Who is using Manage Your Collections?

Manage Your Collections (MYC) is available to any archive who would like to widen access to their collections information.

Current users include local authority archives, community archives, university archives, historic houses, specialist repositories, libraries and museums.

Access to Manage Your Collections requires an ARCHON code and a Discovery account. More information can be found on our sign-up page.

How are archives using it?

  • As the only way of getting their collections data online.
  • As a supplementary means of widening access to their collections.
  • To edit and improve catalogue data that already exists on Discovery.
  • To export collections data on Discovery to use within their archive (to fill gaps on their own information for example) or to share more widely with other archival networks.

Archives Hub

The Archives Hub now offers a spreadsheet upload option and its template will work with the MYC metadata mapper. Please see the metadata mapper section on our Help page for more information if you would like to use the Hub template to upload to Discovery.

Case studies

We have produced case studies of different archives who are currently using Manage Your Collections to publish their collections information online. Currently featuring a library, a museum and a community archive, they each describe their approach to cataloguing and why they chose MYC as their method of enabling online access to their rich archive collections.

Morrab Library

The Morrab Library in Cornwall has a network of volunteers who undertake cataloguing of individual archive collections that are uploaded to Discovery via Manage Your Collections.

Clevedon Pier and Heritage Trust

The Clevedon Pier and Heritage Trust Archive was established through grant funding which enabled a two-year project to develop the service.

Sherborne Museum

Sherborne Museum in Dorset has a very small volunteer team who are working to get their archive collections catalogued and published online using Manage Your Collections.

Leonard Cheshire Archive

Leonard Cheshire Archive began using Discovery to host their collection level descriptions after retiring their commercial collection management system (CMS) in 2017.