museum, Department of Documents

  • Sir Henry and Lady Norman: papers 1914-18, incl Records of establishment of the British Hospital, Wimereux

University of London, Institute of Education

  • Margaret Read, Head of Department of Education in Tropical Areas 1940-1955: papers and photographs (1994/1)

National Army Museum, Department of Archives, Photographs, Film and Sound

  • Womens Royal Army Corps: papers of Dame Helen Gwynne- Vaughan, Colonel Julia Margaret Cowper, Brigadier Dame Frances Coulshed and Brigadier Dame Mary Colvin, 1917-88 (9401-240, 243, 247, 253)

Theatre Museum

  • Sally Jacobs: designs for various productions by Peter Brook 1960s-70s (94/1863)

The Wellcome Institute for the History of Medicine

  • Sona Rosa Burstein (1897-1971), anthropologist and employee of Wellcome: papers relating to gerontology; unpublished report of lectures by Jung, London 1935 (GC/159 & GC/173)
  • Ann Dally (b1926), physician and author, and Peter John Dally (b1923), physician: patient and other Records of their joint private practice, corresp with GMC, and writings on addiction and other subjects (PP/DAL)
  • Horfield Health Centre, Bristol: midwifery register 1954, visits diary 1963, 1979-83 (GP/20)
  • Queens Nursing Institute: papers, incl registers, minutes of committees and ledgers 19th cent (SA/QNI)

Leeds University, Brotherton Library, Department of Manuscripts and Special Collections

  • Katharine Mary Briggs (1898-1980), folklorist: corresp and papers

Liverpool University Library

  • Katharine Bruce Glasier, socialist propagandist: letters (14) and articles sent to William and Margaret Harvey 1922-45
  • Rathbone papers (addl): personal correspondence of William Rathbone VI, William (Gair) Rathbone VII and his wife, and their daughter, Elena E Rathbone, who later married Sir Bruce Richmond, editor of the Times Literary Supplement also marriage settlement rel to Esther Emily Rathbone late 19th-20th cent
  • Maria Ryes Emigration Home for Destitute Little Girls: annual reports and related papers 1887-94 (D 630)
  • Dr Margaret T Gibson, historian: research papers 1964-94 (D 643)

National Primary Education Archive Collection

  • Eileen Molony, BBC TV producer: tape recording of interview with Robin Tanner, HMI c1979
  • Rachel Johnson: testimonials (7) rel to Miss Enid Randell, school teacher, of Camborne, Cornwall 1932-33

Newcastle upon Tyne University, Robinson Library

  • Trevelyan family, baronets: addl papers, incl diaries and correspondence of Laura Woodhouse 19th cent

Nottingham University Library, Manuscripts Department

  • Mary Howitt, writer and collaborator with her husband William Howitt: private and family letters 1822-88 (Ht)
  • Laurence Pollinger: business correspondence with Frieda Lawrence 1940s (La)

Bodleian Library, Department of Western Manuscripts

  • Dame Dorothy Hodgkin: scientific papers, 20th cent.
  • Penelope Gilliatt, author: notebooks and scripts, 20th cent.
  • Ruth Pitter, poet: correspondence and papers (MS Eng c2724, fol 63)
  • Barbara Pym, author: correspondence and papers (MS Eng c 2724, fols 66-7)

Shakespeare Birthplace Trust Records Office

  • Winifred Harrison, housemaid at Mason Croft, Stratford-on- Avon: papers rel to Marie Corelli and Mason Croft, incl autograph album 1906-27
  • Marie Corelli: misc papers, incl seven letters c1903-23
  • Mary Ann Hancox: commonplace book, later used by her niece, Mrs Elsie Howe 1867-1931

Southampton University, Archives Department

  • Bnai Brith Selig Brodetsky (Ealing and District) Womens Lodge: minute books, constitutions of the Lodge, notes on ritual and lists of members, account books and other financial papers, 1961-92 (MS 229)
  • Jewish Lads and Girls Brigade: photographs, minute books, annual reports and other papers 1895-1991 (MS 244)

Warwick University Modern Records Centre

  • Lady Allen of Hurtwood: seven cuttings-albums rel to her work in landscape gardening, nursery and adventure playground provision 1931-39 (MSS 121)
  • Professor Margaret Stacey: research papers rel to General Medical Council 1976-92 (MSS 184)
  • Tom Mann, Labour leader: corresp with his wife, Elsie 1906- 49 (MSS 334)

National Library of Wales, Department of Manuscripts and Records

  • Crawshay family: correspondence and papers, comprising mainly letters to George Crawshay and his daughter Mrs Florence Esdaile (NLW MSS 23283-87)
  • Megan Lloyd George: correspondence 1940-57 from Philip Noel- Baker, Labour politician, together with related papers, incl letters from her father David Lloyd George c1910-18 (NLW MSS 23254-68)

University College of Swansea Library

  • Elaine Morgan, television playwright and author: scripts for radio and television plays, 1955-87 (1994/34)
  • Florence Nightingale: five letters to William Rathbone MP rel to the Bangor typhoid epidemic of 1882

National Library of Scotland, Department of Manuscripts

  • Priscilla Jean Fortescue Buchan, n�e Thomson, Baroness Tweedsmuir of Belhelvie: additional correspondence and papers 1945-64 restricted (Acc 10931)
  • James B Caird, educationist and author, and Janet Caird, author: correspondence and literary papers 1928-90 (Accs 11108-09)
  • Mollie Hunter, novelist: correspondence and literary papers 1960-93 (Acc 11073)
  • Gertrude Susan Nicholson, Lady Nicholson: correspondence and papers rel to POW welfare 1916-17 (Acc 11006)
  • Janet Adam Smith, author and literary editor: research papers for John Buchan: a Biography (1965) incl notes of interviews and correspondence with eminent friends of Buchan (Acc 11164)
  • Dame Muriel Spark, novelist: additional literary papers, cl943-93 (Accs 10989, 11050)

Public Record Office of Northern Ireland

  • Girl Guides Association, Province of Ulster: additional minute books 1920-87 (D3875 add)

National Library of Ireland

  • Personal papers, mainly relating to the theatre, History of Dublin, and the Technical Students Debating Society, incl letters of Sinead De Valera, Maud Gonne MacBride, Mrs Mary Childers, etc 1936-93 (The later Seamus O Scolai)
  • Crowley family of Kilbrittain, Co Cork: corresp, mainly rel to the Third Cork Brigade of the IRA in the War of Independence, incl letters from Dorothy Price (nee Stopford) 1918-21 (Patrick D. Crowley)
  • W.B. Yeats: letter to Molly Allgood c1909-10
  • Daphne Du Maurier, novelist: research material for Hungry Hill
  • Jack B Yeats, artist: letters Mrs Eleanor Reid 1955-56

Representative Church Body Library

  • Ladies Irish Association: minutes and accounts 1907-50 (MS 544)

Trinity College Library

  • Maria Edgeworth, novelist: letters 1832-40 to Marquess of Lansdowne (MS 10732)

Local Repositories in England

Buckinghamshire Record Office

  • Richardson family of Yorkshire: household accounts of Dorothy Richardson 1789-95, etc (Acc AR 121/94)

Cambridgeshire County Record Office, Cambridge

  • Movement for the Ordination of Women, Ely Branch: minutes and papers 1984-94 (R94/89)

Cornwall Record Office

  • Edgcumbe family of Mount Edgcumbe: estate accounts, marriage settlements, conveyances for sale of estates 18th- 20th cent (ME 3176-3660)

Cumbria Record Office, Barrow

  • Girl Guides Association: North Lonsdale/Cumbria South divisional account books 1931-74 (BD/So 61 addl)
  • Machell family of Pennybridge Hall, landowners and ironmasters: business and domestic account books 1739-1820 [BDX/304]

Cumbria Record Office (Kendal)

  • Cumbria South Girl Guides Association: additional log books, reports, photographs, etc 1921-92 (WDSO/42)

Derbyshire Record and Derby Diocesan Record Office

  • Electrical Association for Women, Derby, Matlock and Chesterfield branches: minutes, reports and programmes 1973- 86 (D4105)

Devon Record Office

  • Acland family of Killerton: ms copy of the journal of Lady Harriet Acland 1776-78 (D 1148 add 24)
  • Bidwell and Quicke families: will (photocopy) of Joane Bydwell of Shobrooke 1536 (D 5166)

Durham County Record Office

  • Consett and District Business and Professional Womens Club: Records, 1945-85 (D/X 1062)

Essex Record Office

  • Federation of Essex Womens Institutes: minutes, accounts, Record books 1917-84 (D/Z 2591)
  • National Society for the Prevention of Cruelty to Children, Maldon Branch Ladies Committee: minutes, accounts 1918-27 (D/Z 263)

Gloucestershire Record Office

  • Cheltenham Marriage Guidance Council: minutes, etc 1945-88 (D7064)
  • Gloucestershire Girl Guides Association: log books, minutes, albums, programmes 1910-90 (D7107)

Hampshire: Southampton Archives Services

  • Southampton Business and Professional Womens Club: additional Records including reports, minutes and correspondence 1946-81, also Records of Southampton Ladies Cricket Club c1970-80 (D/BPW)

Hereford and Worcester Record Office

  • Movement for the Ordination of Women, Hereford Branch: minutes and correspondence 1986-94 (BJ 14)

Worcester (St Helens) Record Office

  • Victorine Jansen: diary 1860-62 incl references to Brighton, London, NE Worcestershire esp. Redditch Area; theatre interest (BA 11401)

South Humberside Area Archive Office, Grimsby

  • Grimsby and Scunthorpe Health Districts: Records of Nurse Training Schools 1924-90 (380, 383)

Centre for Kentish Studies

  • Dorothea Jordan: letters 1809-12 (U1500 add)
  • Electrical Association for Women: Maidstone Branch: minutes 1979-86; Canterbury Branch minutes 1982-86; accounts 1972- 86 (Ch 93)

Lancashire Record Office

  • Marriage settlement of Thomas Patten and Margaret Blackburn 1686 (DDSb)
  • Eccleston Ladies Hockey Club: minutes and financial Records 1938-62 (DDX 2019)
  • Preston Well Women Centre: report on historical project for Preston Guild, 1993 (DDX 2020)
  • Barton Womens Institute: minutes and scrapbook 1921-84 (WIBa)
  • Draft poems of Phoebe Hesketh 1952 (DDX 2025)
  • Eccleston Womens Institute: minutes and Record books 1947- 85 (WIEc)
  • Preston Women Citizens Association: minutes, accounts, registers of members 1960-94 (DDX 1749)

Leicestershire Record Office

  • Electrical Association of Women, Loughborough Branch: Records 1954-86 (DE 4656)

Lincolnshire Archives

  • Mrs Judith Foljambe (nee Wright): correspondence 1920s-40s (23 ELWES)

Greater London: Hackney Archives Department

  • Diane Abbott, MP: constituency correspondence c1986-90 (1994/3&13)

Greater London: Sutton Heritage Service - Archive Section

  • Soroptimist International of Sutton and District Club: Archives 1937-71 (Acc 174)
  • Sutton Wel-Care (1921-92). minutes and other papers rel to The Haven, mother and baby home (Acc 204)

Greater London: Tower Hamlets Archives

  • Phyllis Gerson: Records rel to Stepney Jewish Girls (Bnai Brith) Club and Settlement, and the Alice Model Nursery 1937-70 (TH/8629)

Greater London: Westminster City Archives

  • Mrs A M Bernhard Smiths XXI Gallery, Adelphi: catalogues and letters, 1929-54 ( Acc 1812)

Greater Manchester: Bolton Archive Service

  • Bolton and Rochdale District Methodist Womens Work Committee: Records 1943-92 (NM BR)

Greater Manchester: Bury Archive Service

  • Miss E. Openshaw of Bury: misc family papers, mostly Newland family c1820-40 (FMX/6016)
  • Electrical Association for Women, Whitefield Branch: misc correspondence, 1973-84 (GEW 018)

Greater Manchester: Manchester Central Library

  • Manchester City Council: municipal midwifes day books 1946- 48
  • Bethesda School; Boys and Girls Welfare Society: admissions register c1918-64
  • Girls Friendly Society Manchester Diocesan Executive Committee, Cheetwood, St Alban: minutes 1948-57
  • Soroptimist International of Manchester: additional Records

Greater Manchester: Oldham Archive Service

  • Dame Sarah Anne Lees: illuminated scrolls conferring Honour of Lady of Grace of Order of St. John, 1916 and reorganising valuable war Service, British Red Cross and Order of St. John, c1919 (1994.011)

Greater Manchester: National Museum of Labour History

  • Jo Richardson, MP: papers, incl minutes and correspondence of the Labour Party Tribune Group and the Victory for Socialism Campaign 1949-90

Merseyside: Liverpool City Record Office

  • Medical Records rel to Hilda Rose being treated for diptheria 1935 (4999)
  • Emma Hood, Matron, Kirkdale, Industrial Schools Infirmary: testimonials (photocopies) 1868-70 (5001)
  • Florence Nightingale: letters to William Rathbone VI 1868- 98 (5027)
  • Women in the Community": Chief Rabbis report, Liverpool project 1993 (5045)
  • Liverpool Woolton Business and Professional Womens Club: additional Records 1940-92 (5062)

Merseyside: Merseyside Record Office

  • Merseyside Equal Opportunities Project: additional Records 1984-86 (351E0P)

West Midlands: Birmingham City Archives

  • Birmingham Gay Centre: Records 1977-85, incl Womens Liberation newsletters (MS 1836)

West Midlands: Coventry City Record Office

  • Joan Thornton, Coventry: letters, incl first hand accounts of the Blitz 1939-42 (1692)
  • Coventry and District Branch of Standing Conferences of Womens Organisations: papers 1970s-80s (1700)

West Midlands: Sandwell Local Studies Service

  • Joan Butler of West Bromwich, sinner: papers 1940s (M 51)

West Midlands: Wolverhampton Borough Archives

  • Electrical Association for Women, Wolverhampton Branch: Records 1969-86

Norfolk Record Office

  • Sarah Martin of Great Yarmouth, prison visitor and reformer: letters 1841-43 (MC 528)
  • Miss Drake of Seething: diary of an agricultural workers daughter 1897-99 (MC 559)

Northumberland Record Office

  • Howick Womens Institute: Records 1918-86 (NRO 4429)
  • Order of Service for ordination of female Priests at St Nicholas Church May 1994 (NRO 4458)

Oxfordshire Archives

  • Elizabeth Goudge, author: correspondence with Madeau Stewart 1970s-80s (P143, but partly closed)
  • Madeau Stewart: correspondence with Marghanita Laski 20th cent (P143, but partly closed)
  • Madeau Stewart: correspondence with Stevie Smith with original Stevie Smith MSS, 20th cent (Cat as P143)

Staffordshire Record Office

  • Annie Woodward, Tixall Hall near Stafford: personal correspondence 1865-67 (D5326)

Lichfield Joint Record Office

  • Lichfield Afternoon Womens Institute: minutes and other Records 1938-71 (D111)

Suffolk Record Office: Bury St Edmunds Branch

  • Womens Gas Federation, Bury St Edmunds: Records 1954-93 (GC 546)

Surrey Record Office

  • Miss W Hutchings, civil defence control Centre, Group 9, Kingston: album 1939-74 (4272)
  • M Louise Taylor: school Records, comprising examination papers and exercise books, Whyteleafe County Grammar School, Caterham and Royal Russell School, Croydon, 1964-67 (4288)

Tyne and Wear Archives Service

  • Throckley and District Business and Professional Womens Club: minutes 1969-93 (2854)

Wiltshire Record Office

  • Anne (Dorothy) Duffield, romantic novelist: papers 20th cent (2895)

North Yorkshire Record Office

  • Kildwick parish: Records, incl Womens Help society minutes 1936-56 (MIC 2895, 2897, 2907, 2938, 2941)
  • Henrietta Matilda Crompton and sisters: papers c1818-85 (MIC 2728)
  • Caroline Rachel OReilly: diary 1876 (MIC 2829)
  • Elizabeth Jane Crompton: account book 1832-56 (MIC 2829)

Local Repositories in Wales

Dyfed Archives Service, Carmarthenshire Area Record Office,

  • Merched y Wawr, Arfon district: Records 1960s-90s [N.B. Merched y Wawr is similar to the Womens Institute, conducting its business through the medium of Welsh] (XM9727)
  • Plas yn Rhiw Archive: papers of the Misses Keating c1940-80 (XD106)

Gwynedd Archives and Museums Service, Llangefni Area Records Office

  • Jane Helen Rowlands, missionary: papers 1921-47 (WM 1645)
  • Anglesey Federation of Womens Institutes: Records 1927-93 (WD 3)

Clwyd Record Office, Hawarden Branch

  • Electrical Association for Women: reports and papers rel to Prestatyn and Wrexham branches 1973-84 (D/DM/991)
  • Halkyn Womens Institute: minutes 1934-85, accounts 1950-71 (D/DM/1234)

Clwyd Record Office, Ruthin Branch

  • Ladies of Llangollen: letters to Rev Thomas Youde c1780 (DD/DM/1131)
  • Trefnant Womens Institute: minutes, accounts and papers 1921-92 (DD/DM/1108)

Glamorgan Record Office

  • Cardiff and East Glamorgan Girl Guide Association: minutes and log books of guide camps and holidays, 1916-92 (1994/31)

Local Repositories in Scotland

Orkney Archives

  • Rousay Scottish Womens Rural Institute: minutes 1937-79(D71)

Strathclyde Regional Archives

  • Saltcoats Female Benevolent Society, Ayrshire: Records 1904- 92 (ATD117)
  • The Glasgow Magdalene Institute: Records 1859-1935 (TD1300)


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