Three women linking arms. Cat ref: Coal 80/673/013 Accessions to repositories
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Major Accessions to Repositories 1996 relating to Literature

National, Special and University

Aberdeen University, Department of Special Collections and Archives

  • Peter D Strachan, editor of the Buchan Observer: papers 20th cent (AUL MS 3454)
  • Helen Beaton, writer: MS of At the Back O'Bennachie 1915 (AUL MS 3477)
  • Walter Keir: papers and corresp from Hugh MacDiarmaid (CM Grieve) 1920-84 (AUL MS 3489)

Bodleian Library

  • Dame Cicely Veronica Wedgwood (1910-97), historian: working papers
  • Herbert David Ziman (1902-83), journalist: papers

British Library, Department of Manuscripts

  • James Stem (1904-93), writer and translator: literary MSS and corresp
  • Kenneth Peacock Tynan (1927-80), theatre critic: letters to Julian Holland
  • Lord Byron: papers rel to his divorce 1816
  • Giles Lytton Strachey, critic and biographer: letters to Henry Lamb 1910-15
  • Isaac Rosenberg (1890-1918), poet: letters, poems, and papers, mostly addressed to Gordon Bottomley, with some letters to Laurence Binyon
  • Lamb family of Melbourne Hall, Derbyshire. papers incl those of William Lamb, 2nd Viscount Melbourne, his wife Lady Caroline Lamb,and his sister Lady Palmerston c1751-1869
  • Eric Arthur Blair (1903-50), writer as George Orwell: letters to him and other misc papers
  • Samuel Pepys (1633-1703): printed edition of his diary, interleaved with MSS by himself and his friends and contemporaries, incl John Evelyn
  • Julian Gustave Symons (1912-94), poet, critic and writer of detective stories: literary papers and related material.

British Library of Political and Economic Science

  • Ernest Andre Gellner, philosopher: corresp and papers c1950-95 (GELLNER)
  • Robert Mellors, gay writer: research papers rel to biography of Charlotte Bach c1970-90 (HALL-CARPENTER ARCHIVES)

Cambridge University Library, Department of Manuscripts and University Archives

  • James Bate, clergyman and theological writer: treatise in the form of a letter to George Bryant 'Heaven impossible to be open to all men' 1748 (Add 9363)
  • William Hugh Plommer (1922-83), classicist: corresp and papers (Add 9367)
  • Siegfried Loraine Sassoon, poet and prose writer: letters to him c1909-67 (Add 9375)
  • Gilbert Cannan (1884-1955), novelist and dramatist: novels, writings and corresp with his biographer (Add 9388)
  • Daphne du Maurier, novelist: letters to Régis Bouis 1957-68 (Add 9395)

Durham University Library, Archives and Special Collections

  • Arthur Foote, poet: papers rel to 1959-92 (AccM/334)
  • Basil Bunting, poet: letters to Denis Goacher 1964-80 (Bbpa 1995/96:2)
  • George Carr, poet: MS poems (Misc. 1995/96:12)
  • William Charles Franklyn Plomer, author: letters to Dame Cicely Veronica Wedgwood 1952-69 (Misc. 1995/96:16)

Edinburgh University Library, Special Collections

  • George Mackay Brown, author (addnl): MSS c1980-95 (E96.58)
  • Walter John de la Mare, author and poet: letters to Joan Hassall and Dame Cicely Veronica Wedgwood 1947-53 (E96.1, 9)
  • Robert Nye, author (addnl): MSS c1990-95 (E96.59)
  • Fred Urquhart, novelist and journalist: letters to R Greacen 1990-95 (E96.6)

Fawcett Library

  • Harriet Martineau (1802-76), writer: corresp and papers (7/HRM - uncatalogued)

Glasgow University Library, Special Collections Department

  • Edwin George Morgan, writer and professor of English (addnl): corresp and papers 1983-93 (MS Morgan)
  • Tom Leonard, biographer: corresp and papers rel to his biography of James Thomson (MS Gen)
  • Ian Hamilton Finlay, poet: corresp and papers 1967-81 (MS Gen)
  • Eddie Boyd: scripts and other writings
  • Osborne Henry Mavor (1888-1951), playwright as James Bridie: papers and corresp rel to his work with Citizens' Theatre

Hull University, Brynmor Jones Library

  • AE Markham, poet and writer: literary MSS and other papers c1970-90
  • Florence Margaret Smith, poet as Stevie Smith: corresp with L Horvat c1950-60

London University Library

  • George Daniel (1789-1864), author and book collector: papers (ULL MS 972)
  • Alban Tabor Austin Dobson (1885-1962), civil servant: papers for biography of his father Austin 19th-20th cent (ULL MS 810/VIII)

National Library of Ireland

  • Richard Brinsley Sheridan, dramatist and politician: letters to Richard Peake 1777-1807
  • Maurice ("Spike") Hennessy, writer and genealogist: papers c1935-90

National Library of Scotland

  • Chapman, literary magazine, Edinburgh (addnl): papers 1985-88 (Acc 11319)
  • George Norman Douglas, author and traveller: corresp and papers by and rel to him 1917-71 (Acc 11365)
  • Gairm, Gaelic magazine, Glasgow, and Gairm Publications (addnl): editorial corresp and papers 1972-96 (Acc 11391)
  • Osborne Henry Mavor, playwright as James Bridie: corresp and papers 1904-88 (Acc 11309-10)
  • Aonghas MacNeacail, author and poet (addnl): corresp and papers c1970-95 (Acc 11334)

National Library of Wales, Department of Manuscripts and Records

  • Robert Jones Derfel (1824-1905), writer and radical: corresp and papers (NLW MSS 23440-62)
  • Glyn Jones (1905-95), poet. short-story writer and novelist (addnl): corresp, literary, family and personal papers (NLW MSS unnumbered)
  • Gwyn Jones (b1907), scholar, novelist and short-story writer (addnl): corresp and literary papers
  • William Ronald Rhys Jones (1915-87), editor and poet as Keidrych Rhys (addnl): corresp, literary and personal papers (NLW MSS 23416-29)
  • Lady Amy Parry-Williams (1910-88): papers incl corresp, travel journals and literary papers of Sir Thomas Herbert Parry-Williams (1887-1975), poet, essayist and scholar

Oxford University, Regent's Park College, Angus Library

  • John Collins of Devizes and Broughton: commonplace book and verses c1750-1800

Reading University Library

  • Dorothy Edwards (1903-34), writer: literary papers and corresp
  • John Courtenay Trewin (1908-90), theatre critic: papers

Royal Commonwealth Society Library

  • Guy Edward Wheeler, writer: papers rel to schooldays in India c1920-30 (MSS 11c99w)

London University, School of Oriental and African Studies Library

  • Bogumil Witalis Andrzejewski (b1922), professor of linguistics: papers mostly rel to Somali and Oromo languages and literature

Society of Antiquaries

  • William Morris, poet, artist and socialist: personal and family corresp and papers c1868-1938 (MS 984)

Swansea University Library Archives, Singleton Park, Swansea SA2 8PP

  • Isobel Westcott, former English lecturer: research notes 1925-76 (1996/23)

Trinity College Dublin

  • Se�n O'Faolain, writer: MSS of his short story Marmalade (MSS 10868/1-3)
  • Barbara Hemphill (d1858), writer: literary MSS (MSS 10869-72)
  • M�irt�n � Cadhain (1905-70), author, professor of Irish: papers (MSS 10878-80)
  • Edith Anna �none Somerville, writer: notebook 1893 (MS 10883)
  • Violet Florence Martin, writer as Martin Ross: misc literary MSS and papers 1907-22 (MSS 10884-86)
  • Graham Greene, novelist: letters to Des Lally 1977-78 (MS 10891)
  • Michael Francis O'Donovan, writer and journalist as Frank O'Connor : The Lost Legion with author's MS additions 1936 (MS 10899)
  • Henry Chichester Hart, botanist, academic, explorer, ornithologist, etymologist and Shakespearean scholar: papers 1876-1908 (MSS 10901-22)
  • Desmond Hawkins (b1908), novelist, critic and broadcaster: letters to him 1938-73 (MS 10926)
  • Vivien Mercier (1919-89), literary historian and diplomat: corresp and papers (MS 10934)
  • Joseph Ronsley, professor of English and author: corresp with Denis Johnston and Cyril Cusack rel to their lectures given at McGill University 1972-84 (MS 10941/1/1-138)
  • Kathleen O'Brien, playwright and author as Kate O'Brien: lecture notes 1973 (MS 10941/3)
  • Edward Millington Stephens, nephew and biographer of John Millington Synge: account of JM Synge's life and work c1939-50 (MS 10873-77)

Victoria & Albert Museum, National Art Library

  • Derek Hudson, writer: corresp and papers rel to his biography of Arthur Rackham c1867-1973 (MSL 1996/4)

Wellcome Institute, Department of Western Manuscripts

  • Arthur Hugh Clough, poet: memorandum of conversations with Florence Nightingale 1859 (MS 7204)

Local Repositories in England

Birmingham City Archives

  • Birmingham Shakespeare Reading Society: letters to William Hillman, secretary c1870-90 (MS 1955)
  • David Hart, poet and arts administrator (addnl): papers c1960-70 (MS 1892 addl)

Buckinghamshire Record Office

  • William Cowper, poet: corresp and papers by and rel to him 1749-1866 (AR 80/96)

Durham Record Office

  • Thornas Sharp, writer: poems and biography of Thornas Wright c1960 (D/X 1 1 32/14)
  • Matthew Richley, poet and naturalist: personal and family papers 1801-1904 (D/X 1131/1-15)
  • Virginia Surtees, author (addnl): personal and family papers 20th cent (D/X 772, 1022)

Hammersmith and Fulham Archives and Local History Centre

  • Papers of trustees and executors of William Morris c1896-1928 (DD/926)

Norfolk Record Office

  • Malcolm Castle, auctioneer and author: papers 1914 (MC 657)

Surrey Record Office

  • The Otherwise Club, Barn Theatre, Shere: plays written by Vernon Gardner, and Vernon Gardener and Neville Masterman nd (5341)

Local Repositories in Scotland

City of Glasgow, Mitchell Library

  • Brian Whittingham, poet: poems (891746)
  • Alison Louise Kennedy, author: working papers for books So I Am Glad and Original Bliss 1995-96 (891747)

Local Repositories in the Isle of Man

Manx National Heritage Library

  • Sir Thomas Hall Caine (1853-1931), author and politician: papers
