Three women linking arms. Cat ref: Coal 80/673/013 Accessions to repositories
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Major Accessions to Repositories 1997 relating to Literature

National, Special and University

Bodleian Library

  • Wystan Hugh Auden (1907-73), poet: notebook (MS Don d 204)
  • Dorothy Leigh Sayers (1893-1957), novelist and translator: letters to Majorie Barber (MS Don c 198)

British Library, Manuscript Collections

  • George Glanville Barker (1913-91), poet and writer: poems and plays (Add MSS 73495-6)
  • George Herbert: Musae Responsoriae c1620 (Add MS 73541)
  • Andrew Marvell (1621-78), poet and satirist: satires and poems (Add MS 73540)
  • John Moyle (1592?-1661) MP: translations into English of Vindiciae contra tyrannos and De iure magistratum (Add MS 73486)

Cambridge University Library

  • Ronald Gorell Barnes, 3rd Baron Gorell (1884-1963), author: corresp with authors and politicians (Add 9439)
  • Sir Rupert Charles Hart-Davis (b1907), author, editor and publisher: papers of and rel to Siegfried Sassoon (Add 9454)
  • Edward King (c1735-1807), writer and antiquary: notebook (Add 9438)
  • Sir Owen Seaman Bt (1861-1936), editor of Punch: letters to EC Bentley (Add 8856/309-316)

Dublin University, Trinity College Library

  • Samuel Beckett (1906-89), author and dramatist: corresp with Barbara Bray, BBC radio producer (TCD MS 10948)
  • Richard Perceval Graves: papers incl those of John TR Graves rel to biography of Robert Ranke Graves, poet (TCD MS 11001)
  • Robert Ranke Graves (1895-1985), poet: letters to John TR Graves, brother (11000)
  • Stephen MacKenna (1872-1934), Greek scholar and journalist: corresp and papers (TCD MS 10947)

Durham University Library, Archives and Special Collections

  • William Charles Franklyn Plomer (1903-73), writer: corresp with Anthony Homersham (Plomer Papers 695/1-73)

Edinburgh University Library, Special Collections Department

  • William Ross Hardie (1861-1916), classical scholar: papers (MS 3138-42)
  • Norman Alexander MacCaig (1910-96), poet: papers (E97.51)
  • John Barrington Wain (1924-94), novelist, poet and critic: papers (MSS 3124-37)

Fawcett Library

  • Fiona Billington-Greig (d1996), writer: family corresp and papers (7/FBG)
  • Doris Nield Chew, childrens writer: personal, working and literary corresp and papers (7/DNC)
  • Phyllis Deakin (d1997), journalist: diaries, corresp and papers (7/PAD)

House of Lords Record Office

  • Meredith White Townsend (1831-1911), editor of the Spectator: corresp and papers (Hist. Coll. 423)

The University of Hull, Brynmor Jones Library

  • Sir William Empson (1906-84), professor of English literature, and Lady Empson: corresp
  • Philip Larkin (1922-85), poet (addnl): manuscripts

University of London Library

  • Hilda Hulme (1914-83), reader in English, University College, London: papers rel to dialect and Shakespeare (ULL MS 977)

National Library of Scotland, Department of Manuscripts

  • Robert Pearse Gillies, man of letters: corresp 1811-27 (Acc 11453)
  • Ian MacBeth Robertson, civil servant: diaries, poems, military and literary papers 1936-1960 (Acc 11440/some restricted)

National Library of Wales, Department of Manuscripts and Records

  • Philip Henry Burton (1904-95), theatre director, adoptive father of Richard Burton: literary manuscripts (NLW MSS 23542-5D)
  • Tony Curtis, poet: literary papers and corresp
  • George Ewart Evans (1909-88), author: manuscripts and papers
  • David Jones (1895-1974), artist and writer (addnl): corresp (NLW MSS 23537E, 23541E, 23559E)
  • Glyn Jones (1905-95), poet and writer (addnl): literary manuscripts and corresp
  • O Llew Owain (1878-1956), author and journalist (addnl): manuscripts and papers (NLW MSS 23612-56)
  • Dylan Thomas (1914-53), poet: letters to Desmond Hawkins, novelist, critic and broadcaster (NLW MSS 23529C)

University of Newcastle, The Robinson Library

  • Sid Chaplin (1916-86), writer: diaries, corresp and papers

Nottingham University Library, Department of Manuscripts and Special Collections

  • David Herbert Lawrence (1885-1930), author (addnl): papers (ACC 1468)

University of Reading Library

  • Gerda Charles (1916-96), author: corresp and papers
  • Gwendolene Courtney, writer: literary papers 1940-69
  • John Guest (1911-97), literary adviser to Longman and Penguin, publishers: corresp

University of Reading, Rural History Centre

  • Harold John Massingham (1888-1952), author and journalist: corresp (D MASM)

St Andrews University Library

  • Margaret Gatty (1807-73), writer and naturalist: corresp (ms38359)
  • St Andrews Poetry Festival: records 1987-92 (ms38361)

Theatre Museum

  • Reginald Arkell, author and dramatist (d1959): papers rel to plays and song writing

Local Repositories in England

Birmingham City Archives

  • David Hart, poet and arts administrator (addnl): notebooks, diaries, poems and papers 1960-80 (MS 1892)
  • George Bernard Shaw (1856-1950), playwright: corresp with Sir Barry Jackson, theatre director (MS 2129)

Bolton Archive and Local Studies

  • Bolton Whitman Fellowship: records incl corresp with Walt Whitman, poet, c1885-1995 (ZWN/closed)

Bury Archive Service

  • Bury Circulating Library: committee minutes and accounts 1810-55 (RCL)

Cheshire Record Office

  • Frances E Crompton, writer: diaries, papers and sketchbooks (D5453)

Cumbria Record Office, Carlisle

  • Roddy Webb, Cumbrian poet: papers 1920-52 (DX 1543)

Manchester Local Studies Unit: Archives

  • Louis Golding (1895-1958), author, essayist and traveller: corresp with David Austin (Misc/1039)

Oxfordshire Archives

  • Sir John Arthur Ransome Marriot (1859-1945) MP and author: papers (4305)

Sandwell Community History and Archives Service

  • George Wilson Slaney (pseudonym: George Woden) (1884-1978), novelist: manuscript of Ruffy & Sons (9713)

Shakespeare Birthplace Trust Records Office

  • Mary Mackay (Marie Corelli) (1855-1924), novelist (addnl): corresp (DR 936, 949, 952)

Somerset Archive and Record Service

  • Edwin Atherstone (1788-1872), author and poet: corresp and papers (DD/SAS)

West Sussex Record Office

  • Sheila Kaye-Smith (1887-1956), Sussex novelist: papers (Acc 10,850)

City of Westminster Archives Centre

  • Kerrison Preston (1884-1974), writer: corresp rel to William Blake, poet, painter and engraver (Acc2014)

Wolverhampton Archives and Local Studies

  • Winifred Langford Mantle, author: papers (DX/464)

Local Repositories in Scotland

Glasgow City, The Mitchell Library

  • Moira Burgess: essay rel to 20th cent Glasgow literature 1997 (898032)
  • Edwin George Morgan (b1920), writer and professor of English: literary papers (MS.220/44)

Highland Council Archive

  • Sir Alexander Malcolm MacEwen (1875-1941), Provost of Inverness and writer: family corresp, literary and political papers (HCA/D453)

North Lanarkshire Archives

  • Airdrie Rob Roy Club: records 1866-75 (U62)
  • Clarkston and District Literary Association: records 1895-99 (U80)

Orkney Archives

  • Joseph Storer Clouston (1870-1944), author and antiquary (addnl): papers incl corresp and notebooks (D23)
