Challenges and opportunities

Please describe any challenges or opportunities you faced and how you responded to them

The key project challenge was the unknown scope and distribution of the mould outbreak which was why a comprehensive survey was undertaken.

Space limitations in the store and manual handling challenges were met by coordinated partnership working and workflow. Phone torches also helped provide the angled light needed for mould spotting.

Capacity for the project was added by recruiting casual staff as well as giving part-time staff extra hours.

Good communication and record keeping proved key factors in maintaining the flow of tasks needed to prevent a back log of boxes needing cleaning or putting away.

One opportunity provided by the project was to upgrade some packaging, for example by making replacement folders where straw board was harbouring established mould. Pendant seals were also easy to identify for targeted for additional protection. Pre-making padded sleeves was also a periodic home-working activity for project staff when it was not possible to come to site.

Getting to know the collections more comprehensively has been a key benefit, with opportunities to engage the public with interesting items found.

Each container surveyed was already barcoded, which created an opportunity to use the system for record keeping. Data collected included containers checked, when and what was cleaned, and time spent.

Being able to geographically map the containers via the locations module of the WYAS collections database has been invaluable in accurately describing patterns of concentrations of mould. The bar code reference also enabled mould-susceptibility links to be made with former, unstable storage locations.