Major accessions to repositories in 2001 relating to Literary HistoryLocal
- Bill Naughton (1910-92), author and playwright (addnl): corresp and other records 1950-90 (ZNA)
- Joan Foster of Little Abington (d1999): MS verse c1940-90 (R101/110)
- Marjorie Blount, writer and broadcaster: literary and historical papers c1940-78 (D2631)
- Monica Peveril Turnbull, poet and author: corresp and literary papers, incl letters rel to the posthumous publication of her work c1886-1924 (D1453)
- Green Hill Presbyterian Church Literary Society, Derby: minutes 1879-90 (D4930)
- Lois Deacon (c1899-1985), novelist: literary papers incl notebooks, diaries, corresp and manuscripts (6035)
- Anthony Dymoke Powell (1905-2000), novelist: corresp and papers rel to Wells Dymoke families (5 WD)
- Crumpsall Literary Society: minutes 1898-1930 (M669/)
- Henry Arthur Broome, author: literary MSS early 20th cent, incl 'Sententiae Bucolica' (a description of the River Wensum) c1915 (MC 2142)
- Cecil Edric Mornington Roberts (1892-1976), author and journalist (addnl): papers (Acc 6057)
- Nottingham Shakespeare Society (addnl): records 1904-88 (Acc 5993)
- Lady Florence Caroline Dixie, poet, war correspondent and explorer: corresp 1890-1905 (DE6082)
- Leicester Literary and Philosophical Society (addnl): Council minutes (DE5945)
- Dylan Thomas, poet and prose writer: ms of radio broadcast 'The Outing'
- Phyllis Bentley of Halifax, author: corresp and papers 1948-77 (PB/D)
- Jabberwocky Poetry Group: records 20th cent (Acc. 1471)
- George Eliot, poet: letters to Jane Senior 1867-79 (Add MS 75298)
- Edward James Hughes, poet: letters to Keith Sagar c1970-98 (Dep 10003)
- Siegfried Sassoon (1886-1967) poet and author, and Dulcie Franklin: papers 1917-58 (Add MSS 75285-75294)
- Mairtin O Cadhain (1906-70), Irish writer and linguist: letters to Breandan Breathnach and misc papers rel to his work
- Anthony Cronin (b 1928), biographer, poet and novelist: corresp, literary MSS and papers
- Eilis Ni Dhuibhne (b1954), author: typescript early draft of The Dancers Dancing
- Tom Mac Intyre (b1931), poet and playwright (addnl): papers incl dream notebooks and drafts of published works 1982-2000
- George P Mayhew, Professor of Irish Literature: research notes, corresp and papers rel to his studies on WB Yeats and James Joyce 1960-75
- Thomas Moore (1779-1852), poet: autograph MS of 'A Sicilian Air'
- Sean O'Casey, playwright: corresp, literary MSS and papers
- Elizabeth Corbet Yeats (1868-1940), publisher: corresp with Violet (Letty) Dickinson
- Alexander Ballantyne, printer and publisher and Robert Michael Ballantyne, children's author: corresp and papers 1801-65 (Acc 11961)
- George Blake (1893-1961), novelist: literary and personal corresp and papers, incl diary of a visit to the USA 1930 (Acc 11930)
- Lord James Douglas-Hamilton (b 1942), historian and politician: corresp and research papers 1970-2000 (Acc 12032)
- Ronald Frame, author and playwright: literary papers 1983-2001 (Acc 12045)
- Mollie Hunter, author (addnl): corresp and literary papers 1958-2000 (Acc 11993)
- Sorley Maclean, poet (addnl): notes, corresp and literary papers c1931-90 (Acc 12022)
- Gavin Maxwell, writer and conservationist: letters to RJG Payne 1947-68 (Acc 11998)
- Neil Munro, author and journalist: letters (12) to John Macleay 1896-1908 (Acc 11973)
- William Sharp (1855-1905) author and poet: collection of letters, mostly to John Macleay but incl one to WB Yeats 1896-1903 (Acc 11972)
- Chapman, literary magazine, Edinburgh (addnl): editorial corresp and papers 1989-91 (Acc 11978)
- Scottish National Dictionary Association, Edinburgh (addnl): papers 1989-95 (Acc 11936)
- Rhys Davies (1903-78), writer (addnl): papers (NLW MSS 23847-8)
- Menna Patricia Gallie (1920-90), author: corresp and papers (Menna Gallie Papers (Archif Menywod Cymru))
- Peter Hellings (1921-94), poet: papers (Peter Hellings Papers)
- John Cowper Powys (1872-1963), author: letters to Margaret Moon (NLW MS 23862D)
- John Powell Ward (b 1937), poet and critic: papers rel to his period as editor of Poetry Wales (John Powell Ward (Poetry Wales) Papers)
- William Ford (1771-1832), bookseller and bibliographer: annotated copy of bound volume of Manchester related-publications
- Belfast Junior Clerical Reading Society: minutes1931-57 (MS 658)
- Church Reading Society: minutes and accounts 1890-1934 (MS 654)
- Jeremy Taylor Reading Society, Belfast: minutes 1885-1912 (MS 650)
- David Cairns (1904-92), professor of practical theology, Christ's College, Aberdeen (addnl): poems (1 vol) (MS 3653)
- Margaret Winefride Simpson: MS of 'The Wind's Heart', poems translated from the Gaelic, French, Spanish, Portuguese, Italian and German (MS 3659)
- John Speirs(1907-79), lecturer and author on Scottish and English literature: papers incl corresp from FR Leavis (MS 3655)
- Martin Booth, poet (addnl): literary papers c1990-99 (9 boxes) (MB (addnl))
- Sir Noel Coward, playwright and composer: letters and notes to his godson Christopher Lister and to his parents c1930-59 (1 box) (MS69)
- Patric Thomas Dickinson (b 1914), poet and playwright: letters and cards to Bill Godward and letters to Tina May Walton and to her parents (1 box) (MS68)
- Charles Frederick Gurney Masterman, politician, author and journalist (addnl): corresp and papers c1880-1929 (3 boxes) (CFGM(addnl))
- David Tipton (b 1934), poet and author (addnl): autographed copies of his published works 1993-97 (8 vols) (DT/2/16-23)
- Paul Louis Charles Claudel, diplomat and poet: letters to Audrey Colville, with related poems and other papers, c1917-40 (Add MS 9591)
- Michael de Courcy Fraser Holroyd (b 1935), author: corresp and papers rel to the writer William Gerhardie (1895-1977) (Add MS 9598)
- William Hugh Plommer (1922-1983), classical scholar (addnl): letters to Michael Mennim, with Mennim's working papers rel to Plommer's biography (Add MS 9592)
- Siegfried Loraine Sassoon, poet and author: letters to Haro Hodson 1948-67 (Add MS 9608)
- Denis Goacher, poet (addnl): MS and typescript drafts of poems c1980-99 (Misc. 2000/2001:13)
- William Plomer (1903-73), novelist and poet (addnl): letters (8) to poet James Kirkup 1955-69 (Misc. 2000/2001:18)
- Christopher Murray Grieve (1892-1978), poet as Hugh MacDiarmid: letters and poems (65 items) (E2001.33-34)
- William Price Turner (b 1927), poet: letters (17) to him (E2001.20)
- Daphne Du Maurier (1907-1989), novelist: literary papers (MS 144)
- Ethel Edith Mannin (1900-1984), novelist: literary MSS (MS 140)
- Eric Honeywood Partridge (1894-1979), author, lexicographer and publisher: papers and books rel to his work and publishing (MS 138)
- Glasgow Bibliographical Society (addnl): papers 20th cent (MS Gen)
- Philip Arthur Larkin (1922-85), poet (addnl): papers and manuscripts
- E.M. Hull, author: papers c1860-1959 (7/EMH)
- Elizabeth Cleghorn Gaskell (1810-1865), novelist: letters (4) (Acc 2001/07)
- Leslie Poles Hartley (1895-1972), author (addnl): corresp and papers (Acc 2001/05)
- Sid Chaplin, author: letters to John Bate 1944-86
- Connie Ford, veterinarian, poet and Communist (addnl): corresp and literary papers c1960-79 (ACC 1736)
- David Herbert Lawrence, poet and novelist (addnl): photographs of him and his associates 1895-1930 (ACC 1715)
- Coventry Kersey Dighton Patmore, poet: notebook c1879 (ACC 1711)
- Peter William Redgrove, poet, scientific journalist, writer: notebooks, working papers and corresp 1962-89 (MS 171, 255)
- Arthur Markham Memorial Fund: essays by mineworkers submitted for the Memorial prize 1932-93 (MS 268)
- Jacob Franklin, editor of Voice of Jacob: papers 1840-86 (MS 305)
- John Banville (b 1945), novelist, dramatist and journalist (addnl): papers (TCD MS 11146)
- George Mann MacBeth (1932-92), poet and editor: drafts of his play The Nazi (TCD MS 11140)
- Sir John Pentland Mahaffy (1839-1919), ancient historian and provost of Trinity College Dublin: autobiographical MS (TCD MS 11137)
- Geoffrey Taylor, formerly Phibbs (1900-56), poet: corresp with publishers (TCD MS 11129)
- Margot Strickland, author: papers rel to various works c1970-2000 (DM 1896)
- John Addington Symonds (1840-93), poet, historian and translator: literary manuscripts (DM 1893)
- Ronald Stuart Thomas (1913-2000), poet: papers (Acc A-2001-6, Acc A-2001-11)