How to look for records of... Births, marriages and deaths at sea or abroad

How can I view the records covered in this guide?

How many are online?

  • Some

This is a short guide to finding records of births, marriages and deaths of British citizens at sea (on British registered ships) or in other countries. Your first port of call should be the General Register Office who, from the mid-19th century onwards, officially maintained the records.

See also our guide to finding records of births, marriages and deaths in the armed forces.

What do I need to know before I start?

The records referred to in this guide are not the local registration of births, marriages or deaths that may have been required in foreign countries but the records of those events made with the British representatives in those countries. These were then sent to Britain so that they could be recorded at the General Register Office. Most of the records referred to in this guide should also appear among overseas registrations held at the General Register Office and you should search their indexes first (see online records below). Records may also be found in foreign countries recorded under their own registration systems.

Details of births, marriages and deaths of Scottish people in other countries are held in the National Records of Scotland.

Birth, marriage and death registers of former British colonies were usually retained by the colony. We do, however, hold a few of these registers (see the Appendix of this guide).

No British registered ship has ever been approved for marriages, although from 1854 any which took place had to be reported in the ship’s log. Any marriage which took place on board a British vessel was not legally valid. There was no obligation to keep records of births, marriages or deaths at sea before the General Register Office was established in 1837.

Online records

General Register Office indexes of births, marriages and deaths at sea and abroad, 1761–2005

Search the indexes of overseas registrations and armed forces birth, marriage and death records registered with the General Register Office at Findmypast (charges apply).

  • Armed forces records begin in 1761 and include records from military units posted overseas.
  • Civil records begin in 1837, when civil registration was established.

The indexes do not cover all overseas births, marriages and deaths – some records are lost, others never make it to the General Register Office for other reasons. For any index entry located you can order a certificate (charges apply) from the General Register Office itself.

From 1849 British consuls were required to report any marriages of British citizens that they were aware of. Marriages were registered in the country where they took place before notification was sent to the General Register Office, so local records of marriages may also exist in some countries.

Search the records of

Records are drawn from dozens of different National Archives record series (including Royal navy, merchant navy, Colonial and Foreign Office records) as well as from the General Register Office. For some years, however, there are no records at all.

Registers of births, marriages and deaths at sea (Merchant Navy only) from the Registrar General of Shipping and Seamen, 1854-1891

Search for images of registers of births, marriages and deaths at sea, 1854-1891 on British registered ships (BT 158, BT 159 and BT 160) among the non-parochial records on The Genealogist (charges apply).

From 1854 records of births, marriages and deaths at sea had, first, to be recorded in ships’ logs. When the ships next docked at a British port the information from the logs was then recorded by the Registrar General of Shipping and Seamen (RGSS). Copies of the RGSS registers were periodically sent to the General Register Office.

Marriages on British registered ships were not legally valid and only a relatively small number of records for marriages at sea exist.

Foreign registers and returns, 1627-1960

Search and download foreign birth, marriage and death registers (RG 32–RG 36) from The Genealogist (charges apply). The same registers are available on Ancestry (charges apply) where you can also browse the records by The National Archives series and piece number.

UK Merchant Seaman Deaths, 1939-1953

Search and download Registry General of Shipping and Seamen CR 288 forms recording deaths of merchant seamen from Ancestry (charges apply). These consist of records of around 50,000 merchant seamen who lost their lives during and just after the Second World War. The original records are at the National Maritime Museum.

Records available only at The National Archives in Kew

To access these records you will either need to visit us to see the documents for free at our building in Kew or, where you can identify a specific document reference, order a copy (charges apply) to be sent to you.

Foreign Office and Colonial Office registers of births, baptisms, marriages and deaths of British subjects, c.1820-c.1950

Use the table in the Appendix of this guide to locate, by country, the references for registers of births, baptisms, marriages and deaths of British subjects in other countries, as well as some registers from a few ex-colonies.

We hold very few registers for ex-colonies as most were retained by the former colony.

Records of inquiries into deaths at sea, 1939-1946 and 1964

Search for reports and other papers of inquiries into deaths at sea (BT 341), which include passengers of all nationalities on merchant ships, by browsing through BT 341 which is arranged in ranges of ships’ names.

Files of inquires from 1939 to 1946 and for 1964 only have been preserved. There is also a single file concerning the death of Robert Maxwell in 1991.

Records in other archives and organisations

British Library birth, marriage and death records for Indian sub-continent

Consult the Asia, Pacific and Africa Collection at the British Library for births or baptisms, marriages, and deaths or burials across the Indian sub-continent, including Burma and Aden.

Bishop of London’s registry records and the International Memoranda

Consult the Bishop of London’s registry records and the International Memoranda at London Archives for baptisms, marriages and burials registered abroad in an Anglican church or British Embassy.

Read the London Archives leaflet on births, marriages and deaths overseas for more information.

See the appendix to this guide for Foreign Office correspondence about marriages in British Embassies.

Other resources

Appendix: Records of overseas births, baptisms, marriages and deaths

The records listed in the table below should in most cases duplicate entries in the General Register Office’s overseas indexes and the GRO indexes should be the first point of call when searching for evidence of an overseas birth, marriage or death. It is also worth consulting The British overseas: A guide to records of their births, baptisms, marriages, deaths and burials available in the United Kingdom (Guildhall Library Publications, 1995) which may have information on other sources, notably Bishop of London’s registers of Anglican churches in European countries.

Some of the records in the following table are Foreign Office embassy and consular registers. The information from them was, in theory, sent back to the General Register Office annually, so the same registrations should be traceable at the General Register Office itself. Registers held among Foreign Office records are not available as online records. Click on the references below to see the catalogue description for the file or files. When you have established a reference for a register from a specific year and place you can see the register itself only by visiting The National Archives or requesting a copy.

The series FO 83 contains files on a variety of matters including consular correspondence regarding marriages in foreign countries. Where specific references are given in the table below, the reference relates to correspondence forwarding details of marriages in embassies to be registered in the Bishop of London’s registry. Both partners and the date of the marriage are named in the correspondence. The same information should also appear in the Bishop of London’s registers at the Guildhall Library/ The London Archives and may also appear in Foreign Office registers and the GRO overseas index.

Registers listed below as among records of the General Register Office (those with a reference beginning RG) are available as online records (see above) and can be searched and downloaded from The Genealogist (charges apply). The same registers are available on Ancestry (charges apply).


Country or region Type of registers Reference
African Protectorates


Births 1911-1946; marriages 1912-1935; deaths 1911-1946 RG 36
Algeria Deaths 1840-1958
Luanda Births 1865-1906; marriages 1871-1928; deaths 1859-1906 FO 375/1-4
Buenos Aires Marriages 1826-1900 FO 446/3-6, 28-30
Ascension Island Baptisms/births from 1858-1861 and onwards RG 32
Deaths 1858-1920 RG 35
Austria Deaths c.1831-1920 RG 35/20-44
Vienna Marriages 1846-1890 FO 83/1140

FO 83/1146

FO 83/1147

Vienna Marriages 1883-1891 FO 120/697
Vienna Baptisms 1867-1886 and onwards RG 32
Belgium Deaths 1831-1871 RG 35/1-3
(including Belgian Congo) Deaths 1871-1920 RG 35/20-44
Military deaths in hospital, etc. , 1914-1920

(In alphabetical order, but not indexed in RG 43. There are no

certificates for surnames beginning with C, F, P, Q or X.)

RG 35/45-69
Antwerp Baptisms and burials 1817-1852; marriages 1820-1849 RG 33/1-2
Antwerp Baptisms and burials 1831-1836, 1841-1842; marriages 1832-1838, 1841-1842 RG 33/155
Antwerp Baptisms 1840 and onwards RG 32
Antwerp Marriages and deaths: correspondence 1927-1951 FO 744
Brussels Marriages 1816-1890 RG 33/3-8
Brussels Marriages 1846-1890 FO 83/1137

FO 83/1138

Ghent Marriages 1849-1850 RG 33/9
Bermuda Naval dockyard baptisms, marriages and burials 1826-1946 ADM 6/434, 436, 439
Bahia Marriages 1816-1820 RG 33/155
Maranhão Marriages 1844 RG 33/155
Parà Births and deaths 1840-1841 RG 33/155
Rio de Janeiro Marriages 1809-1818 RG 33/155
Rio de Janeiro Births 1850-1859 FO 743/11
Rio de Janeiro Baptisms 1850 and onwards RG 32
Rio de Janeiro Marriages c.1850 and onwards RG 34
Rio de Janeiro Burials 1850 and onwards RG 35/20-44
Rio de Janeiro Marriages 1870-1890 FO 83/1147
São Paulo Births 1932; marriages 1933 FO 863/1-2
Brunei Births 1932-1950 RG 36
Plovdiv Births 1880-1922; deaths 1884-1900 FO 868/1-2
Rustchuk Births 1867-1908; deaths 1867-1903 FO 888/1-2
Sofia Births 1934-1940 FO 864/1
Varna Births 1856-1939; deaths 1851-1929 FO 884/1-5
Rangoon Marriages 1929-1942 RG 33/10
China Births, marriages and deaths 1869-1876 FO 681/1
Amoy Births 1850-1950; marriages 1850-1949; deaths 1850-1948

(see also China FO 681/1)

FO 663/85-95
Canton Births 1864-1865, 1944-1950; marriages 1865, 1943-1949; deaths, 1865, 1944-1950

(see also China FO 681/1)

for a list of British subjects in Canton, 1844-1951, see FO 694

FO 681/2-9
Changsha Births 1905-1941; marriages 1906-1936; deaths 1906-1933 FO 681/10-12
Chefoo Births 1861-1943; marriages 1872-1940; deaths 1861-1942 FO 681/13-22
Chengtu Births 1902-1915; marriages 1904-1924; deaths 1904-1926 FO 664/3-5
Chinanfu (Tsinan) Births and marriages 1906-1935; deaths 1906-1931, 1937 FO 681/23-27
Chinkiang Births 1865-1866, 1899-1926; marriages 1865-1866, 1896-1959;

deaths 1865-1866, 1889-1927

(see also China FO 681/1)

FO 387/4-5, 7-11
Chungking Births 1888-1951; marriages 1891-1949; deaths 1891-1950 FO 681/28-34
Darien Births and marriages 1907-1940; deaths 1910-1940 FO 681/35-88
Foochow Births 1858-1866,1905-1944; marriages 1909-1942;

deaths 1858-1866, 1921-1945

(see also China FO 681/1)

FO 665/3-8
Formosa (Taiwan) Births, marriages and deaths 1866 FO 681/57
Formosa (Taiwan) Deaths 1873-1901

(see also China FO 681/1)

FO 721/1
Hankow Births 1863-1951; marriages 1869-1949; deaths 1861-1950

(see also China FO 681/1)

FO 666/2-22
Ichang Births 1879-1938; marriages 1881-1937; deaths 1880-1941 (damaged by fire) FO 667/2-6
Kuikiang Births 1866-1929; marriages 1872-1928; deaths 1863-1929 FO 681/39-45
Kunming Births 1949-1951; deaths 1950 FO 668/2-3
Kwelin Births 1942-1944; deaths 1943 FO 681/46-47
Mukden Births and deaths 1949 (date of registration); marriages 1947-1948 FO 681/48-49, 79-80
Nanking Births 1930-1948; marriages 1929-1949; deaths 1930-1947 FO 681/50-53
Newchang Births, marriages and deaths between 1869 and 1876 FO 681/1
Ningpo Births 1858; marriages and deaths 1856-1858

(see also China FO 681/1)

FO 670/2-4
Peking Births 1911-1914; deaths 1911-1913 (date of registration)

(see also China FO 681/1)

FO 564/13-14
Peking (Beijing) Marriages 1870-1890 FO 83/1147
Shanghai Births 1856-1864; marriages 1851; deaths 1851-1864 FO 672/1-3
Shanghai Marriages 1852-1951 RG 33/12-20
Shanghai, Union Church Marriages 1869-1951

(see also China FO 681/1)

RG 33/21-32
Shantung Province Marriages 1912-1914 RG 33/33
Swatow Births 1864-1865, 1947-1949 (date of registration); marriages 1865;

deaths 1864-1865

(see also China FO 681/1)

FO 681/54-56
Taku Births 1862-1875; deaths 1871-1875 FO 673/9-10
Tengyueh Births 1904-1941; marriages 1913-1941; deaths 1906-1941 FO 681/60-62
Tientsin Births 1864-1951; marriages 1862-1952; deaths 1863-1952

(see also China FO 681/1)

FO 674/297-327
Tsingtao Births 1911-1950; marriages 1923-1949; deaths 1921-1951 FO 675/7-10
Wei-hai-wei Births 1899-1929; marriages 1905-1940; deaths 1899-1929, 1938-1941 FO 681/63-71
Wei-hai-wei Births, marriages, deaths 1899-1930 RG 33/34
Wei-hai-wei Births, marriages, deaths 1899-1930 RG 36
Wei-hai-wei Index to births, marriages and deaths 1899-1930 RG 43/19
Whampoa Births and deaths 1865

(see also China FO 681/1)

FO 681/72-73
Yunanfu Births 1903-1948; marriages 1904-1949; deaths 1903-1950 FO 681/74-78
Colombia Marriages 1824-1827 RG 33/155
Bogota Marriages 1846-1890 FO 83/1137

FO 83/1138

Cartagena Births 1853-1924; deaths 1858-1927 FO 736/2-3

(For Danish Colonies

see West Indies)

Deaths 1842-1872 RG 35/4-7
Copenhagen Marriages 1846-1890 FO 83/1139

FO 83/1141

Copenhagen Marriage affidavits 1853-1870 FO 211/236
Copenhagen Marriages 1853-1874 RG 33/35
Copenhagen Baptisms 1866-1870; marriages and burials 1869-1870 and onwards RG 32
Guayaquil Births, marriages and deaths 1879-1896 FO 521/2
Estonia see Russia
Falkland Islands Births and baptisms 1853-1951 RG 32
Marriages 1854-1951 RG 34
Burials 1854-1951 RG 35/20-44
Helsinki Births 1914-1924 FO 753/19
Helsinki Deaths 1924 FO 768/5
Kristinestad Deaths 1928 FO 756/1
Raahe (Brahestad) Deaths 1930 FO 755/1
Tampere Births 1906-1923; deaths 1909-1934 FO 769/1-2
Turku (Abo) Births 1928; deaths 1929 FO 754/1-2
Vyborg Births 1924-1931; deaths 1929-1937 FO 751/1-3
France Deaths 1831-1871 RG 35/8-13
Deaths 1871-1920 RG 35/20-44
Military deaths in hospital, etc. , 1914-1920

(In alphabetical order, but not indexed in RG 43. There are no

certificates for surnames beginning with C, F, P, Q or X.)

RG 35/45-69
Boulogne Baptisms and burials 1815-1896; marriages 1829-1895

(index at RG 33/161)

RG 33/37-48
Brest Births 1842 RG 33/155
Calais and St Omer Baptisms 1817-1878; marriages 1818-1872; burials 1819-1878

(index at RG 33/49)

RG 33/50-55
Dieppe Births 1872-1892; deaths 1871-1894 FO 712/1-3
Le Havre Baptisms, marriages and burials 1817-1863 RG 33/56-57
Le Tréport Births 1917-1926; deaths 1899-1929 FO 713/1-2
Nantes Marriages 1851-1867 FO 384/1
Paris Baptisms, marriages and burials 1784-1789, 1801-1809,

1815-1869; marriages 1869-1890

RG 33/58-77
Paris Deaths 1846-1852 RG 35/11
Paris Marriages 1852-1890 FO 83/1142

FO 83/1143

FO 83/1144

FO 83/1145

Paris Marriages 1935-1937 FO 630/1
Rouen Baptisms 1843-1844 RG 33/78
French colonies










Deaths 1836-1871 RG 35/14-16
Germany Deaths c.1831-1920 RG 35/20-44
Aachen Deaths 1925 FO 604/7
Bavaria Baptisms, marriages and death 1860-1861 FO 151/3
Bavaria Marriages 1860-1861 FO 149/99
Bavaria Marriages 1884-1897 (see also RG 32) FO 601/2-6
Berlin Marriages 1846-1890 FO 83/1136

FO 83/1138

Berlin Births 1944-1954; deaths 1944-1945 FO 601/2-6
Bremen Births 1872-1914; marriages 1893-1933 FO 585/1-5
Bremerhaven Births 1872-1893 FO 585/1
Bremerhaven Marriages 1903-1914 FO 586/1
Cologne Births and marriages 1850-1866; deaths 1850-1866 and 1879-1881 FO 155/5-11, 17
Cologne Births 1880; marriages 1920-1934 FO 604/8-10
Darmstadt Births 1869-1898; deaths 1871-1905 FO 716/1-2
Darmstadt Marriages 1870-1890 FO 83/1141
Dresden Births, baptisms and burials 1817-1836 RG 33/79
Dresden Marriages 1846-1890 FO 83/1138

FO 83/1141

Dresden Births and deaths 1859-1866 RG 33/80
Dresden Births 1901-1907; marriages 1899-1900 FO 292/2, 4-5
Düsseldorf Births 1873-1884; baptisms 1903-1907; marriages 1873-1878, 1893-1898;

deaths 1876-1884

FO 604/1-6, 8
Essen Births 1922-1927 FO 604/11
Frankfurt Marriages 1836-1865 FO 208/90
Frankfurt Marriages 1846-1869 FO 83/1140
Hanover Baptisms, marriages, deaths and burials 1839-1859 RG 33/81
Hanover Marriages 1846-1869 FO 83/1140
Hanover Births 1861-1866 FO 717/1
Karlsruhe Births 1860-1864; deaths 1859-1864 FO 718/1-2
Konigsberg Marriages 1864-1885 FO 509/1
Leipzig Marriages 1850-1865; deaths 1850-1860 FO 299/22
Munich Marriages 1846-1890 FO 83/1140
Saxony Marriages 1850-1865; deaths 1850-1869 FO 218/3


Marriages 1847-1890 FO 83/1146

FO 83/1147

(See also Poland)
Athens Marriages 1846-1890 FO 83/1136

FO 83/1138

Ionian Islands, Zante Baptisms, marriages, deaths and burials 1849-1859.

The registers for 1818-1848 are available on thegenealogist and

RG 33/82
Hawaii Births 1848-1893 FO 331/59
Marriages 1850-1853 RG 33/155
Registers of British subjects 1895-1944 FO 331/60-61
Hong Kong Deaths from enemy action in the Far East 1941-1945, indexed in RG 43/14

(see also Indonesia RG 33/132)

RG 33/11
Budapest Marriages 1872-1899 FO 114/1-5
Indian States
Bikaner, Eastern


Gwalior, Hyderabad,

Jaipur, Madras States,

Mysore, Punjab States,

Travandrum, and other


Births and deaths 1894-1947 (most from 1930s and 1940s) (indexed in RG 43/15) RG 33/90-113
Jammu and Kashmir,

Kolhapur and Deccan

states, Udaipur

Births 1917-1947 (indexed in RG 43/15) RG 33/157-158, 160
Srinagar Deaths 1926-1947 (indexed in RG 43/15) RG 33/159
Indian Sub-continent Deaths c.1831-1920 RG 35/20-44
French India Deaths 1836-1871 RG 35/16
Indonesia (Dutch East


Deaths 1839-1871 RG 35/17
Deaths 1871-1920 RG 35/20-44
Borneo Births 1907; deaths 1897-1907 FO 221/2-3
Borneo and Sarawak Deaths from enemy action 1941-1945 RG 33/132
Java Births 1869-1941; baptisms 1906; deaths 1874-1898 and 1912-1940 FO 803/1-3
Java Deaths 1839-1871 RG 35/20-44
Oleh Leh Births and deaths 1883-1884 FO 220/12
Sumatra Births 1851-1951; marriages 1850-1950; deaths 1882-1931 FO 220/12
Iran (Persia) Births 1903-1950; marriages 1895-1950; deaths 1899-1950 FO 923/1-25
Bushire Births, marriages and deaths 1849-1895 FO 560
Isfahan Births 1829-1950; marriages 1893-1951; deaths 1892-1943 FO 799/34-37
Tabriz Births 1851-1951; marriages 1850-1950; deaths 1882-1931 FO 451/1-9
Iraq (Mesopotamia) Births, marriages and deaths 1915-1931 (with marriage indexes in RG 33/138-139) RG 33/133-137
Births, marriages and deaths 1915-1931 (indexed in RG 43/16) RG 36
Israel see Palestine
Italy Deaths 1871-1920 RG 35/20-44
Agrigento Births 1857-1904; deaths 1857-1885 FO 653/2-4
Catania Births 1878-1939; deaths 1878-1904, 1919-1940 FO 653/5-7
Florence Marriages 1840-1855, 1865-1871 RG 33/114-115
Florence Marriages 1856 FO 352/43
Florence Marriages 1846-1890 FO 83/1139

FO 83/1141

Gela Births 1904-1930 FO 653/8
Licata Births and deaths 1871-1900 FO 720/1
Livorno (Leghorn) Births, baptisms, marriages and burials 1797-1824 RG 33/116-117
Marsala Births, 1847-1922; deaths 1847-1919 FO 653/9-11
Mazzara Births 1810-1911 FO 653/12-13
Messina Births and deaths 1854-1957 FO 653/14-17
Milazzo Deaths 1887-1903 FO 653/18
Naples Baptisms, marriages and burials 1817-1822 RG 33/118
Naples Baptisms, marriages and burials 1835-1836 RG 33/155
Palermo Births 1837-1891, 1932-1940; deaths 1850-1919 FO 653/19-21
Porto Empedocle Births 1906 FO 653/22
Rome and Tuscany Baptisms and marriages 1816-1852 FO 170/6
Rome Marriages 1870-1890 FO 83/1147
Rome Marriages 1872-1889 RG 33/119
Sicily Births 1810-1957; deaths 1847-1957 FO 653/2-38 & FO 720/1
Sicily Baptisms 1838 RG 33/155
Syracuse Births 1909-1918; deaths 1912-1919, 1953-1957 FO 653/23-25
Taormina Deaths 1909-1922 FO 653/26
Trapani Births 1871-1906, 1924-1927 FO 653/27-28
Turin Marriages 1847-1869 FO 83/1146
Turin Marriages 1858-1864 RG 33/120
Venice Marriages 1874-1947 RG 33/121
Japan Marriage declarations and certificates 1870-1887 FO 345
Kobe Baptisms and marriages 1874-1941; burials 1902-1941 RG 33/122-126
Nagasaki Births 1864-1940; marriages 1922-1940; deaths 1859-1944 FO 796/236-238
Osaka Marriages 1892-1904 RG 33/127-130
Shimonoseki Births 1903-1921; marriages 1906-1922; deaths 1903-1921 FO 797/48-50
Tokyo Marriages 1870-1890 FO 83/1147
Tokyo Marriages 1875-1887 FO 345/34
Yokohama Marriages 1870-1874 FO 345/34
Yokohama Marriages 1847-1890 FO 83/1146

FO 83/1147

Amman Births 1946; marriages 1927 RG 36
Kenya (East African


Births 1904-1924

(partly indexed by RG 43/18)

RG 36
Latvia see Russia
Beirut Marriages c.1859-1939 FO 616/5
Tripoli Marriages 1916, 1931-1940; deaths 1938-1939 FO 161/4-7
Lithuania see Russia
Diego Suarez Births 1907-1921 FO 711/1
Tamatave Deaths 1935-1940 FO 714/1
Tananarive (Antananarivo) Births 1865-1868 FO 710/1
Malaysia Births 1917-1949 RG 36
Births 1920-1948; deaths 1941-1945 RG 33/131-132
Borneo Births 1907; deaths 1897-1907 FO 221/2-3
Borneo and Sarawak Deaths from enemy action 1941-1945 RG 33/132
Johore Births 1924-1931 RG 36
Sarawak Births 1910-1948; marriages 1921-1935; deaths 1910-1948 RG 36
Malta Marriages 1904-1936 FO 161/7
Mauritius see Reunion
Mexico Marriages 1850 and onwards RG 34
Deaths c.1850 -1920 RG 35/16, 20-44
Mexico City Burials 1827-1926 FO 207/58
Mexico City Marriages 1846-1869 FO 83/1140
Mexico City Births and deaths 1854-1867 FO 723/1-2
Vera Cruz Births, deaths and burials 1858-1867 RG 33/140

(For Dutch colonies see

Indonesia, Surinam

and West Indies)

Deaths 1839-1871 and 1871-1920 RG 35/17, 20-44
The Hague Baptisms 1627-1821; marriages 1627-1889; births 1837-1839, 1859-1894; deaths 1859-1907

(These also include some church records; for others, see FO 259.)

RG 33/83-88
The Hague Marriages 1846-1890 FO 83/1140

FO 83/1141

Rotterdam Baptisms and marriages 1708-1794 RG 33/89
Norway Deaths 1831-1920 RG 35/20-44
Bodo Births 1888-1890; deaths 1895 FO 724/1-2
Drammen Deaths 1906 FO 532/2
Kragero Deaths 1895 FO 725/1
Lofoten Islands Births 1850-1932 FO 726/1
Oslo (Christiania) Births 1850-1932; marriages 1853-1936; deaths 1850-1930 FO 529/1-14
Porsgrund and Skien Births 1885-1891 FO 531/2
Palestine Births and deaths 1920-1935 (indexed in RG 43/17) RG 33/141
Births 1923-1948; deaths 1941-1945 (partly indexed in RG 43/18) RG 36
Jaffa Births 1900-1914 FO 734/1
Jerusalem Births 1850-1921; deaths 1851-1914 FO 617/3-5
Jerusalem Military baptisms 1939-1947 WO 156/6
Sarafand Military baptisms 1940-1946; banns of marriage 1944-1947 WO 156/7-8
Paraguay Births 1863 and onwards RG 32
Deaths 1831-1920 RG 35/20-44
Peru Births and deaths 1837-1841; marriages 1827 and 1836 RG 33/155
Breslau (Wroclaw) Births 1929-1938; deaths 1932-1938 FO 715/1-2
Danzig (Gdansk) Births 1851-1910; deaths 1850-1914 FO 634/16-18
Lodz Births 1925-1939 FO 869/1
Stettin Births 1864-1939; deaths 1857-1933 FO 719/1-2
Portugal Deaths 1831-1920 RG 35/20-44
Azores Births, baptisms, marriages, deaths and burials 1807-1866 FO 559/1
Azores Baptisms 1850-1857 RG 32
Azores Burials 1850-1857 RG 35/20
Cape Verde Islands Marriages 1894-1922 FO 767/6-7
Lisbon Marriages 1846-1890 FO 83/1140

FO 83/1141

Lisbon Marriages 1859-1876 FO 173/8
Luanda see Angola
Oporto Baptisms, marriages and burials 1814-1874 RG 33/142
Oporto Baptisms, marriages and burials 1837 RG 33/155
Oporto Baptisms, 1835 onwards RG 32
Oporto Marriages 1835 onwards RG 34
Oporto Burials 1835-1844 RG 35/20
Réunion (Mauritius) Deaths 1836-1871 RG 35/16
Marriages 1864-1921 FO 322/1-2
Braila Births 1922-1930; deaths 1921-1929 FO 727/1-2
Bucharest Births 1851-1931; baptisms 1858-1948: deaths 1854-1929 FO 625/2-4, 6
Bucharest Marriages 1870-1890 FO 83/1138
Constanta (Kustendie) Births 1866-1873 FO 887/1
Galatz Marriages 1891-1939 FO 517/1-2
Lower Danube Baptisms 1869-1907 FO 625/5
Lower Danube Marriages 1868-1914 RG 33/143
Lower Danube Burials 1869-1870 FO 786/120
Sulina Births 1861-1932; deaths 1860-1931 FO 728/1-2 & FO 886/1-2
Russia Births, baptisms, and deaths 1835-1870 RG 35/18-19
Births 1849-1909; marriages 1849-1861; deaths 1849-1915 FO 267/44-46
Deaths 1871-1920 RG 35/20-44
Archangel Births 1849-1909; marriages 1849-1861; deaths 1849-1915 FO 267/44-46
Batum Births 1884-1921; marriages 1891-1920; deaths 1884-1920 FO 397/1-6
Berdiansk (Osipenko) Marriages 1901 FO 399/1


Deaths 1918-1919 FO 399/5
Estonia, Pernau Births 1894-1930; deaths 1894-1930 FO 339/11-12
Estonia, Tallin (Reval) Births 1866-1940; marriages 1921-1939; deaths 1875-1940 FO 514/1-9
Konigsberg (Kaliningrad) Births 1869-1933; marriages 1864-1904; deaths 1857-1932 FO 509/1-4
Latvia, Libau Births 1883-1932; deaths 1871-1932 FO 440/10 & FO 661/4-5
Latvia, Riga Births 1850-1910; deaths 1850-1915 FO 377/3-4
Latvia, Riga Births 1921-1940; marriages 1920-1940; deaths 1921-1940 FO 516/1-9
Latvia, Windau Births 1906-1909 FO 399/19
Lithuania, Kovno

and Memel

Births 1924-1940; deaths 1922-1940 FO 722/1-4
Moscow Births 1882-1918; marriages 1894-1924; deaths 1881-1918 FO 518/1-4
Nicolaiyev Births 1872-1917; deaths 1874-1915 FO 399/7-8
Novorossisk Births 1911-1920; deaths 1896-1920 FO 399/9-10
Odessa Births 1852-1919; baptisms 1893; marriages 1851-1916; deaths 1852-1919 FO 359/3-12
Poti Births 1871-1906; deaths 1871-1920 FO 399/13-14
Rostov Births 1891-1914; marriages 1904-1918; deaths 1906-1916 FO 398/1-9
St Petersburg

(Petrograd, Leningrad)

Baptisms 1818-1840; burials 1821-1840. Independent denomination. (Indexed in RG 43) RG 4/4605
St Petersburg

(Petrograd, Leningrad)

Births, baptisms, marriages, deaths and burials 1840-1918

(with an index for 1886-1917 in RG 33/162)

RG 33/144-152
St Petersburg

(Petrograd, Leningrad)

Births 1856-1938; marriages 1892-1917; deaths 1897-1927 FO 378/3-9
St Petersburg

(Petrograd, Leningrad)

Marriages 1870-1890 FO 83/1147
Sebastopol Births 1886-1898; marriages 1910; deaths 1893-1908 FO 393/3, 15-16
Theodosia (Feodosiya) Births 1904-1906; deaths 1907-1918 FO 339/17-18
Vladivostok Births 1911-1927; marriages 1916-1923; deaths 1908-1924 FO 510/1-10
Singapore Births 1922 RG 36
Somaliland (Somalia) Births 1905-1920 (partly indexed by RG 43/18) RG 36
Spain Deaths 1831-1920 RG 35/20-44
Aguilas Births 1875-1911; deaths 1874-1911 FO 920/1-2
Balearic Islands Births, marriages, deaths (1815-1880) FO 214/51-53
Bilbao Deaths 1855-1870 FO 729/1
Cartagena Births 1847-1887; marriages 1858-1904; deaths 1855-1871 FO 920/3-6
Garrucha Births 1876-1890; deaths 1883-1905 FO 920/7-8
Madrid Marriages 1846-1890 FO 83/1140

FO 83/1141

Madrid Registers of British subjects 1835-1895, 1906-1931 FO 445
Pormàn Births 1907; deaths 1911 FO 920/9-10
Seville Births, marriages and deaths 1948 FO 332/14-16
Sudan Births 1916-1950; marriages 1907-1950; deaths 1917-1946 (partly indexed by RG 43/18) RG 36
Surinam (Dutch Guiana)
Paramaribo Births 1897-1966; marriages 1922-1929; deaths 1889-1965 FO 907/1-32
Sweden Deaths 1831-1920 RG 35/20-44
Gothenburg Marriages 1845-1891 RG 33/153
Gothenburg Baptisms 1881-1890 FO 818/15
Hudiksvall Deaths 1884 FO 730/1
Oskarshamn Deaths 1887 FO 731/1
Stockholm Marriages 1847-1890 FO 83/1146

FO 83/1147

Stockholm Births, marriages and deaths 1920-1938 FO 748
Switzerland Marriages 1816-1833 FO 194/1
Bern Marriages 1846-1890 FO 83/1136

FO 83/1138

Deaths 1831-1920 RG 35/20-44
Geneva Births 1850-1934; marriages 1850-1933; deaths 1850-1923 FO 778/13-22
Lausanne Births 1886-1948; marriages 1887-1947; deaths 1887-1948 FO 910/1-20
Montreux Births 1902-1939; marriages 1927-1933; deaths 1903-1941 FO 911/1-3
Aleppo Baptisms and burials 1756-1800 SP 110/70
Damascus Births, marriages and deaths 1932-1938 FO 684/16-17
Papeete Births 1818-1941; marriages 1845-1941; deaths 1845-1936 FO 687/22-23
Raiatea Births, marriages and deaths 1853-1890 FO 687/34, 36-38
Taiwan (Formosa)

see China

Tristan da Cunha Marriages 1871-1951; deaths 1892-1949

(Registers of births and baptisms, 1867-1955, were returned to Tristan da Cunha in 1982)

PRO 30/65
Bizerta Deaths 1898-1931 FO 870/1
Djerba Deaths 1925 FO 871/1
Gabes Deaths 1925 FO 872/1
Goletta Births 1885-1888 FO 878/1-2
Monastir Deaths 1905-1908 FO 873/1
Sfax Deaths 1896-1931 FO 874/1
Susa (Sousse) Deaths 1894-1931 FO 875/1
Turkey Deaths 1831-1920 RG 35/20-44
Adana Marriages 1913, 1942 and 1946 FO 609/1-3
Adrianople (Edirne) Births 1888-1912; marriages 1887-1914 FO 783/3-7
Ankara and Konieh Births 1895-1909 FO 732/1
Constantinople (Istanbul) Marriages 1885-1958 RG 33/154
Constantinople (Istanbul) Marriages 1895-1924 FO 441/1-35
Constantinople (Istanbul) Marriages 1846-1890 FO 83/1139

FO 83/1141

Dardanelles Births 1900-1914 FO 733/1
Smyrna (Izmir) Baptisms, marriages and burials 1833-1849 RG 33/155
Trebizond Registers of British subjects 1836-1913 FO 526
Uganda Marriages 1904-1910 (partly indexed by RG 43/18) RG 36
United States of


Florida, Pensacola Births 1880-1901; deaths 1879-1905 FO 885/1-2
Hawaii see Hawaii
Louisiana, New Orleans Births 1850-1932; marriages 1850-1881; deaths 1850-1932 FO 581/15-19
Massachusetts, Boston Births 1871-1932; deaths 1902-1930 FO 706/1-3
Michigan, Detroit Births 1910-1969; marriages 1936-1937; deaths 1931-1945, 1949-1968 FO 700/44-53
Minnesota, St Paul Births 1943-1966; deaths 1944 FO 700/71-74
Missouri, Kansas City Births 1904-1922, 1944-1966; marriages 1958-1961;

deaths 1920-1926, 1943-1949, 1952-1965

FO 700/54-60
Nebraska, Omaha Births 1906 FO 700/61
Ohio, Cincinnati Births 1929, 1943-1948, 1951-1958; deaths 1947, 1950-1955 FO 700/31-35
Ohio, Cleveland Births 1914-1930, 1944-1969; deaths 1948-1969 FO 700/36-43
Oregon, Portland Births 1880-1926; deaths 1929 FO 707/1-2
Pennsylvania, Pittsburgh Births 1954-1956 FO 700/63
Rhode Island, Providence Births 1902-1930; deaths 1920 (date of registration) FO 700/8-9
Texas, Dallas Births 1951-1954; deaths 1951 FO 700/24-25
Texas, El Paso Births 1916-1930; deaths 1914-1926 FO 700/26-27
Texas, Galveston Births 1838-1918; deaths 1850-1927 FO 701/23-24
Washington, Aberdeen Births 1916; deaths 1914 FO 700/22-23
Washington, Tacoma Births 1896-1921; deaths 1892-1907 FO 700/20-21
Uruguay, Montevideo Marriages 1870-1890 FO 83/1141
Venezuela Marriages 1836-1838 RG 33/155
West Indies
Antigua Baptisms and burials 1733-1734, 1738-1745; marriages 1745 CO 152/21, 25
Barbados Baptisms and burials 1678-1679 CO 1/44
Cuba Baptisms 1847-1848; marriages 1842-1849 RG 33/155
Curaçao Births 1897-1966; marriages 1922-1929; deaths 1889-1965 FO 907/1-32
Danish (US) Virgin Islands
St Croix Deaths 1849-1870 RG 35/ 4
St John Deaths 1849-1872 RG 35/4
St Thomas Deaths 1849-1870 RG 35/4-7
Aux Caves Births 1870-1905 FO 376/1
Aux Caves Deaths 1870-1905 FO 376/2
Dominican Republic Births 1868-1932; marriages 1921-1928: burials 1849-1910; deaths 1874-1889 FO 683/2-6
Guadeloupe Deaths 1836-1871 RG 35/16
Guiana (Dutch) see


Guyana (French) Deaths 1836-1871 RG 35/16
Haiti Births 1833-1850; marriages 1833-1893; deaths 1833-1850 FO 866/14, 21-22
Haiti Births 1870-1907 FO 376/1-2
Haiti Deaths 1836-1871 RG 35/16
Martinique Deaths 1836-1871 RG 35/16
Montserrat Baptisms and burials 1721-1729; marriages 1721-1729 CO 152/18, 25
Nevis Baptisms and burials 1726-1727, 1733-1734, 1740-1745 CO 152/16, 21, 25
St Kitts Baptisms and burials 1721-1730, 1733-1734, 1738-1745; marriages 1733-1734, 1738-1745 CO 152/18, 21, 25
Zanzibar Births 1916-1918; marriages 1917-1919; deaths 1916-1919 RG 36